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Joined 12 months ago

thank mr skeltal

Hell doesn't charge rent, go there!

Mom brain. Judging by the ages of the kids in the image she hasn't slept well for years.

Or, the lazier method would be they just don't throw away their first pours which are full of methanol and so 3 or 4 bottles from each batch are poison. This can easily happen with someone who just doesn't know what they are doing trying to not waste product.

The simplicity of that explanation makes it feel more likely to me.

Facial recognition still struggles with really bad mistakes that are always bad optics for the business that uses it. I'm amazed anyone is still willing to use it in its current form.

It's been the norm that these systems can't tell the difference between people of dark pigmentation if it even acknowledges it's seeing a person at all.

Running a system with a decade long history or racist looking mistakes is bonkers in the current climate.

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They got bait and switched is my understanding. The game they played included the content from the micro transactions without them being informed they weren't part of the base game.

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Their poor mother...

He should be removed from office. He is not well.

This is likely why I haven't seen my doctor write anything for over a decade. Literally everything is done on the computer now. There's a rolling computer in each room. The only handwriting I saw was by the nurses on a big whiteboard when my wife was giving birth. Just to pass notes and write times.

No apologies needed. You don't mean it anyways. You're just pretending anyone not actively engaged in your focus is against it. It's a gaslighting tactic.

I feel like the poster didn't mean to infer American capitalism is so great we need a wall to slow people down from entering while communism is so shitty they need a wall to prevent people from escaping.

It's a strangely pro American capitalism meme for lemmy.

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Eh whatever then. You just gonna be mad then and there's no point discussing it online for you anymore.

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I mean yeah... if he had a solution they would be actually have the revolutionary AI tool the tech writers write about.

It's kinda written like a "gotcha" but it's really the fundamental problem with AI. We call it hallucinations now but a few years ago we just called it being wrong or returning bad results.

It's like saying we have teleportation working in that we can vaporize you on the spot but are just struggling to reconstruct you elsewhere. "It's halfway there!"

Until the AI is trustworthy enough to not require fact checking it afterwards it's just a toy.

Perfect. This all tracks. We knew it wouldn't be anyone actually expecting the money back, but would be expecting favors in return. I guess I'm just glad it's not another oligarch.

It was always gonna be corruption adjacent at the minimum. Let it be one of our crooks at least.

I love the photo they used. Saving that for future memes.

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I have no idea what any of that means, but it sounds like a good time.

I hadn't even realized we reverted back. I remember Obama starting to normalize relationships with Cuba, but hadn't read anything since.

I think an interesting side effect would be the massive reduction of houses being bought as rental properties. If you had no real way to cover a mortgage or even some of the absurd property taxes with the rent you could get, your wouldn't invest unless you really believe in the area or are buying to fix and sell.

It would basically tank the housing market and put everyone who owns a house with a mortgage under water. Would suck for me, and I'm not a landlord.

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More conservative projection.

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I dunno, I get $25 every quarter for wearing the same pedometer I did before I worked there. 4 extra wellness days each year, which are basically extra paid holidays that you don't have family obligations tied to. Learning budgets to get me certifications on their dime. Month long paid sebatical after 3 years every 3 years.

Some wellness programs are alright. If the company actually means it.

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I just assumed that was them leaving off, "without giving her a bunch of shit."

Bullying your siblings isn't just a right but your social obligation sometimes!

Guys.... in the SEC article, it breaks it down. He was paid a little under $400k

The rest is all in stock and options grants. It's not real money yet. It's not money that could have been spent on things or profits that could have been realized.

If the stock tanks like Lemmy users believe it will, it'll be considerably lower compensation. This is typical for a CEO and not scumbaggy on its own. You typically want the CEOs compensation to be heavily impacted by company performance. This is how that's achieved.

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It's sad you can't see how false that is because of how recent events have unfolded. It's like you've just now looked at politics for the first time. You're so concerned with the marginalized people on the other side of the world you'd let it happen here out of short-sighted spite.

RIGHT NOW, a strict Christian fundamentalist was elected speaker by the GOP. Given further empowerment, he would cause more harm to marginalized people and much of the populace. He has declared his intentions. This will not help the people of Gaza if that's really your only concern.

Gotta get ready for months of Republicans cuckolding themselves in the media.

They saw the chance to be rid of him and started talking shit, but now they have to resume their boot licking.

The only thing constant in the GOP is their lack of morals and spine.

The quoted text from the article says she was coming back from training the dog for pheasant hunting. Seems a safe bet she shot it.

You've confused me with the other guy that was winning your arguments. I haven't called you a name.

If you are looking to subcontract some of that workload, I only need 1 mil to talk shit online

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I think they meant because 500 people who also work there are losing their jobs.

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If he bought a ticket, let him sit wherever as long as it's not an isle or fire exit. If he was occupying a wheelchair space (I believe he was) and there was actually demand for the space, then I could see asking him about moving, but once spoken to you'd know he's entitled to the space as well and it becomes first come first served, unless someone else called ahead and reserved the space.

Regardless of all that... police? Really?

Look at the dates. The article is also from 2018

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Ya know what... I'm gonna say it... These guys are jerks.

There was another article today about them getting a contract from Google to train their AI on their content for millions a month. This should close the gap and lead to a possibly positive year for the first time ever this year.

They saw a 20% increase in revenue, likely due to consolidating people on their app, getting them the ad revenue boost. That impact is only a little over 6 months old. I'm curious what a year looks like.

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LOL look at this guy calling other people dogs!

I consider Santa a mythical pleasure demon that takes the form most pleasurable to you.

Put your loved ones in danger supporting a topic they care little about. Your mentality is the same used to support wars.

"My morality dictates this is worth putting other people in the line of fire for my ideals!"

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True~ish. Farmers get subsidies in general, not just ranchers. But this is also Hamburger we are talking about. If the meatless patties were to replace the steak in a steak sandwich, they'd be more comparable in "price for function" comparison. The meat in hamburger patties is recovery from more expensive cuts and is basically designed to be cheap while the meatless patties are specifically designed to replace them.

It's like building a small fence with pallet wood vs. what you'd buy at a lowes or something. Neither is gonna be priced at the premium of a boutique lumber mill or restaurant, but their inception doesn't startvevenly.

It'll have to be good enough for the next 4 years. When the choice is no longer incumbent vs actual monsters...

Pounding fists on the table saying it's unacceptable is just little kid energy; like breaking your own toys cuz you're mad.

20 more...

It does. That's how taxes work. Musk's taxes don't benefit everyone equally. The server's taxes will be split, and the portion that goes to their state may be one that a billionaire doesn't pay into.

But it doesn't matter since you've created a straw man argument. I don't disagree with anything you've said about taxing the rich. You just take exception to me stating that servers also pay taxes for some baffling reason.

That was my experience as well. I smoked for 20 years. One month, 6 years ago, I decided to take the money I would spend on cigarettes and instead use it to buy a really nice vape and juices. This was about $200 at the time since I felt it was the best way to make sure I didn't give it up because I was being a cheapskate and not really giving it a fair shot.

For 2 weeks, I vaped 3mg juices and really liked it. I used menthol juices even though I never smoked menthol because it gave me that good throat hit and really scratched that itch. I then stepped it down to 0mg with my next purchase and went on vacation for my anniversary a week later. I didn't want to damage my nice vape, so I left it in the room for most of the day and used it only in the mornings and evenings but started to get annoyed by the effort I was taking to "make time" to smoke. I never recharged it after that trip and haven't had a cigarette since.

The stepping down that vaping offered me was invaluable, and even though I didn't get the value use of my vape, I was worth it in the long run.