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Joined 1 years ago

He looks like a water skipper.

Somewhat similar, the title refers to an insect that the photo resembles.

Preferably, max security prison, brick over the entrance

Amontillado, my favorite beverage.

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"Jesse, we need to render"

That’s why I only use “*******” for mine. With the number, it’s more secure.

I guess it works because I can't see the password.

T did S with P and then A (23 F) got into with G

"This B needs a C in her A"

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I remember reading another factor is that food which people donate is often expired, nearly expired, or undesirable and unlikely to be used before it expires, so often ends up getting thrown away anyway.

I won't lie I was super tempted to add a pro toolkit

I say do it (if you have the money, of course). I got it and while it has far more tools/bits than I use regularly, it's been invaluable.

I used to have a custom ROM that would allow me to change the color based on which app had the most recent notification

Even more than that, in early versions of Android this setting was baked in. I had colors set based on text messages, emails, etc. I think around 2.x was when the option was removed.

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Has science gone too far?

Science isn't about why, it's about why not.

Yes but, how did people know that time went sunwise before the sun?

Back before the solar system was fully formed, it was called "gaswise".

Remembering that one time McConnell filibustered himself because he knew he wouldn't be able to pull off a power play against Obama.

Just buy a TV and don't connect the wi-fi for the smart capability

Some of these TVs will find an unsecured network within range to connect to, so they can still bombard you with ads.

And (in my experience) they're still slow as hell. I press "power on" and have to go pour a drink or something while I wait for it to boot up, as if I'm warming up a radio in the 1930s.

And it'll happen overnight. One day Disney World is in Florida, the next day it's on a floating island off the coast.

Until the very end of that my brain was definitely going in a "BioShock Infinite Columbia escapes into the clouds" direction.

It's a revolution. They give it a specific name and blablabla.


STED DECK, sounds like something I would find on Aliexpress.

Sold by Volv.

What's France?

"Wester Germany"

If you wrap the TV in tinfoil, it'll be a faraday cage and block all WiFi

I just keep my TV embedded in a block of lead.

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My God, it even has an overlay.

Here he is talking about how he wants to marry a 16 year old when he's 30, because he likes the milk "right from the tap."

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This will be a fun new addition to my vocabulary.

the guy named after a fraud beloved by total morons (Ayn Rand)

"Rand" is a short form of "Randal", his full name. His father didn't name him after Ayn Rand.

Rail gun hockey sounds entertaining

"And I suppose the Pitch-O-Matic 5000 was just a modified howitzer."

I'd hate to hear the logic they used to change that law

It was wrapped up in a big transportation budget bill, one of many amendments which were designed to cut expenses.

E3 doesn't exist anymore?

They threw in the towel last December.

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just ask chatGPT to generate a couple paragraphs of SEO terms for the question, replace your answer with that.

Chaotic neutral boss energy.

Judge Death approves.

I think this is about it coming out of Early Access?

The developer published this trailer on March 15. Looks like they've made a channel for the game specifically and republished it there.

$78k/yr comes out to $2194/mo take home pay

Just pointing out, that's semi monthly according to that page. So $4400/month.

Glenn Danzig was born with the perfect name for an 80s metal band

FYI Danzig is his stage name. His actual last name is Anzalone.

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If we could lock him up before election season really kicks in that would be great

Just going to point out that convicting and jailing him does not disqualify him from holding office, and would likely just embolden his base.

That 'Lip?

In an alternate timeline where he got his shit (mostly) together and decided to run a restaurant.

Vest, hardhat, clipboard.

I do love me a good Bavarian Fire Drill.

I had to specifically mute all of my notifications because I couldn't find out what app was causing them and it was driving me nuts.

I've been doing that for years. I only have a handful of apps with audio notifications, basically the most important ones that need my attention right away. Everything else gets vibrate.

I really hate to say this, but Lubuntu.

it's a lightweight XFCE version of Ubuntu

Do you mean Lubuntu, or Xubuntu? Lubuntu uses LXQt.

I wish reporters would flip this on the cops. "Two officers, with no active warrants, killed a woman."

I've seen this headline a few times.

In a real job, sometimes we need to get something done TODAY, or even 3 hours from right now.

I work third shift and it's so much worse in this case. I walk in the door at 10 PM to an email saying I have to do a training module that takes an hour, and it has to show completed before midnight. Then they wonder why I wasn't able to get my work area set up and make progress on a long term project in that same time frame.

Is this the one where they used footage of New York instead of London?

Yep. From the article:

Issued by Conservative Central Office (CCHQ), it has already been edited and re-uploaded after viewers spotted that one of the dystopian-looking scenes it depicted was of the New York subway rather than the London Tube.

How old is this tweet though

The account has this tweet pinned, posted April 2022.

Texas' 2nd Congressional District is in the same class.

I think this post is a follow-up to one about that district.