Samsung is no longer the world’s biggest smartphone maker to – 110 points –

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Spoiler: Apple.


Maybe in the US. I think there is more to it than this.

I was about to write a comment saying that I agree with you, but then I decided to fact check myself.

Turns out, my intuition was wrong. Apple really has a larger market share than Samsung.

And their cameras got worse. The shutter lag on my S22+ was ridiculous. I missed so many good moments with my kids because it either failed to take the picture on time or the picture it did take was a blurry mess. After using Samsung for several generations, I traded for an iPhone 15 Pro. The camera alone was worth the switch. It turns out if you spend years copying Apple then people would rather just buy the real thing once you’ve removed all the features that made you unique.

while not on the same scale, its kinda like the story of the enthusiast trap.

Care to share?

the enthusiast trap is the idea that some companies target enthusiasts with a product, because it has a feature or price that people look for, but its impossible to get bigger or grow because its a niche, so they then turn to the mainstream audience to try to make a profit. this is where most startups falter, as they fail to get mainstream support, and lose the enthusiast that liked them for something specific.