9 Post – 209 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

First ten minutes were the worst, after that Biden started to make at least some reasonable points.

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very deceptive title from the source author. OP please insert [, the privacy partner, Onerep's ] in place of "its" to make it clear Mozilla didn't do anything wrong here.

Mozilla could do something wrong, but I entirely read this as Mozilla's CEO had ties to data brokers and ditched Mozilla's privacy partner because of that.

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Isn't killing your constituents a bad long term political strategy?

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💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀 ~...................................................~ lol, couldn't resist

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Lemmy is only 4% of the fediverse by user %. Most of the fediverse is Mastodon.

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thanks for the heads up. I just unjoined all communities, and blocked the instance. That sort of censorship is not a good thing.

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I'm 100% for a simple IRS tax return but what the heck is with this?

To use Direct File, you need an IRS account with

To get an account, you need to:

Take a video of your face

If you can't or don't want to take a video of your face, you can have a video call with an agent who will confirm that your face matches your identification.

Is that really necessary???

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Sorry, I didn't realize it was paywalled or ad infested because of addons that I use to block all that stuff. Archive bypass: link

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Is there an alternate survey site that could be used other than Microsoft? The site is pretty much impossible to see in dark browser mode as well (light grey text on white background).

Aside from that though, what is the difference between Lemmy and sublinks?

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I get these are jokes but I really don’t find anything funny about it, it becomes a meme and then people start getting more creative and pushing it more and being more covert and people come up with other little japes then new Linux users get their shit destroyed and maybe important info gets lost or precious memories so they say Linux is a piece of shit and go back to windows.

It’s not even funny to start with so when it inevitably inspires people to be assholes and bullies that’s all we’ve achieved.

copied from the original post but was exactly what was going through my mind

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I miss the instant channel switching on old analog tv sets. Everything now is digital so the switching is done with microprocessors, but on old sets you could flip through about 5 channels a second, as fast as you could press the button.

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I just consider any comment after Jun 2023 to be compromised. Anyone who stayed after that date either doesn't have a clue, or is sponsored content.

Reasoning: Numerous Failed Fact Checks, Poor Sourcing, Lack of Transparency


Factual Reporting: MIXED

Country: USA

Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE

Media Type: Newspaper

Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic

MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


Launched in 1982, The Washington Times is a daily newspaper concentrating on politics and news. Based in Washington, D.C., The Washington Times was founded by a self-professed messiah, Korean Sun Myung Moon. According to its parent company, during Washington Times’ 20th anniversary, Moon said: “The Washington Times is responsible for letting the American people know about God” and “The Washington Times will become the instrument in spreading the truth about God to the world.”

you can’t force Apple to...

yes they can

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countries with no national ID cards and no plans for one: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK. 1

And they do taxes just fine without a Harry Potter like gif of every tax payer.

Privacy reasons aside, TurboTax doesn't require a video clip to file your taxes so this is only raising the technical barrier against the widespread adoption of a simple tax system.

Great time to buy a cheap used PC for linux

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it is total compensation. His salary was "only" 2.5 million.

Lemmy is very small in comparison, although every time reddit manages to do another silly thing Lemmy grows leaps and bounds. It's a slow investment in a better internet, and it's going to take a long time to slowly show the world that corporations don't have to control everything on the internet.

That being said I'm partial to ! , it's rockin' (...and climbin', and glidin')

Not very practical anymore. Would get caught in all sorts of things in cars/trains/bikes/planes or whatever mode of transportation you use. The common person in general tends to mean towards practicality > aesthetics in the long term.

Function > form

Absolutely the same for me. Threads must not be allowed.

Good day Sir. I have excellent merchandise to sell for you. My anti-tiger rock is guaranteed to keep all your tigers away! Please send money to this address! THANK YOU

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Well it's a choice between freedom or corporate control. Freedom is never flashy at first, it only thrives when people embrace it.

Voting 3rd part has the opposite effect. Republicans voted 3rd part in 92 to shift policy and lost the presidency for 8 years, and the appointment of 2 lifetime supreme court justices.

