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I think a bigger component in making this happen is instituting ranked choice voting. Political parties are private institutions that have amassed entirely too much power over our country. Sure, we can vote but electoral college or popular voting and we still are stuck with a candidate selected by one of two private institutions. These private entities are able to control elected officials who stray too far from the party line. As long as large political parties control the candidates our vote holds less power.

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We stop the horrors by placing stipulations on the aid we supply the Israelis. We stop turning a blind eye to how their extreme right wing factions like Netanyahu's Likud party use our money and military resources. The United States, Europe and most of Asia are against settlements within Palestinian territories but each year right wing politicians allow or even encourage taking over more and more land. Plenty of Israeli citizens are against the settlements and against the Netanyahu regime so let's work with them to make decisions that aren't so obviously provocative to both their neighbors as well as the minority Israeli citizens who also live there. Let's not pretend Netanyahu's do whatever he pleases policies aren't a big part of the anger and aggression we are seeing year after year. Our aid and financial support should be 100% conditional.

The stock market and publicly traded companies. The idea that a business that is making consistent profits isn't good unless those profits are increased each quarter is asinine. This system of shortsighted hyper focus on short term quarterly growth for the sake of growth is the cause of so much pain and suffering in the world. Even companies with amazing financials will work to push workers compensation down, cut corners and exploit loopholes to make sure their profits are always growing. Consistent large profits aren't good enough.

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A truck has to have a nose that looks like a big slab of concrete to oncoming traffic. If it doesn't men will be forced to wear dresses, sing show tunes while sitting to pee. Thems the rules.

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Remote workers can live in locations with cheaper rent. Blackstone has invested far too much money buying up overpriced housing in densely populated areas to allow that. A spread out population is bad for their bottom line.

This article seems like Apple had to sign off on it before it was published. Having multiple stores from which to choose will certainly lead to lower prices. The best example of this is gaming. Closed systems of digital purchases like Xbox or Nintendo Switch stores almost always have higher prices than the exact same game on PC. Of course on PC I can buy from the ubiquitous Steam, the Microsoft store, Epic, GOG, UBI, EA, itch.io and others. If PC were like an iPhone I would only be able to buy from Microsoft and MS could demand a cut of every game sold outside of their walled garden.

The fact this writer claims developers would be nothing without Apple is laughable. If Apple closed up shop tomorrow we'd still want and use apps. Apple is not the reason we use apps, they are only a platform that can run the apps we already use.

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American capitalism no longer innovates. It now only stifles competition through patent abuse, regulations that make market entry difficult to impossible and domination of market resources. If all of that fails then they buy the competition and increase prices before repeating the whole cycle all over again.

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And then double down on those choices. Their play book seems to consist of:

  • Doing something awful
  • Getting callled out and immediately doubling down on their awful choice
  • Attempt to re-frame said choice as their toughness that "snowflakes" couldn't understand
  • Then finally to just embrace the fact that they and their followers are just worthless people with very limited morals. Somehow this is also viewed as strength to them.
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As if I wasn't already highly motivated this year. 🤣

I've had prime since almost day one. Lately I've been trying to reduce my dependency on Amazon which isn't easy when you're already paying them in advance for shipping just to keep prime video and a few free games and ebooks. This was the push I needed to finally sever that tie and release myself from their trap. This could be the start of a good thing for a lot of people. Prime has been an effective competition blocking lock-in scheme for too long. It's end result is it's ability to keep prices high because they are the sole gatekeeper. Good riddance Amazon.

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I'm not surprised to hear this took place in Texas. Southerners seem to see jail and prison violence as a feature rather than an issue.

Yeah but the immunity ruling could be overturned by a future Supreme Co.. Oh, I see now.

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All companies care about is profit margin. This is why automotive companies are so focused on trucks and SUVs. These vehicles cost a bit more to produce but can be sold at multiple times the additional investment. When electric vehicles took off they were a status symbol and sold primarily to luxury car buyers. US manufacturers beholden to share holder value will never focus on affordable transportation. This is why China will eventually eclipse the US in electric vehicles.

Well I guess being a loud mouth , in your face republican congressman who tells unbelievable off the wall lies isn't as unique or interesting as it used to be.

Is there any way to repurpose an old android phone into an android TV? Sometimes like Linage OS but TV focused. Even older Android phones can be considerably more powerful than any current streaming box. Add on privacy and you've got the perfect solution. It also would save on e-waste.

