1 Post – 221 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He must make his viewers consume, he is vicarious energy vampire.

So you would have a handful of popcorn and the movie would be over.

You forgot the "I need to sleep and the post nut nap is a good way to get sleep started option.

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How long until the first subjects start beating their skulls against a wall like the chimps did?

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Mr Rogers could really help this world right now.

"Feelings are mentionable and manageable."

It isn't that everyone is special, like superheroes. Everyone is special because we are the only one experiencing the world how we experience it and how we react, in anger or in love can make the world a better or a worse place. He wanted the world to be a better place by letting children love and be safe, and work through the negative feelings in healthy ways.

Mr Rogers testifies in front of Congress for funding is a great video because the man in charge was completely ignorant of what Mr Rogers was doing but in minutes was able to change his mind about how the funding for public television education programs would clearly help children.

WTF is this part supposed to mean?

wasn't on the ballot, it was still chock-full of candidates like the boot-on-head-wearing Vermin Supreme, Rep. Dean Phillip, and Marianne Williamson

Are they calling Dean Phillip a vermin supreme or did someone named Vermin Supreme actually get on the ballot?

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He wasn't an unarmed black person so they couldn't shoot him.

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He is no pussy, they take a pounding while providing pleasure to all involved.

Summers is a scrotum, thin skinned, can't take even a light strike without assuming an attack, and he shriveled away when he realized the temperature was a bit cold to him.

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Probably Trump Financial Group.

Possibly Tiny Flaccid Gimp

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Not that these are not worth the money because they definitely are, but he gives his books away for free online on his own website. is the site.

I watched Jon Stewarts piece about Israel Palestine and he joked about how the UN can't get anything done with absolutely no mention that it is everyone voting for a ceasefire and the USA voting to veto everything.

It isn't the UN that is doing nothing, it is the veto rules that allows the USA and other countries to throw out the collective good in order to protect empire.

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So this other side you speak of is different from how it currently is? Trump sold many properties to Russian nationals at inflated prices. That was why he's already in their pockets. Nothing will change, he's already in so many people's pockets.

You didn't really look at who they have released have you?

Look at the pictures, it is mostly women and children. One woman who was released was more worried about the Israeli bombs killing them than the Hamas captors, I would be worried her husband might be killed by the bombings.

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I'm leaving my management job in the city next month to move north 6 hours away and live in a small town with a mortgage that will be half as much for an acre instead of a townhouse with no grass. I wrote a proposal to do a order entry job for less money but work from home but my boss wants everyone in order entry to work in the office. So they chose to lose 9 years of company and product knowledge because they don't want me to work from home in case people who have been there less time might want to work from home too.

CPAP, so I can breathe while I sleep.

Pressure cooker, so I can make a delicious stews in 30 mins instead of hours.

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Use a bolt gun. It is good enough for the cows and pigs it is fast, it probably hurts but likely less time than even a needle.

I suggest starting by testing it out on the person that though slow suffocation for 25 minutes was humane.

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With absolutely no research just the one right wing woman swimmer who lost to a trans woman swimmer she "lost" by placing fifth to the fourth place trans woman.

So they both lost to three faster women.

Israel has been a terrorist state since Germany, Britain, the US, together as the UN decided that the Palestinians should pay the price for Germany's Holocaust of the Jewish people.

It was going on before that even with Zionist terrorist groups bombing and killing Palestinians and even the British.

I once had a charge for Air Canada on my credit card. I immediately called in to the fraud number and said my number had been stolen. They asked me how I knew. I said I would never in my life fly on Air Canada unless there was no choice. They laughed and canceled the charge.

Videos of my now deceased sister playing violin.

The Tragically Hip - Ahead By a Century

I will cross a room to turn the radio off when it is playing.

Both died from the same brain cancer and I can't handle listening or watching either of them yet.

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They only hear good things from their side, if they heard something bad coming out of a Republican it would sound like a Charlie Brown trombone adults.

Jack Johnson's version of Rudolph is far superior. When they all cheer Rudolph, he calls them out for calling him names before.

