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Joined 11 months ago

I blame lean philosophy. Keeping spare parts and redundancy is expensive so definitely don't do it...which is just rolling the dice until it comes up snake eyes and your plant shuts down.

It's the "save 5% yearly and stop trying to avoid a daily 5% chance of disaster"

Over prepared is silly, but so is under prepared.

They were under prepared.

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Geez... Project managers are forbidden from making work estimates- they only get to collect them.

They don't get to argue estimates either. They can ask questions to gain understanding but the estimates are the estimates.

Wearing an architect or chief engineer hat is sometimes more fun because you get to call bullshit on dumb estimates like "4 to 5 weeks to model a table with 7 fields, with 2 of them being PK, FK" like GTFO we can model it in the next 5 minutes if I talk slowly.

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Well, not really. They only mentioned compressive strength, so other important qualities and measures could be worse in unacceptable ways.

Or maybe it's great.

Brb crying

I'm sorry, but *fútbol. La gente de España hablan español

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The best prep is knowledge and understanding because that isn't so easy to take away.

Storing purified water is nice. Knowing how to purify water is better.

Having fish vs. Knowing how to get fish.

Next step? Thriving>surviving. Truly understand that thriving takes a village. People skills matter. If every other human is the enemy then you are clearly outnumbered.

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Allman all the way baybeeee

Most people think it is an all or nothing thing, including some doctors.

My immune system is apparently very good against noroviruses or whatever was giving my family the "all exits no waiting" treatment. A doctor argued that I must not have come in contact with the virus since I had no symptoms aside from feeling icky for a couple of hours. I was bothered that they had such a bad grasp on how viral infections work and I don't consider myself an expert by any stretch. Even after I told them I had been having to clean up my toddler and infant messes, do diapers, bathe them etc. I had come in contact with saliva vomit poo pee breath etc- of course I came in contact with it.

I had the virus, I just didn't have the disease/nasty symptoms. Maybe I had built immunity, maybe I had been able to build immunity quickly, maybe insufficient viral critical mass for rapid onset- who knows?

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Sure, but everyone needs to be reminded that Trump wants to make it exponentially worse

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First thought: clear epoxy it all

He was holding a handgun when they found him and he probably didn't drop it or waved it at them. I agree with you in principle.

Not anymore.Age.

When I was a kid I hated going to the city art museum because all the humidity and temperature control devices emitted this awful high frequency noise that made me nauseated.

I can't hear the "mosquito" pitch noise emitters used to deter teenage loitering in some cities anymore. I kept that longer than I thought I would.

throws a Timex at you What a weird request. Now what? What?

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Fuck you and take an upvote for coming here to state what I was going to when I immediately summed 5+1 to 6 and felt clever thinking "well I do know it's not prime and divisible by 3" Shakes fist

I'll get you NEXT time logicbomb!

If they had, the merger would have still happened. That's an awful opinion and you should be embarrassed but I expect instead you'll double down.

It's almost as if deregulation of the energy industry was a bad move...

Best use of space was argued for by...ME. Back in 2002 I argued at length with colleagues that California should build solar panel covers for their aqueducts. This would provide electricity as well as significantly decrease algae growth and evaporation from the aqueducts.

Then car parks at airports.

There's a ton of places they can go.

Really? I find them using a map app

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Whoa whoa whoa no e of that fancy new age Roman hippie crap.

It's XXVIIII per c, LVII per c, XIIII per c None of that SuBtRaCt stuff thpppppt

I hope you're respected in similar fashion some day and it hurts.

15 more...

This is no joke.

2 kids were killed in Forest Grove, Oregon hiding in a leaf pile on the edge of the road to surprise dad when Dad came back outside but instead were run over by teens deciding to drive the the leaf piles...

Tragic AF

No one, it just makes sense.

You must be one of those "Throw your mother downstairs, the box of tissues" types.

Yoda sounded normal to you I bet.

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Cucker Tarlson needs to find a little apartment to move into there.

