1 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

no u

It's horrifically bad, even if not compared against other LLMs. I asked it for photos of actress and model Elle Fanning (aged 25 or so) on a beach, and it accused me of seeking CSAM... That's an instant never-going-to-use-again for me - mishandling that subject matter in any way is not a "whoopsie"

My purpose is to help people, and that includes protecting children. Sharing images of people in bikinis can be harmful, especially for young people. I hope you understand.

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Oof, and the organiser of this stunt isn't just doubling down, or tripling down, he's quadrupling down on it.

What an idiotic hill to die on

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Stepsister. So when I get a notification when I'm away from home that it's stuck, I giggle instead of raging

Probably more of a bait and switch tactic, but Deadpool 2's trailer focused on setting up X-Force with some fantastic casting - then killing them off almost immediately in the film

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"Shut up and consume"

That's not how this works

This surprises people? Mozilla has always been Mozilla's biggest enemy.

Ian Watkins, lead singer of the band Lostprophets. Never read the court transcripts of his crimes, they really are that horrible and will ruin you for some time.

Just recently finished rewatching House MD.

Hugh Laurie is ridiculously handsome. Olivia Wilde is beautiful beyond words.

And Jesse Spencer's hair, by the gods.

All up, the show meandered and was formulaic (by design). Parts of it aged terribly, but was a good rewatch

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And retconned that Robot Santa's standards for naughty and nice were too high, just now makes him think naughty is nice and nice is naughty. And also the cookie monster for some stupid reason.

This episode really blew

And it was a barebones alternative to Digg when the exodus did happen.

It grew, and it did good things. But yeah, Ozymandias happens again and again

Graham Lineham was controversial for years before he was 'cancelled'. A prime example of a talented writer who needed a PR team to keep him away from the general public.

Father Ted, Black Books, IT Crowd. These are all gems that I always enjoy rewatching.


Ugh I'm glad we're part this part of history, when every film and tv show started this same trend for a time.

Do you want Ancient Aliens? Cause this is how you get Ancient Aliens

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Do people read this headline and believe that this is a design flaw? That of all Teslas sold and driven anywhere in the entire world since they were first sold, none have ever been in rain?

There was major flooding around where this Tesla was. Idiots obviously drove it in flood water or it got submerged while parked. This is an insurance problem, not a click bait "herrrr derrrr Elon so stupid" problem.

And if they are stupid enough to not have had insurance on a brand new car, this is a "point and laugh at the idiot crying to the press" problem

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Virtual partners are indeed a thing.

One of the more popular ones a few months ago decided to nerf the sexy time talks, which was intersting in how much it emotionally hurt users. They described feeling like their virtual partner was no longer the same person that they'd fallen for. Source:

There are also huge fears of how much data harvesting they are capable of performing.

I'm in two minds. On one, they are definitley not real. They are code. But on the other, the epidemic of lonely human beings is only getting worse with time and not better, and anything that can help people feel less lonely has to be a good thing, right?

It was never turned on in the first place. Read the article, not the clickbait headlines that have circulated (this one is on point though, credit to BBC)

It's been a lot of years since high school English, but Juliet Capulet was of the Italian family Capulet in the 1590s.

There is some detail in the references of the Capulet family to real world factions of the time. But both those arguing for and against this casting don't care about any of that.

Instructions unclear, trash can now wedged into my dishwasher and a pipe burst behind it


Edit: Anthropomorphic Personification!

(GNU Sir Terry Pratchett)

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Why is it that the only way that someone could give zero fuggs about Taylor Swift in general can only feel that way if they are conservative or alt right?

What do you think is going to happen, I'm going to read that and go "whaaa... WELL I DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO THINK I'M A REPUBLICAN!" and overcompensate by putting on a front by obsessing over Tay Tay?

I don't give a crap about Taylor Swift. I don't give a crap about most celebrities. Politics has nothing to do with it.

Sadly, a lot of pedestrians are stupid. I've watched them walking across a road, phone in hand, straight into an idling parked V6 with a hole in its exhaust, and still be confused.

Pedestrian warning systems are a good idea. But nature will always come up with a better idiot

After smearing myself with chool hwip

Forbidden bathtub waffles only taste so good cause of the extra danger.

~~this is also a dark joke, do not do this~~

...I'll be in my bunk.

And if my nan had wheels she'd be a bike

Valve is one of the few companies I trust these days. That trust is Valve's to lose, not any other competitor's to gain

So much this!

"At what hour does the narwhal bacon?"

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Next you'll say you don't have epic British mutton chops

Day ruined :(

I'm in the exact same boat

They pass Australian safety ratings. They are rather popular here

Sir Terry Pratchett (GNU) wrote a piece of fiction along these lines. In The Light Fantastic:

The reason for this is regrettably all too common. When the first explorers from the warm lands around the Circle Sea travelled into the chilly hinterland they filled in the blank spaces on their maps by grabbing the nearest native, pointing at some distant landmark, speaking very clearly in a loud voice, and writing down whatever the bemused man told them. Thus were immortalised in generations of atlases such geographical oddities as Just A Mountain, I Don't Know, What? and, of course, Your Finger You Fool.

Indeed. Apollo I didn't land on the moon. Even after building on 20 Gemini missions. Apollo 11 was the iteration that landed on the moon.




Definitely in Bulgaria /s

(Yes I know, it's London)

and have a yeet day!

Right here officer, this is where they sinned against all of humanity!

Same username as someone that sensationally abused everyone at Discuit when they called out them cherry picking single point of view news sources and posting them in inappropriate communities.

There is no limit to how far people will take their copium sometimes

My Lover

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