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Same with Google's ads in general. For a long time they were whitelisted by default on just about every adblock list out there because they were so unobtrusive it didn't make sense to bother blocking them, especially when you compared them to the other ads that were common at the time. They were also generally relevant ads, so people actually did click on them and use them since it actually related to the thing they were searching for.

They're obviously more profitable now, but you have to wonder by how much and if they'd be a more trusted company today (and what's that worth monetarily) if they hadn't gone down this race to the bottom.

ETA: Part of what I mean is that now they create things like Stadia and most people didn't even bother trying it because they knew it'd hit the Google Graveyard in a few years. Had Google been a more trusted company, people may have been willing to give it a try and they could possibly have printed money since by all accounts the service was actually pretty good.

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For the people that don't want to read the article, this seems especially relevant:
But much has changed since 2022: Embracer, which owns Gearbox, bet the house on a $2 billion deal with a Saudi investment group that fell through in 2023. Ever since, its many, many properties have been hit by layoffs on a near-monthly basis.

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I know Repubs don't actually want a functioning government, but JFC, when half the govt actively, publicly and LOUDLY works against it, it's no surprise it's so fucked up.

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It's the key needed to unencrypt a video DVD, it's how people were able to make duplicates of DVDs. This was technically illegal to use thanks to the DMCA, but not illegal to know, so people had fun with it and plastered it on T-shirts, mugs, etc...

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FYI -- The "fan" was later found to be on staff, unless we're thinking of different events, which, sadly is always possible!

From what I've seen: Linus didn't ever typically rip into first time contributors, it was usually always the people that he either expected better of or people that just kept submitting crap after crap.

Still sucks to be on the receiving end of it though.

Sure, if you read it, but what about if you just go on feels like they do with their holy book?

Regardless of anything else, it's a medical procedure, your employer shouldn't be privy to private medical details just because they don't agree with them. You should be able to get a doctors note that you're having a procedure, will require time to heal and be done with it, in any reasonable world, but ... here we are.

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Wordpad is a rich text editor not a plain text editor.

I can't say I've used Wordpad intentionally - ever -, but they do serve different functions.

Q:What's the difference between someone who has 1 million dollars and someone who has 1 billion dollars?

A:Roughly a billion dollars.

Really, it's practically the same at 10M.

A billion is just so fucking much more that our brains have a hard time even conceptualizing it.

Do you just throw your garbage on the ground so janitors have something to do too? Pat yourself on the back while doing it?

I used a phone without gestures the other day and had such a hard time with it, it was crazy how unintuitive the buttons felt in comparison to the gestures!

The simple fact is, neither is actually all that intuitive, they're learned, but gestures definitely get to be very convenient and a much quicker form of navigation.

I would definitely not want to go back.

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Good Lord, get back in your basement, tsonfeir

Or perhaps you're a troll that should get back under your bridge?

ETA since the comment is now gone ... tsonfeir had said Good Lord, get back in your box, Monica

On Android you can install unapproved apps and even entire app stores. The barrier to having people install your app is a couple of taps (approximately as difficult as it'd be on Windows when you've got to approve UAC a time or two).

So, it is kind of ridiculous in comparison that they lost but Apple with an entire walled of ecosystem that you can't bypass without finding a zero day exploit won their case.

With that said, I know a lot of people who only buy Apple BECAUSE of that walled off ecosystem and conversely I know people that primarily buy Android for their relatively open system, so I'm in the minority where I think neither Google nor Apple should have to change in this particular regard. Both companies suck, but charging the same price they always have for their app store isn't the issue I'd fight them over.

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I've got a couple of Raspberry Pi Zero's that emulate a mass storage device (basically it acts like a USB drive) that I have connected to 3D printers and my wife's embroidery machine.

Instead of using it with a network share like in the link, I share the folder with SyncThing.

It's super convenient to not have to move a USB drive around and can just leave it connected and get the files on there seamlessly.

Substack says it will not remove or demonetize Nazi content

Quite a few organizations and lots of individuals are now starting to migratev away from it and if any of the money made by visiting goes to Nazis, many of us would prefer to avoid the place when possible.

For me, it's the refusal to demontize them that's particularly bad. I can understand free speech absolutists (in theory anyways, in practice you'll find that they VERY rarely actually are and will happily censor people they disagree with like LGBTQIA+ or sex work content), but that doesn't mean you need to actively be funding them!

I'm a simple man, I see a Robert Evans podcast mentioned and I upvote.

Seriously though, it's good to see people thinking long term. We criticize the corps for only thinking of the next quarter (at the furthest) and then also criticize a guy with a well thought out long term plan?!

I think aliens would be horrified by so many things we do (or don't do!) that wearing an entertainment device on your face wouldn't even break the top 100.