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Especially for someone who took an oath. We shouldn't go easier because of his service, but harder, particularly regarding insurrection and invasion of Congress. He was tip of the spear in this, and led conspiracy with as many people as he could influence.

Class action lawsuit for contract violations

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What's wild to me is that this the life that baby dinosaur grew up to be. AGAIN

Regular TS sure, but like Whitehouse comms? Kinda strict... But I completely agree that this guy obviously for sale to the highest bidding handler.

The way this is supposed to work, is the higher the position and responsibility, the greater the "find out" consequences. You absolutely had to know better and you absolutely did it anyway.

Some Airman walks off with a Secret document, and they're in for some UCMJ meat grinding.

This joke needs to be fired and charged if there are crimes. If that kind of blatant bias for bucks bullshit isn't a crime it needs to be.

Fuck that guy.

No no no look not regular vegans. PETA vegans.

You know, the ones that think cats and dogs would be better off dead than as pets. If you're feeling too upbeat go ahead and Bing it.

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Moderate? He brags about overturning Roe V Wade constantly!

Did you watch the footage of Gaetz grilling the DEA on when were they going to delist marijuana as a schedule 1 drug and federally decriminalize it specifically addressing opioid crisis and THC being a viable alternative for pain management for many?

I totally agree with you. I was initially very confused, but it definitely diferentiates him from DeSantis.

What's next? He turns on Trump?


Use your productivity moments to set up the realistic reminders about must do things and automate what can be automated.

Practice triage. "I've let the dishes go for 3 days but if the trash doesn't go out in the next 3 hours then it will be a week therefore trash comes first"

Enlist cheerleaders that get you and be your own cheerleader to celebrate overcoming things that are obstacles to YOU. "I was feeling physically for a few days which put me behind on doing a bunch of important things around the house, and that made me feel s***** mentally. I fell off the rails with diet, sleep and exercise, and was feeling overwhelmed by all the things waiting for me to get done, but I did triage. I managed to get the trash to the road, and after doing one important thing I also did the dishes that were 3 days behind. I didn't really crush it the rest of the day, but I feel good about how the morning went." " Hey, that's really great. It's hard getting going again isn't it? Good for you! Sometimes getting the dishes done is impressive as hell!"

I played a little paintball, and the most impressive game was when I had sprinted along the perimeter to get a sniper angle on a path, wait 20 seconds, and have a Marine Recon AD barrel roll from behind a tree 30 feet from me that I never heard and put a single round in my goggles before I knew what was happening. It bounced but I wasn't about to call that anything but legit AF.

I saw the military haircut and asked him after the round.

I'm great against paper targets...but that's not the same as combat and I am crystal clear about it.

People thinking of other people when they masturbate gets me off unnnnnnh

Thanks for pointing that out so I didn't have to.

What's the alternative? Waterfail?

Yeah because business requirements and technology is changing at an ever slower rate...

Mhmm so how do you pass your own " I fell for the propaganda test", and would you adjust your thinking with new information?

You haven't addressed any plain as day facts this far.

If you want everyone reading your posts to be fully convinced you're hopelessly brainwashed then don't address any specifics and just tell us to do our own research...

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Good ones are pretty rare and good program managers are even rarer.

What they should do, and what most actually do, are different things.

Project managers must be great with humans and communication. If they are not, then they just can't be effective.

Someone complained about... Staplers?

I haven't needed a stapler at work in tech for least 5 years.

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Oh also agree 💯 about the salary. 274K with gold plated benefits? Yeah cry me a river. If you had to shovel sewage for 60 hours a week for minimum wage, but his benefits package, there would be a million people fighting for the job.

You're late for your bus to Disney!

Bus dumps you in Dallas

Gonna cry?

Okay, but it's not just size and strength. Women have better color discrimination, better landmark sense. Men have better time/speed sense. While pregnant the long gestational period makes the woman more at risk.

Women certainly can hunt, men can certainly harvest berries, but these other traits came about for reasons. If we were wrong as to why, that doesn't change the differences.

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