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Joined 1 years ago

It's really good

Some are custom ones with nice grips, but mostly for local couch gaming with multiple friends that don't have their own controllers.

I have 5 Xbox One bluetooth controllers just for PC gaming

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Everyone is currently poor as shit.

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After only 40??? Lol I still haven't beaten it.

They really don't. They're going to hurt their domain authority and back links.

It's more valuable to make an update to past pages because Google sees it as useful content that is being maintained.

You're supposed to make tweaks once a year so it's not stale, not nuke yourself.

I dabble in marketing for my company. Let me just say advertisers don't need a damn cookie to know who you are to serve you ads. Even across multiple devices. There are so many methods.. literally over a dozen when cross referenced tells companies exactly who you are, even on vpn, even incognito.

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Budget grocer??? Where. Please tell me lol I always walk outta there with an unexpectedly expensive cart.

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Flour - disagree. King Arthur for baking vs your basic supermarket crap is a tangible taste and texture difference in baking. While you're at it, get a mill and buy organic wheat berries and save money for higher quality l, more nutritious flour. It's literally cheaper to get better quality if you are willing to mill it.

Butter- Same for butter if you're using butter as a spread. It's ok to use cheap stuff in cooking but if it's the main complementary flavor, like butter on toast, treat yo self to some Kerry Gold.

Marketing texts are treated differently from transactional texts.

Buy an older ICE car, pay for an EV conversion.

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Interesting. Who is the seemingly random person posting on a forum about human biomes? Do you have a peer reviewed paper on it?

Don't forget that making a spliff out of your train ticket, ink and all, is a thing lol

Edit: There are also pockets where the police won't go because they recognize they're full of crime and drugs, but as long as it stays within those couple of streets, they're happy to let things stay as they are so it doesn't spill out.

Oh and over a quarter of the population consists of immigrants.

And there's free water everywhere.. hiking, in towns.. just bring a water bottle and find a fountain that's always running. The water is ice cold year round too.

It's also the home of H.R. Geiger (Alien design fame) in Gruyère. You can go to the town of Gruyère, which is gorgeous, and see the museum, go to the Alien-inspired café, see how they make the Gruyère cheese that you probably know, and even visit the Cailler chocolate factory, which has a Willy Wonka-type tour with infinite chocolate tasting at the end.. mmmmmmm..

Bought in 2020 and locked in 2.65%. It's a bit of a fixer upper due to the previous home owners' neglect. About $60k in repairs and improvements so far has it feeling more and more like a home. The house value has risen more than I put into it.

My wife and I say almost weekly how bad we feel for others and how lucky we were. The timing was impeccable. Cashed out our 401k, used covid relief checks, and went from a 600sq ft cabin on family property to a 2k+ sq home we owned.

Super, super lucky.

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Hungover after my wedding. We took too long at the hotel breakfast and had to drive about an hour to get to the airport.

Tried to buy a new ticket at the airport for my honeymoon and the agent laughed at me. They don't sell tickets at the airport... So I had to stand in front of them, buy a ticket on my phone, then approach the agent. Who knew?

But can it do things like dig trenches and remove small to medium sized plant roots? I got some jobs I need help with and this is like 1/6th the cost of quotes I received.

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I'm still trying, but I found this gem and I just had to share:

The plot:

Willard Isenbaum, a lonely insurance man with wild sexual fantasies, decides to ask out the new secretary, Susie, whom he has only known for a day and to whom he has never spoken. He spends the entire morning before work fantasizing about having sex with her, but his attempts to approach her fail. His female boss sends him to investigate a claim filed by Painless Martha, an aging tattoo artist, who works in the city. Martha believes in a Ouija board message saying that she will be "killed by a bomb delivered by a wizard on Tuesday".

When Willard tells her that the insurance company will not pay until her death, she dies of a heart attack [after an explosion noise]. Her will stipulates that her killer must take care of her duck. After the duo spend a night in jail, the duck takes Willard to a brothel. After a wild night of partying, they wind up in the desert, where the duck dresses Willard in women's clothing in an attempt to get a ride. After several encounters with an old prospector dying of thirst, a racist police officer, a lesbian couple, and a short Mexican "bandito", they are finally picked up by a trucker.

Back at his apartment, Willard creates a makeshift sex object, which the duck eats. Shortly after, Willard discovers that the duck is female, and has sex with her. The following morning, Willard and the duck go to Willard's job, where Willard has sex with his female boss and quits his job shortly after. Willard and the duck leave, and the movie ends with Willard saying that the duck was a good duck after all.>

Commander Keen

1855 handbook from the freemasons detailing their rituals, imagery, ranks, and more.

I can tell you from experience. You definitely can't, but I can start and run an online e-commerce business by myself to give you a shoestring budget.

So that being said, if using Shopify for ecommerce, Adobe for creative, paying for your domain name with Namecheap, and registering your business with your local government, it costs me about $220/mo to run an ecomm business by myself.

Realistically, you could use open source replacements for Adobe products too, but I like their stock imagery as well. Take that out, and you're at about $120/mo plus processing fees for each transaction.

If you don't need an e-commerce site, you can use something like light speed for a free website. Even WordPress. Add free social media for a boost.

So now this means you're down to only $20/mo if not using an e-commerce site.

You can learn everything you need to run these sites between dev docs, support articles, forums, blogs, and YouTube videos. All free.

I can hear this image.

Always compare active ingredients for OTC stuff too

11.. typically no breaks lunch. Often 9 hours of meetings day..making under 6 figures in a business role

A Raspberry Pi to use as steam link hardware.

So, ai

Soundcore Anker Life Q20

With microphone, active noise cancelation, and companion app to mess with eq.

Soundcore Anker Life Q20 Hybrid...

This sounds close to $300 headphones I have, but only costs $45 currently. It's a steal.

You doing some sort of Mr. Beast challenge?

What's up with the director?

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Good news! Us westerners are too poor to do anything like that anymore anyway.

*in the US, if they are w2. If contractor, they must provide the tools themselves.


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Scuba Steve and Dusty Dan

Or people behind know you're not jamming on the breaks when someone is or has already turned, it's just the car doing it..

Uptown funky butt

It says a significant chunk of their funding comes from users. Where does the other funding come from?

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Use full card view and you'll see the full card ;)

Well, it's simple. The majority of the US is liberal too.

Usage statistics are not surprising. It's a business tool. What am I missing?

Yep. My sub expired recently and I didn't renew. Inflated bs. Now I'll just cycle streaming services. So dumb. Doing the same with Disney and their awful pricing.