ETA: The guy in the cyber truck though. That might get shown as an example in some of the other items in their list.

Yeah, I've only ever seen it used as an admonishment against someone. Like, someone says something rude as fuck and they get told "don't yuck someone else's yum" ... which, isn't terrible, when it's advice being given to people acting like children.

Saying "I don't want to yuck your yum, but, the thing you like is blah-blah-blah" could easily be changed to "I'm an asshole and I think the things you like are blah-blah-blah" and the context of what was being said wouldn't change.

My wife and I have been poly for going on a decade now and my girlfriend has been part of the equation since damn near the beginning.

My wife, girlfriend & I all jointly own our home together and things have been great!

I (male, cis-het) don't date outside the two of them (I don't have that kind of time!) ... both of the ladies have other partners though, mostly with the goal of them being long term, but like most relationships (poly or mono) they generally fizzle out for one reason or another. Wife has a partner that's been pretty stable for almost a year though and girlfriend has a LDR that's been strong for 5ish years.

We've all "come out" to our family and friends long ago, mostly with no blowback. I am not close with people at my current job, so they don't know, but, I also use the words 'wife' and 'girlfriend' so if they haven't picked up on it, it's not because I'm omitting, I'm just not telling people that don't need to know about my personal life the specifics about my personal life.

If you were to judge monogamy by the shit that pops up in relationship advice threads, people would have a bad impression of it as well!

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Blockbusters mail rental service was amazing since if you returned the movies to the store instead of mailing them they counted as a free in store rental coupon AND would flag the movie as returned and prep the next set to be sent to you. They were slower than Netflix but if you were willing to go into Blockbuster, it was crazy worth it.

I had Netflix and Blockbuster and a huge rotation of DVDs coming and going.

I didn't have time to actually watch anything I was ripping, lol, but it was fantastic to expand the collection.

To add to your addition, Chris's Fix on Youtube has videos for a lot of the common things you'll need to do on a car & he also mainly only uses hand tools to try and keep his content approachable for the average person.

YouTube in general is a fantastic resource for stuff like this.

SCOTUS declaring this illegal in 3...2...1!

/S (I hope)

Lol, Kutchers is with James Franco, a man completely devoid of any scandals with girls and young women! /s

I hear people on those programs eat nothing but steak and lobster! Why's he turning down the good life!

Well, you see, the secret to being frugal with your money is to have enough money to just live of the interest and the dividends! Stupid poor people, just optimize your money by having more of it and you're all set!

What We Do In The Shadows
Tucker and Dale VS Evil

Are the two that make me laugh no matter what.

Shoot Em Up too, but for different reasons.

Right?! I was way more conservative in my teens and have gone way further to the left and less conservative as I've aged.

"When you buy a house you'll understand" ... yeah, nope, maybe it's the fact that it took 3 of us to buy the house instead of ONE salary being able to, but, nope - still not a crazy jackass who has no empathy just to keep my property taxes low.

ETA: Gen Z is great. I love the no fucks given attitude in the workplace and they're a fucking inspiration.

After seeing your note, I thought, "damn, I've used AntennaPod a LOT, I'll donate!"

If you go to donate they basically say that all their costs are covered right now, but ask if you can help in non-financial ways (translations, help on the forum, beta test, code if you can, spread the word, UX work). I'll be honest, that level of transparency makes me love the app more than I already did!

I mean, kind of ... I have file servers, download servers, documentation servers, syncthing servers, backup servers, vaultwarden servers, etc... that are all linux VMs/containers and my main machine is a Macbook, but I do still have a Windows machine in the living room for gaming (yeah, Steam has pushed us far in this regard, but, when I get time to play a game, I just want to play it, I want the best chance it's going to work the first time and that's still, sadly, Windows). I have another windows machine running Blue Iris as my NVR because I didn't have a good experience with Frigate, Shinobi or a few others. I've got a few other systems floating around that do various things and some of them are linux based and some are windows based depending on what's easier/possible.

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No, no, you see, it's actually so empowering for the worker because they can quit at any time with no notice! Isn't that so empowering! In fact, I almost think that the balance of power goes too far in the workers favor on this and we need to give some of it back to the poor employers who are just always walking on eggshells since they can be quit on at any time!

/s just in case

It's so insane that anyone can argue that at-will employment is anything other than a shitty employer's wet dream.

Hard to say. A LOT of USB-C cables don't meet spec and are either hot garbage or a risk waiting to happen, even if it's not immediately apparent to you as a user of them, based on the testing that Benson had previously done.

If Apples devices can detect this, you may get an error. People are already ragging on the cost of Apples USB-C cables, but to my knowledge, they all meet the spec and will also 100% work at 100W of charging and the other auxiliary items in the spec that most manufacturers seem to just ignore.

