7 Post – 624 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Don't we have an OffMyChest sub or something? YSK and TIL should be about factual and verified info, not personal experiences...

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ASUS is apparently killing the posibility of me being a potential customer of their smartphones.

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Reminds of that video of Louis Rossmann where he says something like: if a company writes something in small print and/or on places where people won't look, it's because the company knows they would lose customers and damage their PR if people knew about it.

Aside of being legal or not, if LG really wanted their customers to be aware of their BS, maybe they should have put a big ass plastic warning sticker in the front of the fridge itself, preferably holding the door/s locked or on the inside, somewhere annoying where nobody would miss it.

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How long until Steam drops support on W10?

That's the important event, lol

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I love how the warning just asks you to make sure but doesn't really try to talk you out of it.

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Dwight_Sheldon_mode on

It's "mosca", which it's just a common fly

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Die monster, die.

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Hardware factory reset

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The gift message is written by whoever makes the order (the customer)

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OpenAI models being pussies and this Copilot motherfucker is double dipping...

Fast and Furious: My Penis Enlargement Group

Not even if you do valuable or efficent stuff for the company. You're disposable.

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No even IBM... this is why I don't want to strive at work anymore.

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To those people who say you can't express sarcasm over text.

Fucking really? Can you not see it here either?

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So Windows 11 has a built-in keylogger!

That people can make Android apps for it without caring about absurd API prices.

In my limited knowledge:

ears down = horsey scared and bitey

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I'm making custom cards for Cards Against Humanity and this is gold

I agree with the UK one as in Spain we do pretty much the same.

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They even use additional lights inside cars.

Also, same BS when someone is wearing a biohazard suit and there's a ring of lights inside the helmet that only illuminate the actor's face...

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What pushed you to write such stupid reply on a community where people ask about stuff?


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That you'll be nobody without a degree. Maybe not told directly, but implied in many things that my inferiority-complex-mom said.

We're gonna need a Lemmy client that can log into multiple accounts at the same time and display a combined feed of allof those accounts...

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They operate like mafias, fuck them.

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Yoko Ono

Kdenlive video editor

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Large Language Models (such as GPT) and AI image generators.

I follow certain AI related post tags on Tumblr and sometimes I see people expressing pure hatred towards these tools, as they only see the AIs as content thieves.

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Because IE was shit so people may assume Edge is just like IE.

Besides, Edge is just a customized Chromium, so it barely brings nothing new the table.

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Wait wait wait

I know they kicked Altman, but what else happened?

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Growth is not up to expectations

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You mean nɒɘᒐ

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I'm amazed when companies can't simply afford 100% remote work. IT'S FREE!

The alligator/crocothing was really confused

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Little shit knew how to fire a gun but didn't know about remaining silent.


No Linkin Park? (before they gave up nu-metal)

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