1 Post – 171 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

What's a better product? I use TeamViewer as an individual to help my technically illiterate grandparents who live across the country with tech issues. Would love an alternative if there is one.

2 more...

It's so obviously the same person. If anyone ever desperately needed to get the fuck off the Internet and go touch grass, it's this guy.

This is some ultimate scumbaggery.

10 more...

Software Engineer:

Make a junk email for junk signups and accounts, if you can. Don't accept the cookies. If the product you're using is free, the information you enter is what's being sold to someone else.

Ctrl+Shift+T reopens the tab you just accidentally closed.

6 more...

Live testing color palettes and fonts for web design. Made by a designer who's really great, she runs a YouTube channel and made the site for free use by anyone.

5 more...

The union leader isn't stupid. He could see the bully and he goaded him into making a fool of himself. It was easy, and intentional. The senator is a man child and acted as such.

1 more...

Blows my mind how this isn't just the most cut and dry logical answer ever.

Is the president immune from prosecution under the law? No. No one is. That's the point of the laws. If a leader is fully immune they are a dictator.

And fuck it, even if you're insane and think Trump would be a good King of the US, if this gets passed then there's no precedent stopping Biden saying at the end of his term "no, I'm staying, screw you". That is terrible regardless of your political standing.

8 more...

You are here every week posting this exact same shit. People have tried to help you and give you real advice. You don't want help, you want attention. The Internet isn't your therapist and you don't want to listen anyways. Stop wasting everyone's time.

7 more...

Quad9 is a great thing to learn about right about now.

6 more...

ReVanced taps into my history with microg. When I watch stuff on desktop with Firefox and uBlock Origin, I want those videos to show as watched on my phone when I open ReVanced so I don't get recommended the same stuff. That works.

GrayJay can't do this. It's not better. It's a good idea, but it's a side grade.

13 more... has a ton of awesome tips on how to navigate technology these days without becoming a walking data point for everything you have contact with.

She can read?

She can write??

4 more...

Functionally, read this guide here:

Philosophically, Brave does a lot of shady user tracking and crypto shit of their own, and I choose not to use it for that reason. Better than Chrome. Worse than Firefox. In my opinion.

Makes it easier for the richer people with flexible jobs and the retirees with no jobs to vote.

3 guesses which party is always against making it a federal holiday...

11 more...

40hr/week all year is $15,059.20 at a wage of $7.25/hr, by the way.

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I worked there as a software engineer for 3 years. They send emails like this all the time, 1-2x a year, it's not new. The company is bloated and everyone is "lazy" - in that they just hire willy nilly without any idea how to organize. Nothing will change there. There will be another email like this next year. None of it matters.

Same strategy Facebook employs.

The amount of telemetry and personal data they can collect from an installed phone app is insane so they do everything they can to make you install it.

The apps served a purpose. They raised the available pool of possible dates from "who's in this bar with me right now" to "everyone in a 10 mile radius" or whatever, and everyone is there for the same reason, mostly.

But it also doesn't have to be all or nothing. It shouldn't be. Use an app you like and also go to in-person dating events. Just use apps if that's your speed. Fuck the apps and go out there and meet people at the local cafe, or board game night, or beer league softball, or whatever. It can augment the old ways. It doesn't have to replace the old ways.

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It costs $23/mo for fucking YouTube? And to get the same experience you get with a free browser add-on? Fuck all of that. Absolutely not.

30 more...


Had the potential to be the RPG Pokemon could be if it just entered this generation's technical level. Instead, it became a shitty grindy money-grab that has been killed by the devs.

3 more...

Our political system is excellent in weeding out almost anyone who genuinely wants to make a difference and leaving you with the people who are simply the most personally ambitious.

If reading makes you ignore intelligent arguments, that says more about your intelligence than the argument.

Wtf does this even mean? Get out how?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

EDIT: to save you a wasted search and some targeted ads, Project 2025 is some weird thing about Trump's political agenda. This post is a shitty political ad, farming search results and clicks.

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Hans Zimmer? If not in pure skill then in name recognition.

They will though. He's going to settle out of court. Some amount of money that is meaningless to him. There will be no punishment on a scale he will even notice. And he will continue to do the same shit.

It's quite literally not possible to be a nice guy and region billions of dollars in net worth. Social systems don't actually support that. I'm not talking about inheritance or marrying into it - if you are the fortunate maker, and the fortune is that big, you have to step on a lot of people to get there and more to stay there. Just depends how well you hide it.

it's a little weird to me that people aren't on the street in the US protesting

You literally say it in the sentence above: we can't afford to. Best case you lose wages. Worst case you get fired, then you have literally no wages and also no health insurance.

4 more...

If you're here to feel sorry for yourself, well, congrats.

If you're here to actually discuss - you were doing it for the wrong reasons if your entire goal behind your health and fitness was finding a relationship. And health and fitness aside, making large parts of your life purely about "getting into a relationship" is a terrible idea as well. Discover your interests. Try some hobbies. Maybe they are sports and fitness, maybe they aren't. Meet people who share your interests. Men and women. Meet them to make friends and be social and share your passions with others. At some point along that journey, when you're a self confident person who knows what you like about yourself and what you're passionate about, you'll probably accidentally find someone who also likes those things about you, and loves your passions.

Or, I mean, imply to strangers on the Internet that you're possibly considering self harm. It won't get you anywhere but if that's what makes you feel good, I'm not going to stop you.

EDIT: I made the mistake of looking at your post history. Save everyone around here some time and stop dumping your misery all over the place. If you want to be your own personal storm cloud regardless of what anyone says, fine. Stop trying to be everyone else's too. God damn, dude.

Lucid dreaming is such a cool concept. The ability to mentally experience things in a truly boundless environment, untethered by laws of physics or standards of reality.

Why the fuck would you want to waste that experience on work?

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One post? Kinda seems like less of a community and more like you promoting the spaces you have created. Which is fine, but not really what the question was.

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You're looking for ReVanced.

I get it - there are in fact no real alternatives. Lemmy is great but there are a lot of niche communities I learned a ton from on Reddit and Lemmy just doesn't have the people for that. Yes, yes, maybe one day, everyone just needs to contribute more, etc. But for right now, that's a large barrier to exiting Reddit for a lot of people.

4 more...

Kinda low on alternatives with rarbg gone. Any recs?

Early YouTube and twitch, early reddit, pre-instagram. That was a good time.

In this guy's particular case, we can be confident he's lying because he's very clearly a criminal level compulsive liar. He ran for the party that's ok with that, but basically I don't think he's personally liberal or conservative at all. I think he's severely mentally challenged and probably is incapable of committing to any set of ideas, because as soon as something has more potential for personal gain he will lie to chase that down.

The catch is that it applies to city officials, not state or national level. So, not to any of the Republicans who sponsored or supported it.

I replay EV Nova (Arpia plugin, of course) every few years and just absolutely love it.

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Like 90% of Americans who have android phones use SMS. WhatsApp is more common in places outside the US. Not inside.

Even better - it's a debt. It lowers their income to below 0. It's a tax break.