So they're admitting their app needs work. to – 49 points –

well, yeah, most apps need to have developers working on it

They want to put in more spyware and ads! And that is an impressive salary range. I had no idea mobile devs made that much. No I'm not going to apply but hmm.

They also seem open to remote. Perhaps their head of engineering actually has a clue about what it takes to hire talent. Granted, they could have likely just bought one of the many popular third party apps and developed that into the official app. But, that would require admitting their own app was crap.

They really should have bought Apollo…

Did Christian say he didn’t want to sell to them? I read that as “didn’t offer enough money”

I think they announced the price of the api then said your app is worth nothing because of the high api cost so here is our low offer. Take it or your app dies. Which is the dickest move possible.

Principal Developer is the top position for a developer, unless there's also senior principal. It's the highest you can usually go without being management.

Junior, intermediate (also just developer) senior, staff, principal

Intermediate and up can also have levels within them.

That is an impressive salary. WTF?

Tech, dude.

Also, they list those numbers using "total compensation" which for a private company includes shares which in most cases is monopoly money. Reddit is about to IPO allegedly so slightly more useful here. But it's not just $300k in cash.

Tech layoffs have ballooned. Still seems high.

Nah he’s on the ball about their IPO. Id bet a significant amount of that compensation is in shares that will tank in value over time, and not actual cash monies.

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And its allowing for remote workers in Canada or the United States. Most tech jobs I see lately are the opposite, they want you to do more work than the role entails for less money than it should be making, and less and less of those jobs offer remote work. Lots of the jobs I have been applying for want you to do the work of a supervisor for the pay of a specialist.

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The same position is open in multiple job markets, including here in Toronto. It’s possible that they need multiple code engineers, but the most likely read is they really need this person.

Possibly to tick a few boxes in the IPO prospectus…

Not a bad time to join if you can negotiate a good amount of pre IPO equity.

Yeah and if it’s a remote position it doesn’t matter where the physical person is.

They seem to have a high turnover rate. I always see these ads for reddit engineers in my feed on LinkedIn

No. You are imagining things. It what world does we need more engineers mean we don't like the app?