
1 Post – 305 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Yes. A lot to be honest and I'm eternally grateful for it. Lots of nice memories of nights out with friends that I wouldn't have been able to afford otherwise.

This was to be expected and they handled it well imo. I'm not gonna get one though.

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It is insane to me how piracy is making a comeback because decision makers forgot Gabe's lesson

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They won't give you updates if you have radeon software or intel config tool?

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And this kind of thing is why my next laptop will be one of theirs

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It should have legal consequences for the worlds most valuable corporation to just kill that many jobs

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What a shit time to be a gamer. Fuck Microsoft and fuck regulators for allowing this

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Another game I'll never play 👍🏻

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Worlds largest tech-megacorporation is unable to keep their shit up and running. Lmao.

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The one good thing I can say about apple is that they at least push back against this kind of bullshit, even if they only do so for marketing.

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Thank you, spared me from giving attention to an unworthy article

Man it's such a shame. I was looking forward to trying it, but I'm not going to create a psn acc for it

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Rare steam L

I've heard that even AMD are internally working on ARM-based desings, but that's just a rumor maybe

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I still Piraten EA games, just because the forced origin injection into their games on steam is so fucking annoying, especially if you're on Linux.

Welcome to the Linux community :)

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Microsoft, although regulators sure as fuck help them make that impossible

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And this is why the stock market, net worth and market cap are so stupid. Apple haven't released anything yet, even microsoft haven't really had an idea what AI is actually useful for, apart from their blatant spyware, but apple just go on stage, say "AI" a bunch of times and are the worlds most valuable company once more.

This is one of those things that just don't make sense to me as a german. I can call in sick and if I'm able to show up in the fourth day again, then I don't need to see a doctor at all. And the 'sick days' I get are infinite by law, although afaik the company can require medical attestation if I'm sick too often in order to prevent abuse.

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Minimal investment. A purpose-built robotic production line is incredibly expensive and can onl- do what it was designed for. Theoretically, using these robots requires no alterations to the existing facilities, allowing mercedes to trial them with very low risk and comparably low losses if things don't work out.

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I installed ubuntu 24.04 over my previous installation of 23.10 and had literally 0 issues, so I'm going to classify this as user error.

Snowden is rather trustworthy simply because he risked A LOT by doing something he believed in. He's an international hero.

Self-hosting an AI chatbot takes 5 minutes and is very easy if you've ever used the linux terminal before.

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People could also wear something other than black clothes when they go outside at night.

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The oct 7 attacks were vile and indefensible, people believe the israeli response to be disproportionally violent though. Me sitting in my western country don't have enough info to really pass judgement though. Expect downvotes.

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Pretty sure spain and portugal used to be muslim colonies themselves, shouldn't they get paid first then?

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Right?! Yesterday GamersNexus published a new video 3 minutes before I watched it. It only had a couple dozen views at that point, but somehow somebody had already mapped it!

Difference between defensive positions and caring for your men's lives vs being on the offensive and just throwing men into machine gun fire maybe.

Funny thing is, the best phone to de-google are their own pixel phones - grapheneOS is fantastic.

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Current gen AMD laptop CPUs rival apple silicon in performance and power consumption on mobile. x86 is nowhere near as close to dying as people think.

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You know the insane amount of Russian bots on western-centric websites? Has to be double that on their own sites.

Honestly, with how powerful modern Smartphones are, you can just buy one now, flash an open source version of android and use that for a decade, assuming the OS gets supported that long.

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Sponsorblock addon is a must for me nowadays

We kind of already did that, except it's made of trash.

No they're not? At least when I check amazon or any other online retailer, USB-C cables are almost always USB 3.0 or higher. Only the ultra cheap ones are not.

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More attention needs to be brought to this. Some Admins think that because Microsoft is such a massive corporation, their products must be safe, but every other thing they do is bathed in incompetence.

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Fuck microsoft

I'm so excited for the 16" version. Upgradeable GPU in a laptop? Everything else also being upgradeable? Gonna buy one as soon as I can afford it, which is going to take a while.

This is what pisses me off so much about the climate crisis. People tell me not to use my car, but then microsoft just randomly blow out 30% more co2 for AI

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Sweden. Since they're in nato now, the odds of russia attacking are practically 0.

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I have 250Mbit/s in a really old building within a small to medium size town in Germany

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