23 Post – 1153 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

“I will give a picture, you will create an exact copy, accurate pixel to pixel to the one I give you”.

As someone with ADHD zero work gets done until the meeting. It’s just waiting and stressing about missing the time.

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Stop 👏 using 👏 Reddit 👏

Any action there, no matter how vindictive, will raise the traffic scores and help then in their IPO. The best way to win is to not play.

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They’re not purchases, they’re leases.

Edit: it’s actually that you purchase access to their license of the media.

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They expected to show a large influx of visits when they create an event. They will show user counts and to the result to their investors. It’s all calculated and we’re all falling for it.

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I feel like this lawsuit was a real Streisand effect for Nintendo. Now everyone know there’s a way to emulate the Switch.

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And Apple released a letter that sounds petty and greedy.

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I turned it into my Lock Screen.

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Git pull request

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Streaming platforms should not be allowed to produce content and vice-versa. That’s how it was with movie theaters. Ever wondered why there are no Paramount theater, or MGM theater and so on? Because studios aren’t allowed to own theaters.

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Make the pay option less shitty than pirating. That’s all it takes.

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Sits at the computer, opens mail app… Anyways, let’s first check Lemmy. Oh! A post that describes exactly what I’m doing! I’ll just reply to it first then I’ll do the email.

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Ok. Chrome sucks. Brave sucks. What’s good. Firefox?

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Apollo… I miss Apollo. Voyager is nice but I still miss Apollo.

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Translation: the higher ups fucked up because they’re so disconnected with their own product, so now they are making their employees pay for their mistakes in order to keep their bosses salaries and bonuses intact.

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They didn’t lose their laptop. They got taken to be updated because of a security breach

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That’s basically how Chinese popcorn is made. They use a pressure vessel to heat up the kernels the releases the pressure and it explosively turns into popcorn.

Edit: youtube video

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If I’m putting something over my head it won’t be from the greediest tech company ever.

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Screw this. Boycott unity.

Of course they wouldn’t be. They will find the worst possible to comply while not actually making it realistically usable. Malicious compliance at its finest.

Hi you pulled your car in, nothing is actually wrong with it but we looked at it from a distance and you need new air filters. That will be $375. I can make you a good price, I got it down to $373 because you’re a good money bag, I mean client.

I’m totally upgrading, right after I’m done with the thing I’m doing right now…

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You don’t own the video file. You own access to their video file, which they also don’t own, they only own the right to distribute it. If their distribution contract ends and doesn’t gets renewed, then they can’t let you access the file. At least they refunded you. This system is one of the issues with the ongoing writers and actors strikes. Amazon can decide to stop making a video available, which cuts all dividends revenues to actors and writers. So having a video available for you to watch costs money to Amazon (or Netflix or Max…) but not enough content makes users unsubscribe, so they ride that thin line for maximized revenue. This means that older movies that aren’t blockbusters get dropped in favor of new content. Now new content doesn’t means good content, remember, it needs to be as cheap as possible. Aaand this is why steaming companies are spiraling down and everything is going to shit. Filmmaking is an art form turned into an industry. But art isn’t about maximized profit, it’s about art first. But you can’t make that art without millions of dollars and that requires the art to take a step back to maximize profit, but not too far back. It’s a really big issue in the film and entertainment industry.

— I’m an IATSE local 600 camera operator.

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My 5 years old decided to switch to Firefox after I told him google chrome will not block ads on YouTube anymore.

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Fuck Spez… oh wait..

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  • it’s just making sure an employee didn’t give themselves a big tip without your consent
  • it’s nice of you to tips that much and that’s on you.
  • I so disagree with the tip culture. Companies need to pay a living wage without requiring the generosity of customers to survive.
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Didn’t they update Teams to a whole new platform recently and it turned out to just be a webpage rendered by edge?

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Companies like chrome because it’s the most used browser. So if they develop for it, and only for it without caring of compatibility on others, then it’s cheaper. And since they don’t want you to use another browser and complain that their site is broken, the just block you.

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Question: what isn’t swatting a punishable act for the person who called?

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tl;dr: Lexus passed, Tesla failed every test

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He looks shocked.

“By the way, you can now pay for Alexa AI option if you want me to reply in a slightly smarter way, but I will still cut you off with ads and other useless things. To activate AlexaAI say activate”

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Changing the FPS would not change your exposure. Changing the shutter angle/speed would. So does changing the aperture. We don’t have shutter speed in our eyes, but we do have an iris! Your eyes actually change your iris aperture naturally when in the dark.

You can even trick your body to change the iris on only one eye. Cover one eye for a few minutes (at least 15-20min) in a brightly lit environment then move to a rack room (not pitch black but very minimal light) and open your covered eye. Your covered eye’s iris is already wide open and you can see well from it. The other one needs time to adjust.

This is why pirates were wearing eye patches, to be able to enter the hull of the ship and see immediately without lighting up a candle. Fire is not a good idea inside a wooden ship filled with black powder.

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It marks the account as a cat. What else is there to explain?

The issue is that Apple should not advertise the app a FREE on the AppStore. It’s should advertise it as a subscription app or something like that.

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I really don’t want to have to go back to torrenting, but it seems that’s the only option if they keep pushing like this. I’m a camera operator, I work in the industry, my livelihood depends on movies being made. But racketeering the viewers is not how you’ll sustain an industry. Sure it’ll raise your quarterly report but it will damage your business deeply. Producers are cutting themselves a slice bigger every day, both from the viewers and the workers (look at the writers and actors strikes). We can’t make art in a system dictated by instant guaranteed returns and viewers aren’t stupid enough to pay hundreds of dollars to watch the same low effort shit over and over. The film industry NEEDS TO CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Back in the days there was a law that movie studios couldn’t also have movie theaters to avoid this specific issue. Now they found the loophole.

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Use the ChatGPT grandma trick

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Spotify still can’t figure out how to make a profit even with all their subscribers. Theo the 1% tax adds to their loss. Still fuck Spotify.