1 Post – 371 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

TL;DR boycott TJ's

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Have you ever heard of Ranked Choice, or Instant Runoff Voting?

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The beginnings of a list:
"The biggest perpetrators were energy companies like Shell, Exxon Mobil, and Chevron, which were able to enjoy massive profits last year"
If you can find any way to go electric, use petrol less, ride a bike, walk, use a train, avoid a plane, etc, go for it. Prolly the petrol corps won't notice your individual actions, but the carbon you'll keep out of the atmosphere might just help to keep our planet's ecosphere viable.

The Study itself: INFLATION, PROFITS AND MARKET POWER TOWARDS A NEW RESEARCH AND POLICY AGENDA -\_inflation-profits-and-market-power-dec-23.pdf - Jeebus, 32 pages!

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A great opportunity to mention Signal ( - a free, encrypted text, voice, and videochat app, developed by a foundation dedicated to free and encrypted communication. Let's flood xitter posts with FOSS options, for fun and to prevent xitler's profits.

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How are the actions of Sen. Tuberville not treasonous?

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The GOP has been unamerican and antidemocratic for a very long time now. Seditious traitors every one of them.

How corporate social media's biggest user protest, and exodus, rocked reddit, acccording to corporate media - FTFY

And didn't this come from research conducted at a major university, studying what bills are passed/ enacted, and which ones fail? : Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens 18 September 2014 Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy 17 April 2014 : The US is an Oligarchy? The research Explained - : Remember that study saying America is an oligarchy? 3 rebuttals say it's wrong. 9 May 2016
"There's only one problem: Research published since then has raised serious questions about this paper, both its finding and its analysis. This is, of course, how normal science works; some academics put a finding out there, and their peers pick it apart.

But the study has become a frequently invoked piece of evidence in debates about money in politics, and the public and political debate has not kept up with the scholarly one. And the latest scholarly critiques suggest that while the rich certainly have more political influence than the middle class, ordinary Americans still win a substantial share of the time, even when the affluent oppose them."

I'm glad to see some rebuttals, AND our democracy is definitely flawed.

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Since the discussion doesn't seem to include much, if anything from the article above, allow me to quote:

An Ohio Senate committee has given initial approval to a newly unveiled proposal to fundamentally alter the state’s voter-approved marijuana legalization law that’s set to take effect later this week.

The legislation being advanced in the GOP-controlled chamber would eliminate a home grow option for adults, criminalize the use and possession of marijuana obtained outside of a licensed retailer, reduce the possession limit, raise the sales tax on cannabis and steer funding away from social equity programs and toward law enforcement—along with other amendments concerning THC limits, public consumption and changes to hemp-related rules that stakeholders say would “devastate” the market."

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Actual, significant jail time, please. Effing traitors.

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Mr. McConnell's legacy is the exact opposite of "creating something better together." That you cannot acknowledge this shows how little you understand politics in the USA.

No, not for even a nano-second. Been hoping and expecting this to come out.

Best news I've seen all day. Go get 'em Smartmatic!!

Think of all the seditionists who will also be disqualified, once #45 sets the precedent.

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"I will not continue sacrificing my children for this circus", I'm really glad for her remaining children. smh

I don't care where she gets the money, as I'm delighted where the money is going.

FWIW, I wear an N95. It fits well, and I wear it properly. In my office everyone wears a mask. And I make sure they (patients and staff) wear it correctly. Imagine, knowing the way to significantly reduce the chance of getting any respiratory infection, to the point where one might never have that again. Colds, influenza, RSV, Covid, etc could all be so minimal. But then not using that knowledge (masking, hand washing, distancing and isolation if one is sick), and getting sick. And getting other people sick, too.

A lot of misinformation was spread through the course of the pandemic, which had adverse consequences - increased mortality and morbidity.

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"But he still believes he can surprise the critics, and the polls. “I will brave whatever is thrown at me,” he said. “Nothing is handed to you in life.”" I mean, they guy did try to hand him a participation trophy, and DeS wouldn't 'brave' it.

Say, without any perceptible pause whatsoever, "Not nearly as hot as you, that's how I knew it wasn't you."

Mythical creature

Wendigo is a mythological creature or evil spirit originating from Algonquian folklore. The concept of the wendigo has been widely used in literature and other works of art, such as social commentary and horror fiction. The wendigo is often said to be a malevolent spirit, sometimes depicted as a creature with human-like characteristics, which possesses human beings.

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5 Years, if only he had tried an insurrection at the same time, would have been given 4 weeks parole.

