Document spells out allegations against 12 UN employees Israel says participated in Hamas attack to World – 92 points –
Document spells out allegations against 12 UN employees Israel says participated in Hamas attack

The allegations against staffers with the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees prompted Western countries to freeze funds vital for the body, which is a lifeline for desperate Palestinians in Gaza. The U.N. fired nine of the 12 accused workers and condemned “the abhorrent alleged acts” of staff members.

The accusations come after years of tensions between Israel and the agency known as UNRWA over its work in Gaza, where it employs roughly 13,000 people.

Despite the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in the besieged territory — where Israel’s war against Hamas has displaced the vast majority of the population and officials say a quarter of Palestinians are starving — major donors, including the U.S. and Britain, have cut funding. On Monday, Japan and Austria joined them in pausing assistance.


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It’s crazy to me that these countries cut funding, even after they fired those people. UNRWA is providing much needed help, from what I’ve heard of the reporting so far, and this disrupts those efforts a lot.

even after they fired those people

An independent investigation is still ongoing as there are 190 accused, not just 9. Those 9 employees are only those against whom the evidence was compelling enough to prompt an immediate firing by the UNRWA.

190 is ~0.006% of the UNRWA's 30k staff. Withholding aid from 1.5 million refugees over this is fucking criminal.

Evidently they count people as refugees even if they resettle elsewhere and get citizenship from another country, and all their descendants as well. If your father was a refugee so are you. Which leads to an interesting situation of people who were never personally displaced claiming refugee status for generations.

So you think a people should just relinquish their claim on their homeland if they haven't been personally displaced?

How far back is it convenient to go?

I guess it depends, looks like you can go back 2000 years for Jews, but can't even go less than 100 for Palestinians.

I think they shouldn't qualify as refugees if they haven't been personally displaced, and I hope one day they realize that lives are more important than claims to land their ancestors lived on. The alternative, violence, is what led to them losing this land in the first place, and is why they continue to lose land and freedoms. Choosing violence has consequences.

Definitely don't let Israel know about your anti-Zionist views, you might lose your job.

Because anyone who disagrees with the pitchfork-wielding anti-Israel mob must be a shill, right? lol.

Nah, I'm just saying that the whole point of Israel/Zionism is to let a people that was dispersed by the Roman Empire 2000 years ago should be allowed to return to their land. What you just said is that they should've just gotten over it and made a life whatever they ended up after one generation.

Or do the rules only apply to Palestinians, not Jews?

No, what I said was, "they shouldn't qualify as refugees if they haven't been personally displaced." The rest of that is a poor attempt at putting words into my mouth. I never said anything about Jewish claims to the land based on the Roman Empire expelling them being valid.

You can't get away with ad hominem, so you go right for the straw man fallacy. Is that what you consider to be, "engaging in good faith?"

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