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Joined 1 years ago

I reported a server where the users harassed, both online and offline, a trans woman who later killed herself. Then they made memes about her death. Discords 'safety team' suggested I talk to the server admin (who was part of the abuse) and closed the ticket.

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Well, you see, Lemmy is full of nerds and communists.

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I'm thinking since the super bowl drama she's probably getting more death threats than usual, and this is a reaction to that. It's not going to work. You cant sue someone for publishing publicly available information.

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The night he died, Alexander had told his parents that he had been taking Oxycontin he got online, and that he wanted help. Neville and her husband immediately called a rehab facility and made plans to take him there the following day, but didn’t think to take the pills away.

Clearly Snapchats fault

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We have seen that you can embed viruses into cartridges, through the cartridge go to the printer, from the printer go to the network

Hey dipshits, this is possible because you built firmware into your printer cartridges to prevent 3rd party cartridges in the first place

"The fact that X has made it abundantly clear that it has no desire to create a brand-safe environment has only solidified our recommendations to move to growing platforms with better opportunities for organic discovery," he added.

This is how you say "fuck you too" in corporatespeak

Most/all of them have done good things. A better question is are there any that have done enough good to outweigh the bad

Then you shouldn't have had it circumcised

Per the article, he got a deal because he cooperated. I'm guessing that means he gave them intel on other people they could go after. Considering how light of a sentence he got, I'm guessing it was someone valuable. If we throw the book at everyone who cooperates nobody will cooperate.

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Can Jesus really shoot rays of emotion out of his belly like a common care bear?

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allowing them to hoover up our data

Hate to break it to you, but the fediverse is public. Most instances don't even require an account for read-only access. If Facebook wants your data they don't need to federate to get it.

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I thought it was illegal to dress up like a cop

Destroy a private business cum public forum that served the public

It's amazing to me how much people have rewritten history since musk took over. Twitter was always shit. It's worse now, yeah. A lot worse. But it's like taking a shit on a smaller pile of shit. All this talk about how it was a real boon for humanity and so important it should be regulated as a utility is equal parts idiotic and hilarious.

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The penis is the male clitoris

Twitter used to be in much better shape financially before musk took over but implying that it was ever "great" is a bit of a stretch

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Microsoft is desperate to regain the power they had in the 00s and is scrambling trying to find that killer app. At least this time they're not just copying apples homework.

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Cops call every drug a narcotic because cops are dumb and know next to nothing about drugs

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It was a server for an irl streamer so I expected it to be toxic. I did not expect that level of toxicity. A bunch of untreated sociopaths.

You badly need an email client that doesn't automatically load pictures

It's already legal in several parts of the US

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Smart money says they came from Illinois

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The most cynical answer is always the correct one

The Patriot act that passed with a ton of bipartisan support? That Patriot act? The one Obama promised to rescind while he was campaigning and then renewed after he won?

Don't make the mistake of believing any of these assholes are on your side. The worst of the worst legislation is always bipartisan. We've got faces and heels and at the end of the day they're working towards the same goals.

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Almost every open source project accepts donations. They want your money, they just don't demand your money.

Didn't the FCC just declare this illegal?

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Remember when they were bitching that liberals wanted to make M&M's less sexy?

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i bet he'd be surprised how successful he could be if he actually started doing good things.

Especially if they're things he promised to do 5 years ago when he was campaigning

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More than the 0 they'd make if you left

I'd say worse. The US flag at least already has horizontal lines on it. This looks especially out of place.

Let's combine AI and crypto, and migrate it to the cloud. Imagine the PowerPoints middle managers will make about that!

Where'd you get that image? I made that 7 or 8 years ago. Has it been making the rounds? It's weird to see it in the wild lol

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Those are called children

and you can just hold the trigger, it should be illegal

Good news, full auto and burst fire have been illegal for decades.

Bump stocks, which would bounce the trigger back against your finger causing it to fire effectively like a full auto despite being semi, were banned by trump of all people.

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Free ponies for every American. I'm not kidding, that's his platform. He won me over.

You've got to admire his commitment to not giving a shit what he says or how it looks. Not exactly a quality I'm looking for in my president though.

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On Reddit I could guess with about a 75% certainty what the top comment was going to be before I even opened it.

Usually 14 posts of puns or people quoting Simpsons episodes at each other

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Xerox, linoleum

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I go with "homes" because it could just as easily be short for homeboy or homegirl

America is about unity and conformity

Ok, wear a mask.


They write articles about a bill some whacko proposed that has no chance of passing (and would be struck down in 5 minutes on first amendment grounds of it did) and pearl clutchers act like it's the end of the world. Have you seen The People vs Larry Flint? That took place 60 years ago. This shit is nothing new.

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