4 Post – 182 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A lot of people (like myself) need to step out of their comfort zones if we want Lemmy to get more conversations going. Yesterday I made a game thread in the community for my favourite NFL team; I was the only one who commented. But I’m going to try and make one for the game next week.

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Kind of a misleading headline; he said that he couldn’t say no if they where to approach him, but he didn’t say he actively wants a movie.

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Oh look, another articles explaining why prices are going up faster than inflation. Except it didn’t actually explain anything and just tries to make it seem like it isn’t “greed”.

Whaaaaaaat!?!? I thought this was a small update? Seasonal changes to characters, new festivals (I think these are both firsts) plus new quests? Can someone please check on CA and make sure he hasn’t literally burnt out from all the work he is doing to get people quality content?

Stardew had 100% ruined my expectations of games. I didn’t even want to play the Story of Seasons game that got released on GamePass and that was the game that got me into farming sims (the original Harvest Moon version).

The point OP is making still holds true in Canada though. I can’t go buy a plastic bag at my grocery store, but the store can use a ridiculous amount of wrap to sell produce, and there are tons of food products where you buy a bag full of smaller bags(and some full of even smaller bags. Pre-made salad is a big one) that I can buy easily and usually for fairly cheap.

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Payday 2 has been around forever at this point, so it makes sense. I think it’s probably been around longer than GTA V and has been getting updates and DLC the entire time.

They are different though! The glass measuring cup is for liquid and the ones that nestle into each other are for dry ingredients. You need to fill the little ‘1 cup’ dry measuring cup to the brim with ingredients to get an accurate measurement, which is pretty much impossible with the glass wet measuring cups.

When you are measuring dry ingredients, you can fill the same cup with more flour or whatever depending on how you fill it as well, but with liquid it’s, well, fluid.

So, you can measure wet ingredients in the dry ingredients cup, but not the other way around.

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I’ve seen this in the way that police drive in my city compared to other emergency responders.

About two years ago, there was an incident in a town south of me that required the strategic response unit or whatever term they are calling themselves. On my way home from work I see some huge police vehicles start coming down the highway behind me, so I pull over. But this is an 8-lane highway in town, at an intersection that is red so there isn’t a lot of room for everyone to pull over.

Usually when this happens (this is the main highway/road through town, and the ambulances need to use it all the time) the emergency vehicle will slowly weave its way through traffic, as people who couldn’t pull over the the side of the road made space however they could. If that means driving on the wrong side of the road for 100 metres, they will.

These ‘specially trained’ police officers however, came to a complete stop multiple times behind vehicles, then starting blaring their horns to make the vehicles move even when there wasn’t really a spot they could move to. These cops refused to drive in any other lane other than the left most lane.

The next day an article came out, saying that the incident was resolved without this special unit because they didn’t get there in time.

You obviously haven’t been talking to servers that make $200 a night in cash tips they don’t pay taxes on. My fiancé works in marketing for a large winery, and some of the kids they would bring in to work the restaurant would be making tons of money from it. Those are the people who love it

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This is awesome to hear.

I would never just ‘bin’ 5lbs of chicken that’s insane! Either deal with the feathers, take it back where you got it or give it to someone else. That’s like $40 worth of chicken

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That’s not really a great comparison. Downvoting is a way to say you disagree with someone without getting into an argument. And if I think of my personal experience, most of the posts/comments I would downvote on Reddit are about things that there is no point getting into an argument about.

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If the numbers that we are seeing are true, it’s a devastating amount of losses already. Russia so far has lost as many soldiers as France did in WWII, in about 2 years.

Hey, I get it. I just came back home last week to watch my younger brother die in the ICU. Grief is hard, and everyone deals with it differently. If screaming into the void helps, then do that. If you want, send me the next rant that build up.

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My brother is in the ICU right now, and everything is being co-ordinated on Facebook. It’s how we are letting people know updates, and how we get a hold of people.

Facebook is really the only social media platform that lets you find people somewhat easily from their name.

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Industrialization happened because of individual efforts to make the lives of workers close to them easier.

