
3 Post – 1002 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah he definitely can veer too much into that stuff for a time. I strongly dislike his thumbnails and titles but I feel he has to do that to compete but I do like his content, some days just less than others.

I watched an Irish tech reviewer because I wanted to support local, he was decent and would have relevant info regarding pricing and release windows.

Noticed he was getting abit whiny and doing some oddly focusef videos but I made no conscious decision to stop wtching.

Remembered him a few years ago and he is gone fucking nuts with this mad US centric Trump conservative nonsense. It is honestly nearly laughable only for it is so aggressively hateful.

His shit got waaaay too long too.

I'll end with haemmoroids if I watch his feature lengtj vids when I take a shit.

Damn algorithm really pushed good creators to ramble and add fluff.

Thanks for the great breakdown, it sounds vaguely familiar. I remember K's retraction bit and I follow Philip DeFranco. Disappointed he landed on the wrong side.

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What drama, and if sided with Kurzgesagt when they were in the right as you say, what is the issue?

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Still with Phil, my god it has been so long. I was there for the lost mountain dew video. My interest goes up and down, he can go through periods of very celeb focused or very america focused which can be boring but overall I like him and what he creates.

He needs to stop with the "news studio" shit and commit to something, let it grow and see where it ends up. I have lost like totally awesome, sourcefed and now rogue rocket.

Why add this to te immigration screeming process while they are actively committing war crimes, stealing land and murdering kids?

germany has managed to land on te wrong side of history twice in the same conversation.

Blindly standing with a group becuase germany feels they have given their own atrocious history.

By that logic the creation of israel was a genocidal act in itself because it created a right for a people to eist where others were existing previously.

If removing the right to exist of the Palestinian people is perfectly acceptable why is it necessary to keep chanting support for the rights of the aggressor?

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It was always a contentious issue, there was just a lot of sympathy for the jewish people given the circumstances. Right being right, a portion of Germany should have been given. Instead the issue was exported to be dealt with remotely to the detriment of a different people who were wholly uninvolved.

At the moment, any defense of Israel's right to exist is used to excuse a very clear land grab. Israel has the right to eist within is Israel only.

God that fella is too many places

The related their view of it to the game not being a threat which would lead me to see them presenting their opinion as fact.

It doesn't really matter but starting a two sentence paragraph with a subjective view and ending with a completely unrelated conclusion doesn't make sense so it would only be natural to relate them.

Dublin is a kip, you have far better options throughout Ireland, if you want a city go to Cork or Belfast. Galway is a bit boring to me but could be your scene. After that there are loads of little spots with loads going for them. The entire west coast is great.

Dont rent a big car, I mean big by irish sandards.

There are thousands of children dead, refugee camps bombed, hospitals sieged, civilians tortured and most recently a civilian strapped to a car and taken for a spin.

This does not need to fit into a left right template to be seen for what it is, a land grab. Another one.

Palestinians have a right to exist and place to exist.

Dropped out of online gaming on week two of the small frw games I tried. Not fun being shit.

Is proton the distro or program?

To be fair to the yanks, you sowed us nice boobies and we showed you our pale arses, cocaine and videos of 9/11.

This girl should not get the blame here.

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Surely there is a discussion to be had around what is and isn't allowed, there are plenty of subreddits discussing piracy without dolirect links that are playing within the rules.

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Ill move to server that has defederated meta completely

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Yeah, they have failed to take hold of much of Ukraine in 10 years of invading. Even less in the last 2 amd change.

They did manage to lose 300,000+ directly in the war and more that fled their shithole country.

Russia is a loser country.

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Someone made a post years ago of all the super users and I blocked them all and it was a really fun experience until others rose up again and I didn't have a list.

I ended up blocking anyone with 6 digit post karma that I came across.

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I trust nothing on there anymore, it is very difficult to wade through the crap. All I want is a 3m HDMI 2.1 cable and I don't believe what I'm getting.

It's like chinavasion but with better marketing.

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I'd smash both

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This is not at all a view that is based in reality, Germany has made it mandatory in their curriculum to learn about the atrocities committed by the Nazis in the war and bring the schools to concentration camps to drive home the depravity of their history.

What a bullshit take. Germany is noted for how they have handled their history, in stark contrast to Japan who do not acknowledge the atrocities they committed and shy away from public knowledge of them.

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You have a post about pissing yourself in public should be the way to resolve issues with service staff.

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Google On Tap was unreal, hold the button and it would recognise all the text on the screen and give you definitions and such. Only one of these type of products that got use out of me

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It sucks their kids died but it is more their fault than Snapchat.

You can't blame the postman for delivering weed, it is just another package to them. And by the same token if someone seeks out drugs that's on them.

Legalise drugs.

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Better drugs, more accountability, better regulations, better education, stronger supports funded by the Revenue from drugs.

How is this news to you?

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Stop warning the cunt

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Nothing I hate more than a company's website being a Facebook page

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NO one cares about iMessage here, legislate yourselves.

It doesn't have a big enough footprint to regulate it in such a way, it's entirely practical not to do anything.

She's likely a cunt, but why ruin people's futures when you can have teachable moments, this sentencing is brilliant and should have been a bit longer.

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No real specs are being released, but Honda says these future EVs will be both partially and fully autonomous, depending on the configuration.


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It's great that there is variety and all but let's not pretend the CEO isn't dangerous, see starling/Ukraine issue and that the company isn't filling the sky with consumer shite designed to be burned up.

Infrastructure should be publicly owned and strong competitive regulation.

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This whole thing is a perfect example of how conspiracy theories get a foothold. We are seeing celebrity cancellations because of disagreement with Israel and people clearly asking for change from their leadership who refuse. Yet the apartheid state remains enabled and the genocide supported.

It's pure balls

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Another proud day for America's 51st.

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My God this is a tiresome side of Lemmy, I like the idea of ownership and all that but streaming offers more than access it is convenient and cheap access to a wider range than possible to download.

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Tangentially, I haven't played in ages but they should have made it local coop so we can have fun on the courses without having to play through the same few opening courses and deal with lobbies.

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Intel were made to share their technology due to a monopoly not too long ago. Same should be the case here

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I have not seen that thankfully

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Yeah...have you ever had to buy new appliances? I just got a house, half my searches were for appliances, fittings and reviews and the results all sucked.

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