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Airlines overbook almost every flight. That means if you're not in that line, you have a good chance of getting booted off the flight. It has happened to me a couple times.

They normally give you a voucher to compensate you for the trouble that can be used on a future flight. They will typically try to rebook you (at no cost) the same day if they can arrange it.

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Mozilla is a non profit foundation, the corporation is owned by the non profit and exists for tax reasons only. They're different than a regular corp.

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That's not how EEE works at all. Facebook will embrace Lemmy, extend/improve Lemmy, and then extinguish/disadvantage the native Lemmy community, until the Lemmy server serves so little of a purpose it is shut down.

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This is a good thing, but just as a pet peave - why do people keep so many tabs open on desktop web browsers? Every new tab uses more memory. Computers were not designed to have 100s of tabs open. There is no way anyone actually actively uses 100 tabs, and I see people all the time with so many tabs you can hardly even see what is there. There is a thing called bookmarks and folders for storing commonly visited sites on a computers hard disk rather than temporary RAM...

But I do think it is good firefox is adding the capability, as grouping can be useful if done right in moderation. But it's just kind of funny the person asking for the feature admits to having huge amounts of tabs open.

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yeah but your *OP's statement 'he sold almost all of his shares' isn't really accurate as he really only sold 19% of his shares

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SaaSS (service as a software substitute) bullshit

It is common for SaaSS dis-services to charge a monthly fee for use. Usually one SaaSS site does not substitute for another, so if users become unhappy with one dis-service provider it is no easy matter to switch to another. When users become dependent on one, it can gouge them at will with repeated small price increases that over time add up to a lot. We view the loss of freedom inherent in SaaSS as worse than the cost in money, but when a dis-service has you over a barrel, the cost can be painful. Thus, even users who don't see deeper than the bottom line should beware of SaaSS.

Businesses should host their own servers.

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The ban is a good thing because China is an autocracy. Freedom of thought is not acceptable there, otherwise you wouldn't know what I mean when I say the great firewall of China. Their influence is already vast.

The US isn't a beacon of democracy, but the distance between a flawed democracy and an authoritarian regime is massive. The US Congress is largely ineffective, but this is one thing they've gotten right.

TikTok, the popular Chinese-owned social network, instructs its moderators to censor videos that mention Tiananmen Square, Tibetan independence, or the banned religious group Falun Gong, according to leaked documents detailing the site’s moderation guidelines.

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i think you mean content, little bit different meaning than contempt ;)

As much as I personally dislike Musk, Starship does not belong on that list. It is the largest and most powerful space vehicle humanity has ever launched successfully and landed! It is re-usable and can potentially carry up to 100 people or 300,000 lbs of cargo.

Nothing like that has ever been done before, and the advancements in science that will follow humanities expansion into space cannot be overstated.

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You joke but Lemmy is at the same point as Reddit was when they first started. Reddit just IPO'd at 34/share, up to 68 now. 12 billion USD valuation.

I think Lemmy has a lot more potential than most people think it does... The idea is laughable, but so was $12 billion reddit in 2008 . Not in monetary terms, but in how information could be communicated throughout the world in 20 years.

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perspiration. Sweat will sap heat just as fast as water if you're wearing cotton

They can do that with a drivers license like they have for the last few decades.

And they're using a face recognition service from a for profit corporation ID.ME. Not ok. I'll continue to use their freefillable forms option, but if they discontinued that I'll just go back to paper mailing. This is not a step forward.

The entire premise of the article is the exact opposite - that Trump did better when turnout was high.

A new poll suggests it's Republicans who should be rooting for higher turnout.

The problem sort of is capitalism right? These public good projects should have public funding. Imagine if the public funding for open source software projects was like that of the Apollo program in the 60s (2.5% of gdp).

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not sure if it works any better but here's an archive link .

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You're not really convincing anyone.

Like 90% of everyone here already uses Linux, and those who do use Windows only use it because they are forced to because of work or some proprietary program that Linux doesn't currently have.

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