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No safety smoking first

So they can strap the aid workers to the front of their trucks maybe

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Unlike all those Palestinian kids amarite.

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Right. Nothing to do with Israel killing a large number of aid workers and destroying supplies, while killing civilians who try to get to them. It's Hamas holding back sitting on piles of food... Makes sense.

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Oh I see, killing childen is okay because of "those people who are making israel do it". Makes perfect sense now thank you.

Guy let it go. You've already admitted you understand that Israel is killing children because the Palestinian government is fucked. A lot of us understand the nuances of the Palestinian government being fucked, we still don't think it should be open-season on the Palestinian kiddos, civilians and hospitals.

That being said, you may go have passionate intercourse with your cranial apparel.

That's the neat part, you don't!

Could you quantify "sometimes"? Asking for my wife

Most don't even care about rights, god or children, it's about owning the libs.

The article hides it in the update.

This feels significant: Disney has officially retracted a copyright claim on a third-party's Steamboat Willie video on YouTube.

It's not significant, that's how it works. It went into the public domain and the copyright strike process took time to adjust. Disney was never going to fight this.

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"There is no way to prevent this" says only country where this happens regularly.

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There was no confusion around who delisted it

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YSK used to have a rule that asked "why we need to know this/should know this.

This is a TIL not a YSK.

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Here's an idea, instead of individual cars, we could combine them into a few cars pulled 1 big car. And given they pretty much go to the same place, we could put them on some sort of tracks to reduce rubber wear, like steel wheels. We could even make it stop at a couple of useful places along the way... Wait.

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It's a clash between scientists needing to be optimistic about their findings to maintain funding and real people needing it asap. We need to fund more medical research outside of for-profit corporations and increasingly expensive academia

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Btw this dude didnt send his piss to everyone. The only shipping orders he filled was for his friends ordering it to see if it would work. Other people also bought some, but the guy didn't ship it, because that would be insane.

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They expected pandemic like growth to continue. Instead they made an absurd amount of money and are going to tone it down, socialise a bit of losses to realign the graph to something they can bullshit investors with.

(I was one of Unity's 1800, so I know the feeling).

Would have been way funnier to make it all "macaroni" or "pasta" and leave one tiny section for "spaghetti", because somehow that's the distinction people make.

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The joke is that even if Ukraine would agree, it's just a trick to gain more land and do it again.

the bird will never land on your ship if you constantly stand guard to catch it, instead improve your ship and sail into warmer waters; the bird will land while you are not looking

  • CGP Grey
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The insanity is not that they did it, it's that Amazon allows it. It's not like they were actually trying to sell urine, they just wanted to point out how fucked amazon is.

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Elon Free Speech Musk himself? Never!

I think the easiest way we could help him in the current judicial system is immediately stop paying all our bills and accept foreign investments, organize an insurrection and attempt to overthrow the election, and once you're made president then you can pardon him.

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Putin has this sick idea that if ppl are scared enough they will do better.

While at the same time probably furious people are lying to him left and right ruining his war efforts, and wondering why throwing people out of windows isn't helping.

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I like to laugh at him as much as the next guy, but Will Smith has nothing to do with this game. He was merely a paid actor in it. Tencent failed to nake a good game and to market it properly. Nobody was going to read the article about the shit game anyway so they lead with Will "get that outta yo mouth" smith.

When Cyberpunk initially failed did you see headlines like: Keanu Reeves game flops? No because that would be stupid.

Lmao now the US is actually funding a tool Putin is using against the US.

Trump isn't even elected yet either.

5$ of mesh is an option.

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What I imagine your life is like:

Y: Hey press the meta key.

O: the fucking what mate?

Y: the key with the windows logo on it.

O: you mean the windows key?

Y: You should know, it's called the super key, or the metakey

O: ......

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After the teacher let her in, she attacked the woman, stabbing her more than 100 times - continuing the frenzied attack even after the victim had died.

I guess we'll never know!

Too bad she was sentenced in asbentia. I hope they find her..

Following the capture of the hospital, the Russians initiated a search for Ukrainian soldiers among the patients. The hospital staff pre-emptively destroyed documents and uniforms of Ukrainian defenders, with the soldiers themselves being officially registered as civilian patients injured in the intense city fighting, the SBU notes.

However, during a walkthrough of the medical facility with the Russians, Dr. Valentyna Chekhova pointed out the beds where the wounded soldiers were lying and identified a fellow doctor who assisted in concealing Ukrainian soldiers.

The Russians incarcerated the injured Ukrainian defenders, transporting them to a torture chamber, where the invaders subjected them to gruesome torture, as detailed by the SBU.

Slash education, raise cost of living, lower the minimum working age and forcing ppl to work shit jobs is actually viable.

I think there's a political party whose whole platform is based on this for this very reason

The attack could pose a serious risk to activists, political dissidents, journalists, those targeted by cybercriminals, and many more people.

Lmao like they're using Skype when trying to hide

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I am once again asking you to support not committing genocide

Leopards ate my face. They are acting like this is a new betrayal that needs stopping. These are the same people who were telling us the 3rd party app changes aren't a big deal.

Recruiters aren't blind to it either, at least for more senior roles. They stopped talking about the "family" that they are, and how much more "fun" it is to work there. They also stopped asking me why I chose this company, and instead ask me why I chose this role, because they know I don't give a shit about the company. They cut straight to "here is the pay and benefits, we give extra for this that and that". It should be like that for all levels, from junior to director.

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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion

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Now the GOP is just going to threaten government shutdown until they can take over democracy completely.

That's sounds like terrorism

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One of the first things the Trump Administration did in their second year was to cut EPA funding by 31%, including clean water programs. Then the proposed nothing in exchange but more cuts for the rich. Hopefully they don't reduce the EPAs budget further to make up for it.

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