And apparently assumed that the constitution should be re-written every 17 years or so. That's the 'constitutional convention' ploy, which I'm not so sure it it's a good idea or not, at this time. smh. we're so fecked. wait, where's I put my optimism... it's around here somewhere.

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"Police said the spoiled doughnuts were "destroyed."" Quote 'destroyed', umm hmm.

" Krispy Kreme reported the incident to the police and reassured customers then that it was "working to replace the 10,000 stolen doughnuts," the BBC reported." Now New South Wales has to consume 2X the donuts just to catch up, cant have corporate taking the loss. Diabetes incoming.

"In September, a very different kind of doughnut truck heist was also caught on camera more than 7,000 miles away: Two bears on an Alaska military base raided a Krispy Kreme doughnut van that was stopped outside a convenience store during its delivery route." Yay Bears!!

I remember when this first was reported, and I wondered what the plan was; I mean what do you do with 10K donuts.

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By my calculations, it IS Thursday!!

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"... President Trump acted at all times in good faith..." - I'm pretty certain that the GOP in general, and #45 in particular never act in good faith.

"In a rare move, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett all sat out deciding whether to hear MacTruong v. Abbott, a case arguing that the Texas Heartbeat Act (THA) is constitutional and that the state law violates federal law. The six justices were named as defendants in the case. They did not give a detailed justification as to why they chose not to weigh in, and are not required to do so."

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@aneurysmposting is leaking.

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So now that he's been expelled, will he be charged for fraud, like many times over?

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WAIT A MINUTE!!! You mean Douglas Adams was actually an LLM?

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Ya know, it's funny, I suspect the wounded vets would love to look at themselves in the mirror and see that they in fact hadn't been wounded. But for them it's just not that easy.

I was curious about a specific term:

"In a pivotal stretch of testimony, David Pecker, the longtime publisher of The National Enquirer, described a 2015 meeting with Mr. Trump and his fixer at the time, Michael D. Cohen, at Mr. Trump’s midtown Manhattan headquarters.

2. A person who uses influence or makes arrangements for another, especially by improper or unlawful means.

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Which is why getting this conviction right is so important.

Star trek comes to life, yet again.

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TY! Also a physician. So tired of this discussion. Everyone is masked in my clinic. Anecdotal, and my partner and I are still covid free, and hope to continue. Masking, distancing, hand washing, and isolation when sick, these simple, time tested, behavioral changes can significantly reduce risk of infection.

Oopsy doodles, I guess you don't get to vote. Oh well, better luck next time. - Making a joke of it, but crap like this should result in jail time for those responsible.

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That's what I don't get. She had to have studied physics, and magnetism. Microbiology, virology, and vaccines would all have been in her curriculum. What happened? The license wasn't suspended because of all that, tho'. It was the doctors unwillingness to cooperate with her state medical board, given they had 350! complaints against her license. As a licensed physician, for reasons related to our oath of practice, and as a small business person, for reasons of not sending the business one has built over years over a cliff, I just cannot comprehend this doctor's actions. smh.

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I've been using DDG, and Ecosia. So I looked to see what was up with DDG. From what I'm reading, I'll keep using DDG.

May 25, 2022 An article in TechRadar, and another on The Register mention an inability to block Microsoft trackers on DDG.\_browser\_microsoft\_privacy/

August 5, 2022 A TEchCRunch article describes DDG's efforts to block advertising requests and other tracking protections

May 12, 2023 Reuters article "No deal between DuckDuckGo and Microsoft to track users online"
"Independent experts say that DuckDuckGo blocks known tracking scripts from loading to prevent vulnerable personal identifiers from being exposed, including Microsoft-owned scripts. A separate partnership with Microsoft for advertising on DuckDuckGo’s search results page is limited to ad placements, not tracking users or building profiles, a DuckDuckGo spokesperson said."

Further, "Users sharing the headline, “Google Lite: DuckDuckGo Signs Secret Deal with Bill Gates to Track Users Online” in April 2023 can be seen (here) and (here).

The headline belonged to a story that first appeared on NewsPunch on May 25, 2022 (here), which now redirects to The People’s Voice (the two are affiliated) (here) (here).

The original article was published before DuckDuckGo eliminated, in August 2022, an exception that did permit some Microsoft-owned tracking scripts on websites to send data to Microsoft."
Links are in the article cited.

Banana? Is that you?

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So basically fraud in service of destroying our only planet on the way to making a gajillion dollars. Fair enough, so we extract enough of that money to reverse the catastrophic harm they have done.