
0 Post – 160 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Excuse me, but one of the conditions of Elon's investment was that they pretend he was a founder and refer to him as such!

Just a JSON file in Windows 11 enables you to dock the fucking taskbar to the side of your screen.

I'm just a simple girl with simple desires.

That's also how small conservative towns and churches in Texas handle their homeless. They put them on busses and send them to the larger cities in Texas.

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The Bechdel test is a famous test of film to measure whether a movie represents women as more than just accessories for the male cast. Specifically, the test is passed if a film features two women who have a conversation about something other than a man. Surprisingly, a lot of films fail this test.

The Ulvaeus test is a fictional test in the same vein named after Bjorn Ulvaeus, a prominent member of the band ABBA. Presumably, this test might be passed if a film contains a musical segment featuring the works of the band ABBA. This would be a clever pairing for this film, as ABBA has a song called Waterloo and the Napoleonic Wars ended with the Battle of Waterloo.

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It's odd that people migrated from Firefox to Chrome in the first place.

I migrated from Firefox to Chrome years and years ago when Chrome was lightning fast with a bazillion tabs open and Firefox had some memory leak that forced me to reload a couple times a day. I have since moved back and realized all my old problems are no longer a thing, but I can definitely see why some would have made the switch and never tried moving back.

Domain naming authorities require identification for the registration of domains. You cannot purchase domains anonymously. You can pay Njalla and they own the domain, and they'll tell you that you can control it, but you have no rights to it in any kind of dispute.

No, without air resistance , you don't get that sound.

I'd have to say Fay is my least favorite spelling of that word. Fae > Faerie > Fairy > Fey> Fairie > Fay.

Lemmy is filled with leftists and geeks. They're the same demographic.

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Fuck yeah, borther! I love every single game in the Bioshock franchise!

This won't be the year of the Wayland desktop for me unless I can afford to replace my Nvidia card this year. I'll never buy one again, but I've still gotta suffer with the one I have a bit longer.

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My seeding rules are simple. If it comes from one of my private trackers or it contains Shia LaBeouf, I seed it forever. Everything else is auto-removed from my client when ratio reaches 2.0.

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As a straight, I wish I had fingers and a mouth. At least I can have multiple orgasms. Suck it, penis-owners!

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Stupid? Maybe if verifying "facts" is your sole metric. I know people who aren't very media savvy who fall for some stupid propaganda, but they could empty my car's engine bay and put it back together again and have it cranking the same day. Or you can drop them in any body of water in a 250km radius and they'll know what fish can be caught there and be able to hook an edible-sized one in half an hour or less. We don't all have the same skill sets, but we ain't all "stupid".

We count those as Republican votes. Thank you for your service, patriot!

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My understanding is that the US primaries are private affairs and the organisations can pick their candidates however they want. The democrats certainly did some unethical shit to snub Bernie in favor of Hillary, but I don't know if Primary shenanigans can qualify as the crime of election fraud (unless some of the states protect their primary elections in the same way they do for real elections).

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Oof. You made a conscious decision to be like this.

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it doesnt even make sense because by definition both parties are semetic.

Oof, either you're just grossly misinformed and performing a cringey "ackchually", or you're anti-semitic yourself and perpetuating anti-semitic rhetoric.

While yes, both are Semitic people, the term 'anti-semitic' was specifically coined by Nazi Germany to make their genocide seem like it had a basis in science. They specifically used it to refer to Jews. Nobody uses "anti-semitic" to mean all semites except hate groups and holocaust deniers who are trying to say "see, it doesn't even mean Jews specifically! Jews are just playing the victim!"

I will assume you're simply ignorant or misinformed, but feel free to correct me if this was actually an intentional dog-whistle.

Suck is forever

"Hard disagree." -- person who played FFXIV before the realm got reborn

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Coding for alternate key mappings is almost as trivial as detecting other languages.

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Just set your deep fryer to 450 and sous-vide that frozen bird in hot oil for a minute.

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I don't think they were complaining about the design. It invoked a memory of a beloved video game studio from the past that had a similar logo (Westwood Studios) and they are a bit heartbroken. I didn't take their comment as an actual complaint against VideoLAN's logo.