Are any of these translated ingredients?

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I’m not a Hamas apologist, but I have noticed that there are just as many IDF apologists.

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No, I haven’t. I would assume a lot of people in the world community haven’t.

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I mean, greed is what is killing our society.

But specifically about malls; I was a manager at a big department store inside a mall for a couples years. The year before COVID, the mall switched to a new renting model that was ridiculous. I can’t remember the exact details, but the price per square foot went up substantially for smaller stores. Later that year I remember having to do rounds of the mall to report to corporate how many stores were closing.

What the fuck is that title. Stop using AI for your articles.

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The majority of communities I followed on Reddit did not live to Lemmy, or they did and got abandoned in a couple weeks. None of the sports or gaming communities I followed are here/alive here.

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This makes me happy I never got to play Tarkov.

This comment seems very related to the specific content you are looking for. Lemmy is a good place for tech information but that’s about it. Cooking, home improvement, personal finance, DIY, crafting etc don’t have homes on here with many active users, and especially not the amount of knowledgeable users that were on Reddit.

This all started because of an API change, so it would make sense that the predominant amount of users who migrated are more tech savvy.

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Maybe they will realize soon that they have fucked this world up so bad that disproportionately more people don’t even want to deal with it. Fuck, Canada has the same issues, and we even have MAID now that they suggest to people because the country doesn’t want to care for them anymore (veterans, disabled people who can’t afford rent with the lower disability payments).

Then you have the fact that the medical systems still push too many opioids, and people who reach too high of a tolerance on standard opioid medications seek out something stronger like fentanyl. If only they made access to other pain relief as easy (like cannabis), but that won’t happen until Purdue can put it into a prescience bottle.

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What kind of companies are you applying to? I’m pretty sure if I tried this with most of the places I’ve bee in applying to in the tech field, they would just laugh it off and say they don’t have that information.

Is that what you heard from the state sponsored Israeli media? You know, since Palestine isn’t allowed to have media that represents it self? Or are you just so ignorant you take the first thing you hear and run with it?

Stardew Valley. I find myself humming the songs through the day all the time, they are so relaxing and whimsical.

Is this what being a Bucc’s wide receiver does to a person?

You are so fucking ignorant it’s ridiculous. What Hamas has done is bad, and fucked up. What Israel has done is bad, and fucked up. You are the only one going around saying it has to be one or the other.

And I don’t even want to see a brain dead response from you going ‘hurr durr Hamas did this now so Hamas worse’. It’s not about one being worse than the other, this isn’t an internet edgebot competition. Just shut the fuck up.

Thou shalt not kill people. They don’t consider Palestinians people.

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Bro-Tato is quite similar I hear.

Where is this??

Mine was for saying that Nazi’s were a part in a war from 70 years ago, and that they should be dead now.

“But I saw a really bad video”

Apparently everyone has forgotten the countless videos that are posted of IDF indiscriminately killing men women and children? They have forgotten the videos of IDF shooting medics? And none of them have seen the video of a young teenager being executed by IDF to the cheers and applause of the Israeli onlookers.

No one has the moral high ground in this attack, but it’s also not unprecedented. There was a really good article from a journalist in Tel Aviv who said the fear that millions of Israeli’s are experiencing now is the same fear that every Palestinian has had to face for decades.

I met my fiancé on Tinder during the pandemic. We were within 1km of each other so I thought that counted as the same bubble. Now we are going to get married next year

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Canada is ranked 58 for people under 30, yet 8 for over 60. It’s a nice place if you can make it that far!

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Can someone fill me in? I just scrolled their top posts from today and everything looked normal and non genocide denialist.

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505 is one of the weirdest publishers to me, and probably the publisher I have played the most games from if I don’t include series with tons of games in them. Payday 2, Journey to the Savage Planet, Terraria, Backbreaker, Don’t Starve, Sniper Elite V2, How to Survive, Rocket league, Brothers. I can’t think of another publisher who has put out that many big games from different IPs.

“Jewish Civil Patrol”? What the fuck?

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