
1 Post – 557 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I really want to know the specific “performance enhancing drugs” these people think Biden is using. No hand-waving. Be explicit and tell everyone what magical drugs these are and then let’s test them both for these drugs.

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Top tier response. Well done. Full marks.

Exactly this. I would 100% buy AC: Mirage if it worked on my Apple TV natively (since you can use a controller) and Ubisoft didn’t suck a big fat donkey dick. They can go to hell with their Ubisoft Connect bullshit.

I'm seeing so much FUD and misinformation being spread about this that I wonder what's the motivation behind the stories reporting this. These are as close to the facts as I can state from what I've read about the situation:

  1. 23andMe was not hacked or breached.
  2. Another site (as of yet undisclosed) was breached and a database of usernames, passwords/hashes, last known login location, personal info, and recent IP addresses was accessed and downloaded by an attacker.
  3. The attacker took the database dump to the dark web and attempted to sell the leaked info.
  4. Another attacker purchased the data and began testing the logins on 23andMe using a botnet that used the username/passwords retrieved and used the last known location to use nodes that were close to those locations.
  5. All compromised accounts did not have MFA enabled.
  6. Data that was available to compromised accounts such as data sharing that was opted-into was available to the people that compromised them as well.
  7. No data that wasn't opted into was shared.
  8. 23andMe now requires MFA on all accounts (started once they were notified of a potential issue).

I agree with 23andMe. I don't see how it's their fault that users reused their passwords from other sites and didn't turn on Multi-Factor Authentication. In my opinion, they should have forced MFA for people but not doing so doesn't suddenly make them culpable for users' poor security practices.

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It’s sad to me that simply bringing enough negative attention, whether it’s warranted or not, is enough to get organizations to cave. They had a third party investigate her writing and they found it didn’t fall to the level of plagiarism. The people she supposedly plagiarized all agree that the technical nature of what she was summarizing wouldn’t make it plagiarism. The majority of students support her and the work she was doing.

I’m curious if any other Harvard President has ever had this level of scrutiny on their work come years after the fact. Feels like it’s people dishonestly taking objection just because they want to see her removed and now they’ve succeeded.

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So…where’s the letter? Pretty telling when the NYPost bloviates about this and doesn’t actually link to the letter.

Edit: Here it is and it’s basically an indictment of capitalism - https://reader.mediawiremobile.com/TheOakwoodRegister/issues/208670/viewer?page=3

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Why would she regret it? It made Cloudflare look like idiots.

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Don’t forget being treated like absolute shit by people who think browsing YouTube on the toilet is “doing research”.

Why is a 2 year old article being posted now?

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I don’t get this. I would love it if my kids did that to my PS5. In fact, I might actually have them do it. Custom PS5 that is made specifically for me sounds awesome…

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I legitimately do not understand how this is the most important thing to focus on for these fucks. People are struggling right now and some cannot afford to even live paycheck to paycheck and these assholes are worried about pride flags. Someone please make it make sense…

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I sometimes feel like it’s the opposite. Memes and images of people being stupid while wearing the damn thing make me feel like people are trying to increase the stigma around it to kill it. I mean… this meme is showing the character completely unaware of their situation and doesn’t make the product seem good at all.

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It shows up on the main feed because you people won’t stop bitching and pining about it like an ex that you can’t stop talking about to everyone within earshot.

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...did he get his prize?

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Another dishonest, misleading anti-Apple vid from Rossmann. I can’t with him anymore.

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This is what I do with movies. I still, to this day, do not understand what possible purpose studios have for including 3 minutes of copyright warnings and other bullshit ahead of movies that people paid for. Pirates don’t see any of that shit, morons, and the people who are ripping these films already are ignoring the warnings. What the hell?

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Lemmy was already Reddit before the exodus. Lemmy users just have different interests so the bullshit is highly specific here.

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The amount of propaganda being posted on both sides of this thing is unreal. And NYPost, of all sites… gross.

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The numbers are bullshit and this isn’t even a study. It’s an analyses of insurance data that was done wrong.

The top 3 “safest” cars are all makes and models that are no longer in production. Mercury, the #1, hasn’t made a new vehicle since 2011, Pontiac since 2009, and Saturn since 2010.

It’s a bullshit story.

I think people are missing the fact that most fanmade content that Valve has historically been ok with is all original material. Black Mesa, Portal Stories, and others all used the Valve IP but were all original content. This port actually uses Valve-created content so, regardless of Nintendo’s involvement (although it makes the demand for this action stronger), they legally have to enforce it or risk losing the legal protections for that property.

Nintendo just gave them a convenient way to stop it before they needed to do it anyways.

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Good. She’s a traitor to her state and country. She doesn’t represent her constituents as she swore to.