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First, they make a service good for the customer even at a loss so customers don't want to go other places. ✅

Second, they use the information gathered from you to sell to companies to make money off you. In Amazon's case they are now so big they don't need to sell your info but they do it anyways. ✅

Third, they screw the companies and the users to make the money all for themselves. In Amazon's case they fuck sellers by making Amazon branded copies of best selling items to cut their third party stores out of business by putting their copies first in the search results.✅

Read Cory Doctorow's books about enshittification.(also read his fiction, Little Brother, for a great fast paced dystopian terrorist novel.

This video shows a bunch in Toronto.

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Well, the prime minister, the finance minister and the head of defense all have said similar things over there in Israel. At some point you have to believe that what they are saying and their actions are speaking for themselves and their words and actions are saying "no one is innocent and even if they were we are still going to kill them all so we can get the land."

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Duolingo has yet to enforce these capitalization rules. Boy, it is going to get difficult in later stages.

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My partner and I got scratch ticket packs for eachother for $38 total. I lost every ticket she won 20 dollar so we are starting the year 18 dollars short.

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What is inflammatory?

Israel controls the flow of aid - fact

Israeli citizens are blocking trucks with bouncy castles and protests, the IDF isn't exactly pushing all that hard to let the trucks past the protesters.

Hundreds of trucks a day were needed before these attacks and the Israeli genocidal response. After the ICJ initial ruling said Israel had to get more aid into Gaza there has been less aid getting in.

Children are going to starve first because they were in the most precarious position compared to adults. There will be a balance point and when they get on the other side of that balance point the number of people dying from starvation is going to exponentially increase.

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To Anthony Sabatini, the former Florida congressman who wrote “DEI did this” – referring to diversity, equity and inclusion – Simon took no prisoners. “Your mother did you, but after a hard life of service on a truck-stop lot, can we really hold her loosened, battered womb responsible for dropping you head-first on the Winnebago floor and burdening our society with another empty, racist demagogue thereafter? We cannot.”

Holy fuck, don't get on Simon's bad side. That was a solar flare level burn.

So the minister of finance and minister of national security aren't influential in any ways in a country that gets billions of dollars from the USA and uses it to fund their national war effort?

Are you waiting for other people in their govt to say something about flattening Gaza? Some minor politicians have said that

The agriculture minister said this would be a second Nakba, that event where the Israelis took homes and made prisoners go through their own abandoned(stolen) homes taking books, furniture, and their whole cultural history for the Israeli to take as spoils of war.

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Remember Trump isn't on the democratic ballot. You can't vote against him until November. Your only choice in the primaries is to vote for Biden or vote that you are here for the other progressive and democratic choices down ballot but Biden has to earn that commitment by doing something against his own personal desire to be a Zionist and instead help starving children get food.

Uncommitted doesn't mean I'm never going to vote for Biden. It just means he has to earn it through action.

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These breeds are a result of trait breeding. It is possible that someone actually did too much close familiar breeding and came out with something similar looking but sterile ending the line historically.

Of course a painter who can only do human faces so gives everything a human face is more likely.

My sister has hundreds of YouTube videos she used to help her students learn between music lessons. It will be two years soon since she died, I haven't been able to watch even one.

I like to remember her in my mind, it hurts less than seeing her when she was alive.

How long did Kissinger stay alive. That monster was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths all around the world.

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That sounds an awful lot like the Israeli soldiers used him as a human shield to deliver the terrorist message to the hospital.

A two state solution is the only solution and right now I think Israel needs to pay to rebuild everything they destroyed and give back all the cultural treasures, art, and literature they took during the nakba so they could erase the history of the Palestinian people.

Is that an acronym for something or is that the noise the lower person is making while they work?

The only good thing to be said is that for a short time there was one less cop car pulling over black people, then it came back from the body shop.

Somehow this website is still waiting for an update.

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I guess that is the second article from wired I've read this month and the first one was free. I only got the first paragraph before a paywall.

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