13 Post – 782 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

How are they going to produce these patches if microsoft is no longer releasing them?

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First there were glassholes. Now we'll have earworms?

Staying in and keeping fighting is a lot to ask from a guy in his condition. Maybe he could drop out and keep fighting, or possibly stay in and quit fighting. Those would both be easier, and it doesn't much matter at this point anyway.

We had something like e-readers and they didn't need recharging as they were made out of dead trees. But each one held just one book, so you had to take a bunch of them to the bathroom with you.

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Do I want to know what opensea is?

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It depends. What kind of beer?

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Right. There were also Ace Doubles, but you had to be good at reading upside down if you wanted to use both halves.

I've never heard of this guy but I'm not very attentive to streamer drama. Is this significant beyond there now being N+1 known bozos in the world instead of N?

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Not enough articles saying why Biden is so unappealing that quite a few people prefer the convict. Physician, heal thyself.

Then only outlaws will have libraries?

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Who is he? What does he stream about? Is he really a doctor?

Why not zero?

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A locked phone and an overpriced monthly contract is precisely a payment plan. As far cheap phones, I like Motorola but I'm sure other stuff is out there as well.

Both are demented, but the election is about the whole executive branch and not just the specific buffoon at the top. That's what I've been telling myself anyway.

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Idk, 65 tons of fireworks could put on a pretty good show.

"Wtf" sounds good enough for me in this case. Trump's donors should say the same thing.

In practice that's done by party hacks and staffers already. The president signs off at the end.

Saw reddit thread about this. Apparently the jail sentence is all but symbolic, since the defendants are currently outside Switzerland. As long as they don't go back, they will never see the inside of a jail.

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Swappable batteries in mobile phones.

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Just build phones with the understanding that batteries are consumables and make them easy to replace and standardized. Then swap in a new $5 battery when you need to so. Make the raw materials reclaimable too of course.

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TFA: Greta Thunberg and four co-defendants have been found not guilty of breaking the law when they refused to follow police instructions to move on during a climate protest.

District Judge John Laws threw out a public order charge due to "no evidence" and added police attempted to impose "unlawful" conditions during a protest.

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HN thread is here and it's on the front page 7 hours old:

Many mentions made that a significant part of the issue seemed to be Cloudflare IP addresses getting banned in some countries. They wanted the customer to switch to a bring-your-own-IP plan.

Also, the discussion took place over 1 month, not 24 hours.

I think the HN thread is reasonably informative and nuanced. CF didn't do great but it was somewhat a fog of war situation.

I don't post on reddit any more but I still look there now and then. I don't notice much change. From everything I've heard, the protest failed. A few snowflakes like me quit posting and/or moved to Lemmy, but mostly things at reddit were back to normal within a few weeks after the blackout.

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Ambiguous title. The pastor didn't ask for money from the freezing people. He took them in for free. The city then criminally charged him for violating zoning rules:

Chris Avell, pastor of Dad's Place in Bryan, Ohio, was arraigned in court last Thursday because he kept his church open 24/7 to provide warmth to the unhoused.

Ohio law prohibits residential use in first-floor buildings in a business district. Since the church is zoned as a Central Business, the building is restricted from allowing people to eat or sleep on the property.

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Lol, twitter was brilliant when it was 144 character text messages. Then it got ruined by adding photos. Now it is going the rest of the way down the tubes by becoming becoming video first. Ugh.

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Is it important? It was a cool program 30 years ago but it's just a playback UI right?

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I tried Kagi (free 100 query plan) and got about the same results as google/DDG. It's kind of nice but I couldn't see subscribing. I hate subscriptions. If they sold access for a flat fee per query (let's say $5 for 200 queries) I'd buy that, and use a dozen or so queries a month. The rest of the time I'd keep using DDG or occasionally resorting to Google.

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Spoiler: Apple.

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I read about 1 page of that guy's book years ago, pegged him as a scammer, and put the book back on the shelf. Looks like I got it right.

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I had thought that since the 2001 hijackings it has been basically impossible to open the cockpit doors during flight, except from the inside. On El Al planes I'd heard it was impossible period, so hijackers couldn't threaten their way in, but US carriers didn't want to do that because it means the cockpit needs its own lavatory, displacing a few passenger seats.

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No one has mentioned the good version of that site, -- no ads, no bloat, works fine with UBO.

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This was an interesting discovery but is a couple of years old. The article says the paper was published in 2021. I remember seeing the photo around then.

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Leave instructions in your will for your executor to carry out after you are gone. The high tech stuff is not needed. Several times on forums or in other places, someone passes away and word gets around. In some cases the member's widow will log in to relay the news and maybe share some memories of the deceased. That means they must have been given the account password for such purposes.

Poor Tim. Look what they've done to his Web.

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"Ballot measures pending in Michigan, Arizona, Ohio and Massachusetts, and a bill being reintroduced in Connecticut". There.

Wait their articles are paywalled. Are they only going to federate the clickbait teaser intros?

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Saving click: this is about migrant workers who might get arrested under new FL immigration law.

I won't say his name but I stopped someone's musical career once. He was an up and coming young guitarist, getting performing gigs here and there, and teaching guitar students to help pay his bills while waiting for a break. I took some lessons from him and as part of general chatting it came out that I worked with computers. He thought that was interesting and asked good questions, so I brought him some programming books. He became a full time programmer a couple months later and a very good one too. I'm glad it worked out for him, but I always wonder what we lost.

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There aren't serious technical obstacles but it may be a poor idea if it turns into a hive of abuse. I got into a discussion about implementing forum software a while back and I said I wanted it to have encrypted DM's, and several operators jumped in and said it would probably attract more trouble than it was worth. People wanting direct private comms can always use encrypted email. On Reddit whenever I wanted to discuss anything the least bit private, I generally asked to exchange email addresses with the person or similar, and went from there in some cases to a self hosted encrypted chat.

Anyway this feature should be weighed somewhat carefully. Are you going to do the thing with warrant canaries? Any attempt at all to conceal metadata? Etc.

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