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That’s because they believe that Hamas’s attack on Oct 7 was in retaliation for Israel’s prior actions while Israel is using Oct 7 to retaliate against all of Palestine. Palestinians are going to support the side that is not bombing them and that they believe is standing up to the persecution they’ve experienced up until and including now.

Except Tim Cook never said that and the source linked to in this article even shows that he didn’t say that.

Alright, buddy… quit while you’re behind.

“Hamas is a terrorist organization”. Help me spot the adjective there, cowboy.

It’s crazy to me that these countries cut funding, even after they fired those people. UNRWA is providing much needed help, from what I’ve heard of the reporting so far, and this disrupts those efforts a lot.

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Not only is it not what he means but this same asshole would probably force devs to add padded objectives just so he could claim it takes more hours to finish. The new GTA will have 1000 missions where you have to walk across the whole map to retrieve some object that needs to be walked back to the other side if this dick gets his way. It’ll be the first game in history where it takes 2 years to 100% it and costs $200 so it’s a steal - only $100 per year of gameplay!

It’s not a story about Batman. It’s a story about the creation of Batman. That’s why it’s important.

It’s perfect. All the software can be developed and tested on any Linux distribution and matched to the hardware and then run without any modification needed and become instantly portable when needed for demo.

Drink verification can to proceed.

What else would you call it? She literally says that they put her in this terrible situation with no help so that they could squeeze a few extra dollars in profit. So, yeah… that’s her point.

“You are only using and exploiting us to line your pocket with the common citizen's money for overcharged healthcare. You don't care about anyone because you have a narcissistic personality.”

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I already said they could have done more. They could have forced MFA.

All the other bullet points were already addressed: they used a botnet that, combined with the "last login location" allowed them to use endpoints from the same country (and possibly even city) that matched that location over the course of several months. So, to put it simply - no, no, no, maybe but no way to tell, maybe but no way to tell.

A full investigation makes sense but the OP is about 23andMe's statement that the crux is users reusing passwords and not enabling MFA and they're right about that. They could have done more but, even then, there's no guarantee that someone with the right username/password combo could be detected.

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Did you not read the quote? She didn’t work under another system. She worked for a private healthcare provider and explicitly called out their profit motive. Don’t be ignorant.

I think this is misrepresenting what he said. His stance is basically that he felt like they were punishing honest workers and business partners, people who never lied or cheated or hurt anyone, for something that they had no part in due to public pressure. He’s not wrong either unless people have some kind of explanation for how a cosmetics manufacturer is supposed to stop Putin from murdering innocent Ukrainians fighting against his pointless war and innocent Russians who don’t want to fight for him.

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That was because of a misunderstanding. Brother started a subscription service and people assumed that meant you had to pay a monthly fee to use the printers like with HP. Instead, it’s a toner subscription like Dollar Shave Club or Amazon’s Subscribe and Save where they auto-send a new toner at your requested interval.

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I used to think that Reddit was the worst about that but Lemmy has topped it. Reddit would be filled with comments from people that were off about something small that I’m a SME about. People on Lemmy like to engage in entire comment chains that are just flat out wrong that they’re confidently incorrect about.

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I would use Lemmy more if people on here weren’t so toxic. It’s been bringing out the toxicity in me more than I’m comfortable with. Too many confidently incorrect people speaking on topics they have absolutely no experience in, complex discussion completely boiled down to platitudes without any nuance, and tribalism that rivals what’s on Twitter.

Mac and Windows users are immediately downvoted for not sucking down Linux’s balls in every scenario, a complete cesspool of discussion with regard to Israel and Palestine appears all over the most popular posts, straw men and bad faith discussion appears in every community (with rare exception), and deification of the popular faces in the orbit of any topic without any room for critical thought around their positions is the norm. Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria.

I was excited for the fediverse after watching the slow decline of Digg, /., Reddit, etc. but it’s obvious that the worst parts of those platforms are creeping up here too and there’s nothing to be done except wade through the sewage to get to things that are interesting and insightful. It’s a shame but Lemmy will never be as popular as the alternatives were. Techie incels rooted in here too early.

Edit: I’m now banned from /c/technology (or at least shadowbanned on one instance) for not accepting their arguments on piracy. This is what I mean. There’s no nuance here.

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Why? It’s not like there aren’t any reliable or accurate DNA tests for dogs. Only one of the 3 companies they submitted to gave a breed assessment. The other 2 correctly identified that there wasn’t any dog DNA in the samples.

What tone should I have used other than the deceased’s own?

“You are only using and exploiting us to line your pocket with the common citizen's money for overcharged healthcare. You don't care about anyone because you have a narcissistic personality.”

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It only looked bad because the question itself was dishonest and meant to make the school look bad. The students did not openly call for genocide. They called for another “intifada” and repeated the “from the river to the sea” mantra (or whatever you’d call it). Both of these things would be protected by a free speech policy that, as she stated, requires things to be targeted and actionable.

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