
0 Post – 146 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just an UwU boi living in an OwO world

Especially in a paid service, like why do I pay for these services if you're still going to advertise, track, or datamine? I know the answer is greed, why profit off of one option when you can profit off of all of them, but I, the consumer, am fed up with the customer abuse.

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  • Lemmy
  • My local Lemmy instance
  • Lutris
  • KDE
  • Not sure if you want to count paying for Bitwarden

I pay a small amount monthly to each, I figure instead of paying $5-10 for Netflix or something, I'll give it instead to these fantastic folks. Most of them are going through some major service, whether that's Patreon, Paypal, whatever...I already have a credit card with my spending being tracked, I don't mind if my love for the open source community becomes a documented metric.

I say we celebrate their successes! Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress; the fact that they're trying to do something about sustainability is far more than can be said for most laptop manufacturers, and the more the industry sees them succeed, the more it will follow suite.

Self Hosting. I love optimizing my securing my life while improving my family's privacy. Nextcloud to store and backup media, contacts, and knowledge base. Hosting a free remote VPN on OCI, remote encrypted backups to a fellow enthusiast's server...I love that while my data is local, if my house was to burn down, the years of pictures and precious memories will still be available. I also like being able to use this tech to help people close to me, doing backups for them, sharing ISO's, etc.

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Electric toothbrush, I feel so cleeeeaaaaan!!

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Damn...Vimms Lair was my favorite, friggin Nintendo doing what it does best...

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Jesus, I sympathize, this is awful...i was t-boned by a teen going 85 mph, I wish my attorneys had the same teeth this judge does

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This particular OP tends to be fairly contentious, I'm surprised Beehaw didn't ever take action on his account.

My partner is asexual and hates these scenes.
Being very much not asexual, I too hate these scenes.

Irony being that if they got together, the "child" would sink further towards the discord server. It's about predisposition now, this kid was always doomed to end up in that pit

I like to think we're all here like "hah hah, look it's Margot Robbie" and in a wild turn of events, find out that it actually was all along

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I love this change, actually, I'm not a boring-text purist. Proper categorizing of data allows me to spot things at a glance much easier, and I'm all in favor of anything that can improve efficiency and understanding, especially for new folks, so we can improve product adoption.

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I'm thankful they're finally doing something about vsync, but I'm still going to need the option for preventing app sleep when outside of viewport. It sounds like an odd complaint, but it means not being able to have a game on one virtual desktop and its wiki on the other. It means not being able to let music run while I'm working on another computer. It's running better, and I'm glad to see it starting to play nicer with Nvidia, but not quite ready to make the leap 100%

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I think a lot of younger generation, myself included, prefer casual responses, conflating professionalism with being rude, slimy, or otherwise malintentioned

I also feel like that's to be expected, I bet big companies see graphs just like this too. There was anger and hype for a lot of people to move to a new platform. Many did, but it didn't become the new habit for everyone. That's not a failure of Lemmy. In fact, I'd say this is an impressive metric, especially considering we do not know what defines "active". Is logging in what mark someone as active? Upvoting? Commenting? We should see this graph as a big win, especially during Lemmy's infancy.

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I'm happy about any new features that draw more users to a federated alternative :)

What are some good places to follow on Pixelfed? I haven't had much luck finding accounts that appeal to me. I'd love to replace Instagram, but their algorithm is so damn good, and I'm struggling to find stuff that compares (which I'd expect since it doesn't hold the same "influencer" weight and has a smaller community to begin with)

I wish that was my experience, but Nvidia drivers on KDE Wayland have had a lot of oddities and issues that have caused me to go back to Xorg every time I've tried (12 times and counting). Wayland is a good move in the right direction, and I look forward to it, but it's still being implemented.

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Damn, they moved on quick

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That's a high quality shitpost right there, the shitpost pit hungers for more

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Eternity represent!!!!

While I agree Pixel and GrapheneOS rock, it's a hilarious solution contextually. OP was gifted a phone for Christmas, and your solution is to get rid of the gift, assume they have expendable income, and suggest dropping $700 on a new phone so they can immediately void its warranty.

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I'd be curious what the roadblock is in the dev process here, is it a lack of volunteer devs writing pull requests, or not enough people allowed to review and approve/deny those pull requests

God, City of Heroes is the perfect example of that, seeing private servers pop up...my childhood was back

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This is honestly where I'm standing as well, having gone through dev processes before, it all takes more time than everyone assumes. The issues brought up sound like features that need added, but the good news is this is Open Source, so anyone with the know-how can build it. I'd even argue Rust is an excellent approach for the backend, being very similar to C. So what's missing, the dev able and willing to commit hours to developing that change, a reviewer to handle the pull requests, or has someone developed it and the pull request is being gate kept?
As much as I understand and agree with the issues presented, I think we need to remember that we're moving at the pace of Open Source, not a funded private company.

I know George Takei is on Mastodon, I'd love to see what celebs make it to Lemmy

Very fair point

To be fair to them, I also have a Beehaw account, but saw this post from my Lemmy.ca account, I'm not going through the extra effort to change accounts just to make it known that I'm in the hive. I understand your point, but lets take a breather here pal ❤️

Yup, paid for by donations 😊 server requirements aren't super high since it's primarily functioning as link aggregation and doesn't have to host a lot per server.

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KDE is love, KDE is life

Also a great way to get more performance and increase battery life. On a laptop, most folks would be hard pressed to see the difference between 1080p and a higher resolution.

omg I've been noticed by the Margo Robbie ;)

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  • OS: Manjaro
  • DE: KDE Plasma 5
  • Global: Scratchy
  • Plasma Style, Window Decorations, and Colors are customized and don't remember their sources, sorry
  • Icons: Colorful-Dark-Icons
  • Cursor: Breeze

I know there's a lot of defaults in here, but this has been my daily driver for 6 years now and been loving this setup

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I'm too happy here to go elsewhere 🙃 I love this place

That's my bad, I did a no-no and commented before I'd finished reading the whole article

No one really talks about it and it's in its infancy, but I've really been enjoying Stract.com

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It's amazing how many cool projects they've funded the creation of, but never really advertised, and subsequently killed

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Different meaning for different roles, but in this case, I'm guessing they mean Relational Database Service. What I'm not sure of is the limitation, if it's that it's a relational database or that RDS would indicate that it's hosted on a PaaS (Platform as a Service) and thusly cannot run the script because you dont have OS access. My money's on the latter.