Now, with all that said, I'd never pay Apples price for a single cable, but if you absolutely want a cable that's going to meet spec, I also can't fault you for buying one either!

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My top 3 are:
Foss Podd - Has interviews with open source devs from some pretty large projects
Self Hosted - If you're interested in self hosting, you've probably come across some of their resources, why not listen to them?
Unnamed Reverse Engineering Podcast - Interviews with hardware hackers and talking about the tools they use. Very interesting.

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By no means am I an expert, especially on the intricacies of being trans and I don't want to cis-splain their experiences, but I do know that cross dressing has an overlap of necessity with them, but it's a ven-diagram/intersection rather than a circle.

People who are trans typically explain it as having always felt like they've always been in the wrong gendered-body. Wearing clothes that correspond to the gender they feel they are
(also, keep in mind MRI's have shown brain activity that more closely matches the gender they feel they are than the gender they were born with, as well) is way for them to try and reconcile the way they feel with the way they were born. It's usually an early stage in socially transitioning, whether they later choose to chemically/medically transition or not (and keep in mind, this is not always the end goal for people ... simply being acknowledged as the way they see themselves is enough for some people and they shouldn't be afraid to be in public because of that!).

People who cross dress on the other hand may be doing it because they're trans and feeling out the early stages OR ... just because. It could be the way a textile feels, it could be sexual, it could be non-sexual, it could be because they just like it, it could be because ... you see where I'm going with this? There are as many reasons that people cross dress as there t-shirt designs (I may be exaggerating a bit with that one, but you get my meaning, I think).

I know NOFX is problematic, but I feel like "I’m a Transvest‐Lite" explains it decently (for one particular person anyways!):

I'm not transgender, I'm a lazy crossdresser
Who thinks makeup is too much of an ordeal
I paint my toes and wear shiny tight clothes
Not for the look, but how it makes me feel
I don't need things just right, I'm a tranvest-lite
I only shave to do the Time Warp midnight Saturday
I'm done with self-pity, I don't have to feel shitty
'Cause I wanna look pretty, so I give it the old city College try
Don't get me wrong, I still wanna be a guy
Who sometimes likes to dress like a girl
(He sometimes likes to wear diamonds and pearls)
Don't think I don't know I'm not fooling anyone
(He's a cross between Adele and Charlie Chaplin)
You gotta know it's not just girls who just wanna have fun!

Also, the beginning of the song is about the shame felt early on about it and is generally about getting the courage to not give a flying fuck about what people think.

Hopefully I did a decent enough explanation without trampling on anyones lived experiences. The simple truth is that both groups of people have completely individualized experiences and it's a different journey for every single person.

Firing the people that do the work to make the company money is just good business! They're a dime a dozen, just hire another 2 managers and a couple marketing execs and soon you'll be printing money! /s [these companies are freaking dumb]

It's crazy what you can get away with when you have some money and no sense!

Is it though?

In my neck of the woods (that means area where I live and has nothing to do with wooded areas), the phrase means the same thing and I interpreted it as such and that the asshole started to pop off on her (that means suddenly start talking angrily rather than whatever your mind may have conjured if you hadn't heard the phrase before).

It's very likely a wish fulfillment fantasy story, why would it have involved the asshole only walking towards her (which is possible to do with obvious intent, but still ... what would he be apologizing for later in the story?) when you can literally make up anything you want?

I think I interpreted your "stretch" comment appropriately ... If you meant that Catoblepas was literally becoming a Mr. Fantastic like superhero, then I have no idea how to respond to what your said and I apologize for the wall of text that makes no sense in context.

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And cops are good! They don't trust the government at all, but somehow the enforcement arm of the government can do nothing wrong!

One of the eventual goals of kbin is to be compatible with the rest of the fediverse and to "just work" with the rest of it. By way of comparison, Lemmy is basically just a federated Reddit, so, this is actually one of the reasons I chose to go with kbin.

From a practical standpoint, it'll likely be a while before that becomes a reality, but I like that as a goal.

I'd say see if you can search for the instance in the search (once we're 100% federated) and if it doesn't work and it's something you want to participate in, unfortunately, you'll need to go there directly.

Also - Your account can only log into, you can't use it to log into any other sites (this would include other kbin sites, lemmy sites, mastodon sites, etc...), what you can do is see content from those sites by subscribing to them or on the front page (non-subscribed)

Even in at will states (which, let's be honest here, plenty of cities have more people than the population of the only non-at-will state - Montana, so it's not really even worth the distinction) there is a pretty huge difference between being fired for having red shoelaces and being fired for physically adding a device to circumvent building security or removing a security implementation from your work PC.