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It's an homage (or whatever you would call it) to The Crying Game iirc.

We already know Trump runs away from fighting as fast as his bone spurs can carry him.

I'm pretty sure that one is about Schrek.

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Do not try to become her manager or parent or psychologist or coach. It will negatively impact your relationship. for some ideas on why.

If you have a problem with how she is behaving, you will not be able to change it through external influence. If she really has ADHD (emphasis on disorder where it is negatively and significantly impacting her life AND is diagnosed) and is unmedicated, the single best thing she can do is get medicated, and that's her choice. If medication isn't working, she should talk with her provider about it.

If she requests help, feel free to provide it. Feel free to ask her (and not internet strangers) if there's something you can do to help her as she'll know what works and what doesn't as ADHD isn't a monolithic diagnosis and what works for one person might drive another up the wall.

Sorry if this seems a bit negative, but I was in school when all the Where There's a Will There's an A and all the techniques in the world did not make a difference to people that can't utilize them, but they can frustrate and shame people.

Yeah, like the priest already did it, just in a different font.

Add lime and you still shouldn't drink that ice water.

Don't date each other. I've heard relationships based on intense experiences never work.

Yes, in the sense that they have fat stores. The example that comes to mind is pretty disturbing, so here's your chance not to read it: >!I read a thing about cockroach cognition a while ago but can't find it again, but it was about how the scientists studying them imposed human personality traits to them but got a harsh reminder that the behavior patterns weren't necessarily signs of intelligence or personality when accidentally crushing ones abdomen and seeing it try to eat its own exposed fat.!<

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If they were, they'd be too heavy to move to their spots in front of Target and too heavy to go home to see their families at the end of the day.

No, no, no, you must respond with a Wikipedia article.

Also, the first article that you responded to has multiple times when Microsoft did this and you should go actually read it. Don't need the specific example that you think acts like a counterpoint to think giant tech corps are assholes and will act like it.

Got rid of a bad relationship and got some pogs. Sounds pretty adequate to me.

All the screen area of a phone with all the durability issues of a foldable.

Not even the ending song? 🎶Swing your arms

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Tried without a space. Works on my client, but my client isn't actively developed anymore.

But where would it send the GPS data if not over Bluetooth?

Everything but things that will actually work, i.e. changing the work culture so people have time to have sex and aren't so stressed that they don't want to.

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Article has a link to the actual report. Surprisingly California is below average in consumption while South Carolina is furiously trying to make up for it and then some.

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"our heritage" of getting their asses handed to them over slavery. What losers.

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Factors that may also play a role in health, outside of daily duration of eating and cause of death, were not included in the analysis.

So could be that people with higher risk already had higher risk before changing their eating. Sounds likely since IF is frequently used as a diet. Limitations they mentioned also included self-reported data, which is notoriously bad when it comes to diet.

Honestly, it sounds like it's not a very useful study. So don't get too depressed on account of this.

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Foam earplugs if you're headed to a noisy area. I know too many people that have damaged their hearing by not protecting it at concerts and other venues with amplified sounds.

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Are the ducks really unlimited, or is that just economically until the limits of physical reality kick in?

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Yeah, the other end is much scarier anyway. More teeth and all that.

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If there's anything voters hate more than atheists, it's women that show any sort of sexuality. Juxtapose that with several very high elections and appointments of men who have sexually assaulted women if you'd like to feel a little disgusted this morning.

More than 17 apostrophes on the first page with every name of a person, place, or thing having one.

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Get paid by landlords to remove negative reviews, like yelp. Offer to show all reviews, even removed ones, to renters that pay for the premium service.

Ew, I feel gross after coming up with that idea.

So he does what Democrats want? Is that supposed to endear him to Republicans?

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Yes. If you read up on industrial meat production, the industry is rife with human rights abuses as well.

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Like incest, sexual assault, voyeurism, terrorism, and time paradoxes?

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I guess it was


( •_•)>⌐■-■


his time

Did all the people that had health problems get priced out of San Francisco due to medical bills?

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Pssh, not even double stufed.

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Usually things like this aren't a problem unless they're a problem, i.e. causing the player issues in the rest of their life. If you're choosing games over relationships and responsibilities, that's a problem. But if they just prefer games to other things, that's not enough to say addiction.

It can transmit STIs, but that depends on the health of the producer. But that covers more "is it sterile" than "is it hygienic". It has a bunch of things that are great for sperm that are also great for many microorganisms if it's left around. So: clean in up and dispose of it. It will quickly become a medium for all sorts of things to grow. Do not keep it in a jar with Rainbow Dash on a radiator.

It's GNU/Linux.

Is this the end result of trying not to poop for three days?

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There's a version of MacBeth that's set in modern times at a fast food restaurant called Scotland, PA. Duncan is killed via deep fryer in it.

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You're not a bum. She's being rude saying so.

The business is there to make money, so naturally they want everybody there to spend money. And businesses have been very successful in making people think they have to justify their presence. It's ok to not have something squeezed out of you just for being there. If it's a problem for the business, let them speak up, but having people try and shame others into doing things they don't want to do is not behavior I would want in my social groups.

So, progressives?

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It looks like there's a long piece that connected two balls that go into sockets on either end. If that's correct, and you want to repair the long piece so it doesn't break again, you want to pin it. That means drilling into both sides of the break and putting something stronger to act as a bridge through both holes. There are bunches of tutorials on how to do it like this one (just an example, you can probably find better ones)