Karma is nothing more than fake internet points. When I tire of this persona or decide I'd rather make my home on another instance, I'll just spin up a new name wholly unrelated to the old name.

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xjack is one of my all-time favorite programs.

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The West checking in. I've lived in the US and various European nations. While we have vastly different ideas of how to run our own countries, we're still generally of one mind when it comes to our thoughts on North Korea, PRC, etc. So I'm ok with lumping us all into one big moniker.

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The cone is the logo for their most popular project (VLC media player), but this is a message from the organization as a whole, which has the logo you currently see. It is not specifically about that one project.

It's a list of places you can get free, disposable email addresses. Protonmail fits here. Now, why anybody would use this list for mail filtering is a whole different question. They'd be blocking some huge email providers.

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First cousins once removed. Su is the daughter of Huang's first cousin.

Different cultures might define relationships differently, but in my home country, there is nothing "distant" about that.

I've tasked an AI with monitoring the content in this community to see if it can determine what the actual rule is. So far, it has only ever responded with "INSUFFICIENT DATA FOR MEANINGFUL ANSWER".

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Yes. This is home-made out-of-band management, like HP's iLO, Dell's iDRAC, or generic IPMI. Not only is it a virtual KVM (keyboard/video/mouse), you can pass the host's power button through this device so you can remotely power on or reset a hung or powered-off system, or mount and boot from a virtual floppy or ISO to completely reinstall the remote system.

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Do you deny that there has been a massive growth in the worldwide popularity of "avocado toast" in the past few decades?

Trump is arguing that he swore an oath to "preserve, protect, and defend" the constitution, not to "support" it.

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And if I want a infinite repetition of a single work, only my PC-Hardware will prevent me from that and no dumb service agreement.

That is entirely not the point. The issue isn't the infinitely repeated word. The issue is that requesting an infinitely repeated word has been found to semi-reliably cause LLM hallucinations that devolve into revealing training data. In short, it is an unintended exploit and until they have it reliably patched, they are making it against their TOS to try to exploit their systems.

What religious groups are you experienced with that have a high enough occurrence of homosexual members that it completely negates growth by childbirth? Is this just a complete fantasy in your head? I'm not familiar with any groups where that would even remotely be a problem.

This sounds a whole lot like the indigenous peoples of various lands until the imperial machines of war rolled them over. These days, I don't think you need a military budget rivaling America's, but I think some form of military defensive structures would need to remain in place to protect your massive hippie nation-state from opportunistic neighbors.

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Is there any sort of legal precedent that covers a situation where:

  • I am a user on a network server.
  • Meta connects their server to my server so their users and I can interact.
  • Am I now bound by a terms of service on Meta's server that I have not agreed to and may have never seen or been presented with?

When I joint my instance, am I implicitly agreeing to any terms of service that exist on any instance that my instance decides to federate with?#

Messaging interoperability between the two major mobile platforms greatly affects communication for those of us who have friends and family on the other platform. Cross-platform messaging allows us to communicate no matter which platform the friend or family member happened to buy. Blocking this feature is anti-competitive and detrimental to communication.

The entire purpose of government is to help make society better for all of its members. Some government representatives may decide that 'better for society' would be to allow the corporation to maximize profit even if it harms the consumer. This particular politician believes that society would benefit from this interoperability and that the company may be overstepping anti-competitive monopoly boundaries by blocking it.

Whether you agree with the idea or not, and whether it affects you personally or not is immaterial. It affects society at large and the government is supposed to represent members of its society.

It's nice that you either don't use SMS or all of your family/friends are on Android, or you simply don't have family/friends, but for the rest of us, we would like to send pictures to our grandma without her complaining that it's pixelated and tiny because she has an iPhone. It has been frustrating for years, but now that a solution has been realized, it seems anti-competitive that one of the vendors is now trying to block the fix. Regardless, even if this fix remains blocked, we do have hope that iOS will get RCS in the near future.

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That sounds suspiciously like scoop.sh would be downloading the program from the internet, and a wise person once told me "Don't download programs off the internet." Not today, Satan!

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Because G-d forbids me from speaking or writing foul language.