
3 Post – 679 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Your delusion doesn’t get to influence what part of a sentence I capitalize. This 100% feels like a narcissist co-opting LGBT issues to force a power dynamic in conversations that lets them play the victim at the slightest mistake.

Judging by your comment history-which I don’t even have to check because you’ve been posting about this for days-that’s exactly what I see happening.

“Cool story bro thanks for $30 now get in the fucking car and be quiet”

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Honest to god, the browser that wins is the one with the least bullshit popping up in my face when I open it

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Repost bots are universally dogshit and should be forbidden.

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Build a good community, the growth will come

This will be a nice, chill thread


I just can’t do it. They’re trashy and they smell terrible. Almost universally friends/partners I’ve had the smoke cigarettes ash wherever they want- like my patio or door step. I had an ex that would chain smoke, ash in front of the door, then put the cigarette out and leave it on the steps.

So now everyone that walks by sees our entryway covered in ash, cigarette butts, and burn marks. Just looks and smells like shit.

That same partner kept an ash tray in the patio. It filled up with water when it rained, and she just… left it. So now the patio smells like soppy wet shit too.

Ever since then cigs are a deal breaker for me. If you don’t respect your body how can you ever respect your environment or relationship?


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“I couldn’t eat all of my meal so everyone should get less food when they order”

Nah bruv.

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The number of people discussing the election that don’t know about project 2025 is disturbing

Ignorance, propaganda and christofascism

They’re annoying as fuck with a toxic culture, which is why they were running as isolated instance for so long

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You can say cum on the internet

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I don’t want a touchscreen in my fucking car. That is all.

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Retarded. He’s censoring the word retarded, for anyone also confused.

You can say retarded. Especially when literally referring to the word itself? No one is going to arrest you.

For the record the new offensive phrase is “sped”, because the euphemism treadmill doesn’t stop and focusing on words instead of subject matter is pointless.

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If you’re growing something next to the sidewalk that can’t be trimmed back to not block the sidewalk, fuck you and your plant

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Yeah that’s kind of a smooth brain move on the mods part tbh

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New users who aren’t defederated from Lemmygrad and hexbear by default are what contribute to that perception

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Parental controls exists, and it’s on the parent to use them. Easier now than ever before.

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Democrats tried a tactic not too long ago that was literally just putting republicans actual positions in their ads , and it was rather effective

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iMessage uses it’s own protocols and shit that are proprietary, and uses the standard sms protocol as a fallback. Android can use something called RCS which catches up feature wise, but doesn’t play nice with apple.

It’s to create an illusion of exclusivity and therefore social pressure to use an apple device.

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Your dog has to endure Lyme disease and a terrible stomach ache, and he probably doesn’t understand why, nor why you’re mad at him.

Dogs drive me nuts because of this kind of stuff but he views you as safety and comfort right now


Proportioned by congress, consistent with 70 years of foreign policy.


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That shit where something on the page loads a few seconds later than everything else and shifts whatever I’m trying to click on down

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Because alcohol is poison and you’re drinking too much of it. If you’re puking at all you already over did it.

Curious to see how this develops

The simplest approach is to accept language is inherently gendered, and at a certain point it is exhausting to either take offense to everything or walk on eggshells.

I’m southern, so I use y’all almost exclusively lol

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Not only did they re-elect them, deregulating the power grid even more was an explicit part of the Republican platform

Nah…. Just… just nah. This will never fly in enterprise environments

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Attackers have to be right once. Defenders have to be right every time.

Also, user.

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So in the kitchen there will usually be several people wearing wireless headsets. They can all hear the drive through and each other.

So depending on how busy the place is, sometimes you’ll actually have the cook on the headset asking what you want while he’s making it, while the drive through person is handing out food to one group and typing your order in at the same time(for example).

Fast food work sucks

If you’re going for 100% FOSS, trash your apple products.

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Absolutely Fucking not, full stop. Not indiscriminately spamming everything posted on Reddit with no user interaction, it makes the fediverse look dead

If you wanna repost shit that’s fine, but not 10k posts at a fucking time

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I’ve been making fun of Lemmy.Ml for months, I’m glad to see I’m not the only one

Present. Using this as I did reddit. It’s like browsing a lot of the smaller subreddits I enjoyed, but all the time.

Downsides are less content, and definite growing pains. I think there are some aspects of the platform severely limiting its growth at this time, and I’m not sure how it’s going to tackle them yet. But I’m along for the ride.

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Well… RIP the Pi.


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All of the .ml instances are absolutely Russian psyops and you can’t change my mind

(I jest… mostly…)

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Just sucks that every new user will have to jump through hoops and block a dozen accounts before Lemmy is useable.

Not to mention that even opening some of the bot accounts pages to block them crashes the page sometimes because they have so many posts

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Yeah see this right here, nobody is looking for your advice on how to go vegan because we don’t care about your diet and you shouldn’t flame people about their’s.

You were banned for being a tool, not being vegan. Get it straight.