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Joined 1 years ago

I saw a documentary about him once where they showed him in a Las Vegas hotel. He decided he wanted to go shopping, so they took him to the fancy art store there. We're talking paintings that cost a couple million dollars each. He walked through the store and pointed at things he liked and his handlers bought everything for him. If that was an average day for him, then I'm not surprised he was heavily in debt. They had to close everything off just for him to go places, which I'm sure also costs a fortune. Fans would get a glimpse of him walking and break down into hysterics and tears. It was quite the spectacle.

Wtf are you talking about? Get a grip, homey. I'm not saying others should suffer. Do you really think that the power of AI is going to result in the average person not having to work? Fuck no. It's going to result in like 5 people having all the money and everyone else fighting over garbage to eat. Shiet, man. I'm talking about wanting to not be unemployed and starving, same goes for everyone else soon enough. Would I prefer a life without work and still having adequate resources? Of course! But I live in this world, not a fantasy world.

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I greatly prefer messaging, but sometimes I call because it'll take me 5 minutes to talk on the phone and 25 minutes to get it all hashed out through texts.

Not now. But eventually? Probably. Or the cool thinking jobs will all be automated and we'll be left with menial labor. Idk man, maybe it'll be a eutopia, but I don't see much benevolence from those controlling things. Anyways, I wasn't looking for an argument about distant possibilities. I was just saying I don't want to lose my job that I spent decades mastering to a machine. I didn't expect that to be a hot take.

Dude... Just write a python script that makes small changes to white space every few seconds and commits them.

These lived on 1800 acres of wild land. They normally only saw people when we were driving past to get to the ranch house, or when me and my buddy were hiking. Twice a year they were rounded up, branded, counted, and either sold off or let go.

They were rounded up old Western style, by cowboys on horseback, and driven into the pens by the ranch house. It was actually an amazing experience getting to be a part of that as a teenager and young man.

My friend and I would go exploring all over those hills in the summer time, and that's when the murder cows caught us in the open a few times. Most of the cows didn't care, but there were a few that we knew by site to run from if we happened upon them. So we'd skedaddle over near a tree or back to the truck if it was close and hope the cow would just wander off and do cow things. It usually just gave us angry looks and bluffs, but a few times it charged us and drove us up the tree. One time we were tree'ed, and were able to scare it off by firing our guns into the air. Good times.

I give instructions to AI like I would to a brand new junior programmer, and it gives me back code that's usually better than a brand new junior programmer. It still needs tweaking, but it saves me a lot of time. The drawback is that coding knowledge atrophy occurs pretty rapidly, and I'm worried that I'm going to forget how to write code without the AI. I guess that I don't really need to worry about that, since I doubt AI is going anywhere anytime soon.

NYC public transit and nightlife is amazing. It's pretty dirty once you leave the financial district though. Unfortunately I've heard that SF is pretty dirty these days too. Is that true? It used to be my most favorite city in the world, but I haven't been back in 15+ years.

At my last job they assigned one of those to me and never told me. I had already been there about a year when I discovered it. I had like 500 voicemails. Haha.

Listen bub, I don't have time for this Mickey mouse bullshit!

Oh yes. Cow body language is very different when they're curious and when they intend to cause you harm. These ones wanted us wiped from the face of the earth, or at least wiped from their line of sight.

Edit: I should point out that these were free range beef cattle in the foothills, so they're a lot less friendly than your average dairy cow. They would only see people a few times per year, and they never liked what they got when people came around, so they likely had pretty negative associations with humans.

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I grew up visiting my friend's family's cattle ranch all the time. The mean ones up there were cows, not bulls. There were a couple that you didn't want to get caught in the open with. I was chased up a tree a few times. Some cows just want to see the world burn.

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Not really, man. Cows are like people, some of them are just assholes. Cows kill hundreds of people every year. If you don't know a cow's temperament, don't put yourself where it can kill you.

Ticket 24987: "Do the needful"

Well, should you live there?

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Agile has some good principles, but too often projects are delayed to support the process, when the process exists to support the projects. When a team is more focused on stand-ups and burn down charts than they are on shipping software, then they're no longer agile. Unfortunately that is what happens to a lot of teams that decide to use Agile.

I buy DVDs, Blu-ray, and UHD DVDs all the time. Try the thrift store, then Amazon, then eBay.

What are you gonna do? Shoot me?

You didn't say the safe word! The lessons continue.

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I was born poor and grew up on welfare. But I'm pretty comfortable now and I'll tell ya, it feels great! We had to work our asses off to get to this point, make a lot of sacrifices, and even move across the country, but it's very nice not having to worry about every single expense that comes our way.

*cracks knuckles

My kind of evening...

This is the true story of my life. I'm still working towards that last cell.

That's not my dad.

That's a cell phone!

Whatchu, think I'm stupid?

My dad's not a phone.


Heya. I'm not interested in that position, but I'm open to moderating another community or two if you need to fill in any gaps for a less demanding role.

My city has more water than we can ever use, so I'm going to continue having shower thoughts, tyvm.

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As a mod of another fun community, I can tell you that people report things just because they don't personally like them, and there are plenty of mods that will remove anything with a few downvotes that get reported. I don't, but plenty do.

Isn't Cyberduck a paid program though? I remember trying it, but I can't remember why I went back to filezilla. I thought it was because my trial for Cyberduck expired.

Eh, it comes at a cost of only seeing the sun for like 2-3 months per year.

I would if I could!

Your loss!

They had piracy all but beat. It was their insatiable greed that drove people back to the sea.

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Stupid paywall, on a stupid article, about a stupid company, run by a stupid little piss boy. No thanks.

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Now they'll install any random fucking app a company tells them to install. Oh, you want to see a menu at the restaurant? Just install this app. How about fuck you?

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management company Sandvine reveals that cloud storage, YouTube, and other apps have taken over.

X for doubt.

Needless to say, BitTorrent is nowhere to be found in the list of ‘top apps’.

Because Bit Torrent isn't a freaking "app", it's a protocol spread over a hundred different programs and services.

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The US federal government has been doing this since the 00's. Snowden exposed them and the public responded with hatred towards Snowden. Unfortunately the average citizen just doesn't seem to care.

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*you should learn how to camp before going camping

Yeah man, you can search for the exact name of the app you're looking for, and it will appear 4th or 5th on the list. Fuck Google.

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Yup! Because that's the law. The original idea was to keep people in power from being able to outmaneuver their opponents by having them arrested. That was back when politicians and corporations had some level of public accountability though.

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So, they're basically forcing it into the junk pile, even if developers want to support it. What a terrible company.

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"Maybe later" literally every time you open anything now. It should be illegal to not give people a "no" option.

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