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Why won't anyone make a privacy focused premium streaming box with no ads? I'd pay so much for this thing that will never exist.

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I'll play them eventually. I will. Stop harassing me!

Those in prison can't vote so Trump will just write them off as useless.

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No prominent Democrat would dare challenge Biden before he drops out for fear of party retaliation. The two party system is the real issue here. Until we abolish it our best hope is things don't get worse because they won't get better.

Where they see consequence I see benefit.

Android can be great. It's Google that's the problem.

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I think it's because he represents how rich powerful people live under a different set of rules and are seemingly able to get away with almost anything. Compound that with the right wing obsession with human trafficking that usually leans into conspiracy theories that both exaggerate the real issue and somehow only blames "leftist elites". They hope the Epstein release will finally prove their wacky theorys correct.

I am fully against this booby trapping war crime regime but the problem with your first options is that pagers don't transmit like phones do. That means there would be no way to remotely aquire the GPS or other saved data undetected.

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Back in my day they removed mirrors so we wouldn't summon Bloody Mary.

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If all it ever took was one bad president then democracy has already ended and it was always just a matter of time.

This reminds of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy when it describes a planet ruled by reptiles:

[It comes from a very ancient democracy, you see..." "You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?" "No," said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down him, "nothing so simple. Nothing anything like so straightforward. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people." "Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy." "I did," said Ford. "It is." "So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't people get rid of the lizards?" "It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want." "You mean they actually vote for the lizards?" "Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course." "But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?" "Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in.]

👆 This Douglas Adams bit is the exact situation we find ourselves in now.

What an idiot. Does he not realize talking about banning guns is the number one way to motivate right wingers? The US is NOT going to ban guns especially with the current Supreme Court. This is an example of his old team running old plays that haven't been successful since the 90s. He needs to go before he causes any more damage to his party.

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TBH I'm more concerned with helicopter parents than I am about helicopter kids.

Is this because of me?

The issue is the right to repair is being challenged in an almost unprecedented way. Propitiatory software allows the developer to cut off access to critical diagnostic abilities as well as lock basic features behind subscriptions etc. Do you really own your car? The future is being fought now.

Agreed. No Firefox means no monthly payment from me.

That's not entirely true. The "top speed" on these can easily be exceeded although the board will attempt to thwart this by changing the ride angle. The issue is that past a certain speed (maybe 15 mph) they use a technique called field weakening to provide higher speeds. While field weakening provides higher RPMs it comes at the cost of torque. At high speeds it becomes easier to max out the motors duty cycle. When the motor reaches its max duty cycle it has no more power to hold the nose up and can drop the rider. The only warning currently available is the speed based nose lift to let you know you are at the speed they've set as "max".

The recall will add a new feature that will provide an audible alert and vibration when the board reaches 90% of its available duty cycle well before it runs out of power. Hopefully it works as intended and prevents a lot of avoidable accidents.

It's not hard at all to face this as a leftist. You can acknowledge that homophobia and sexism are deeply rooted in Islamic religions while also recognizing that not every adherent is guilty of either. Pretending something isn't true because it's not pretty doesn't benefit anyone except those who would utilize the blind eye to continue to do harm to society.

Ya know he may be working angle here. His whole life is over and he knows it. I'll bet he figures if he goes crazy all in on Trump that maybe he could land some political support in getting his conviction overturned if Trump wins the election. Considering his current situation its probably the only chance he has.

The only problem is that with your merger $200,000 job you'd have to work for 5,000 years at that wage without spending a single penny before you'd reach even one billion dollars. To be e billionaire now would make your start date 3000 BC which would be around the time the Sumeruan writing system was first used.

  • Now, it gets worse. If you want to make Elons 46 billion dollar package you'd have to start working your full time $200,000 job 230,000 years ago. This would be the prehistoric stone age so finding a $200,000 a year job would be difficult. Even more difficult would be staying alive while working full time for 230,000 years while you earn the amount Elon wants handed to him.

  • I think the reason people think having a billion dollars is OK is because they can't do math and don't understand the ludicrously in that amount of money.

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Haha! Team 4% FTW

For me the decision comes down how this teleportation power works. If you can teleport 7 inches but in rapid succession and can do so while also running you'll effectively have super speed.

I need it for personal protection.

He's the guy who directed the movie Jaws.

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A schooner IS a sailboat.