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Joined 1 years ago

I believe I read people donate much less if money is involved. Part of the motivation is the altruism of the donation.

Not being extremely mobile or having chronic pain does not require you to eat more calories than you burn. I have a torn disc and take nerve meds so I obviously don't lift weights or run like I used to, but Im allowed to moderate my calorie intake.

Age and a slowing metabolism are more pernicious, but even those things don't "force you to eat more calories than you need". Nothing is forcing anybody to do that.

Whats wrong with being a dick? None of us would be here without dicks. Say no to dick shaming. Dick pride.

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You missed the part where you either sign in with your Microsoft account or cut your Internet, remove the webcam, fake your own death, and do the secret tap code in the bios to just have the OS without letting Microsoft into your butthole.

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specialized in "American ideas and institutions,”

He's a poly sci UNDERGRAD he didn't and doesn't specialize in shit.

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She was running against Trump, the PAC stays against Trump... I mean yeah it's all a shit show but it's not that unreasonable. He is (and should always be) a red letter shitty candidate.

Is there such a thing as a consensual undressing app? Seems redundant

18 more...

"Inmate" lol

That's an amusing typo in this context.

Let's have police reform and additional training or more services!


PARENT YOUR OWN KIDS. Don't call the cops on your underage children to "teach a lesson" you're the parent, YOU do it. That call doesn't come with a lesson, it comes with a pretty larceny charge to help with your kid's "bad week".

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The ability to block entire instances!

Right devs? Right?

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Now do it for areas that people not in the LA area will understand.

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Of course! Let's consider the following extremely reasonable options:

  • The attendant accidentally left his phone in the bathroom (with the flash on, or no passcode so a malicious 14 yo could turn it on). Kid goes in the bathroom and hatches a plot. Peels the sticker perfectly off broken seat lid, attaches the phone, and takes a picture of it.

  • Same as above, but the girl finds a pad of the stickers and a sharpie also left on the bathroom, thereby removing the need to peel. OR she carries her own pad of the united broken stickers and a sharpie.

  • The kid pickpockets his phone on the way by and either of the options above. Roll for dexterity!

  • The bathroom was so dark at the start of the flight, our good Samaritan flight attendant tapes a phone with the light on under a broken sticker (even though it's fine to use) and writes seat broken on it just so everyone is aware anyway. Everyone can now see and doesn't fall in.

All completely sane and reasonable alternatives to assuming an unnamed individual (who is not getting publicly maligned because he's unidentified) was trying to add kiddie fun bits to his spank bank.

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Those were serious nominees? AND they didn't see the problem? How excruciatingly tone deaf.

You changed it TO latrine?

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This is my life generally on Lemmy. You can be a Linux/tech person and not be an anime lover or trans fem furry, but they are fucking TIGHTLY entangled here.

So is modern "christianity" my dude.

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What is your favorite thing disabled people can't do?

Yep. Originally says "literal" instead of "liberal"

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Hard to say. Mant of us reading this are reddit deserters though.

Yo ho, yo ho....


Gender doesn't matter (and can't be determined) this is ugly thin and ugly haircut to the extreme.


People think it's really challenging and brittle, but everything seems to always work no matter how often I update (or don't) and the wiki is top notch.

I actually chose arch initially because when you go to forums to troubleshoot problems there is always an ubuntu answer and an arch answer, and the arch answer is almost always shorter.

It's like you're stuck in the water with a riptide pushing you away from shore. A really strong swimmer would just swim against it, but you're not, so you swim parallel to shore because then later you can swim back in. At least it's not pushing you further out.


Just decide to quit and drown. This is what the young "I'll show you by not participating" crowd sounds like to me.

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That is precisely the logic my family presented to me in 2016.

Help step-steamboat, I'm stuck in the washing machine.

Noooooo ooooonnnneee...

Fucks like Gaston

Designs guns like Gaston;

Designs horse jizz injectors for fun like Gaston!

He was exceptionally good at inSEMMMMinating!

He's dead and gone...



Edit: @Stamets

How about also fuck sinema?

Sure this is going a same way now, but at least tuberville is predictable. She is much more toxic and dangerous in the long run.

Why DO you wanna join? Is it to make sure everybody is nice to you?

14 more...

Put that neanderthal woman in a museum or a zoo.

Consider how you might feel if your tiny opinions got picked up and went viral, but then the comments they quote from Lemmy were incomplete and left you looking like an idiot.

Sound cool to you?

I always thought my English teachers were really insightful... then I realized most of the insight was from the teacher's guide :/.

Or Luck/right place right time.

Ground floor entry on Bitcoin, Tesla, Amazon, whatever gave mad returns

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Intentional? Or old man being old?

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I don't have to eat the shells, offal, or shit of I eat the big sea ones though.

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And they will be valuable if they can sell them in the next 4 to 6 hours!

Femboys and furries and small or huge titties. If you can silence all 40 of each Iof those communities, Lemmy is usable.

No weiners. No anime. No hairy minges. No extreme titties. Is that so much to ask for?

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9 women cannot have a baby in 1 month obviously, that's an assembly problem.

What you need is 1 woman and 9 men.

I fuckin love Eric Swalwell

"I know a trap when I see one"