
2 Post – 284 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is exactly how carpetbaggers used to work. Scam one town, move on to the next.

We should call these scammers what they really are.

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Seriously folks - there can be only one and done:


Save the cheerleader, save the world and then please - go home. But nooooo../

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Best reason ever to be rid of TikTok.

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Go to bed Donny. You’re tired.

Germany just announced they will discontinue their hydrogen-powered train service in favor of a battery-based solution due to the higher running cost.

Hydrogen may be an alternative, but it has yet to make continuous, solid financial sense for any type of transport.

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I had some issues using the original PowerDeleteSuite and then found this: PowerDeleteSuite with a 5 second timeout This one worked a treat:


The slight modification allowed me to see that there was an issue with one of my posts, but it also allowed me to keep plowing through 14 years of Reddit. I changed all the content (“No IPOs without APIs”) and let it sit for a week or two to allow it to be backed up and checked. Then I deleted all but 2 subs I used to mod (1 will go soon). So far, checking by AUTHOR: yeilds nothing.

Ah, so since it’s him we should put our “justice boners” in check.

Jesus - the double-standards of some people.

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Interesting that’s it’s an ally and not a foe - that suggests (if it’s not a true accident) that the top is beginning to jostle for position.

That, or fate loves irony.

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“This is a disappointment for the millions of Eurovision fans in the Netherlands and other European countries”

Netherlands: Meh. Best weather we’ve had in months. Let’s have a BBQ instead.

So that's where they all went!

Next, he’ll try running guns for hostages to defeat the Democrats.

is the developer the most used browser (chrome) and its open source skeleton (chromium) on which most of all of the other browsers are based on (edge, brave etc)

Which was branched from Apple’s open Webkit base, but let’s all also forget about that.

They take the IP of others, spin it a bit and then block everyone. Burn them down.

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Thanks for the laugh, Ivan. Now go back to your bread line and piss off.

…sure, they can ask

There’s no fucking way I’d be stupid enough to give it to them.

Oh, I got banished from a whole instance on Mastadon for saying that the Apple Safari team looks at every bug request (and they do):

Little fucking Napoleons will ruin social media, not matter what platform.

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Many places now, that might be illegal to ask for, like race and sex.

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This is so backwards from my ID.3. When I get an OTA update, we get a message and have to deliberately update it, but it wont start until we’re out of the car and it’s locked.

Agreed. We paid no attention to Trump and he’s spearheading these groups. You need to be vigilant from the start or else they’ll continue thinking you’re weak. Any corrective actions later seem like overreach and then they only gain MORE ground.

That’s what a Personal site was in the beginning, as most “bloggers” were more technically inclined. We posted what we were interested in.

Pee Wee’s Big Adventure is the quintessential road movie and it’s rarely been done better.

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He’ll be a moustache for Xi - he talks bluster, but his financial ties to China cut both ways.

I mean, let’s be real - NO ONE comes out like that unless they’re a puppet

Speaking of behalf of many of us in the Netherlands, yeah – we don’t get it either.

IMHO, should never have been allowed on the team.

Republicans have this Reagan-era thing called the “11th Commandment” - you fall in line with the leader, no dissent voiced in the party. So basically, party first, the needs of the nation second.

They also believe there is a fixed amount of funds available for anything, and it’s basically the Hunger Games if you want to fight for your constituency. The rich though are always supported.

Democrats have had this idea of “the Big Tent” since the FDR days; there’s room for everyone and we need to consider at everyone’s views to work together. Basically the polar opposite of Republicans - they’re all Black and White thinking, and Dems live and build in the Greys where the rest of us are. Dems are a mix of financial conservatives, centrists and progressives, and each section does it part to pull the party forward, together.

We’re also quick to beat up on one of our own if they’re taking graft - hello, Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey. Can you imagine the Republicans doing this? No, I didn’t think so.

Remember when being called an “influencer” was a suspicious and generally bad thing?

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

The Washington Times is a garbage conservative conspiracy generator. If we’re not linking to Newsmax or FoxNews, we shouldn’t be linking to it.

There’s a line from “1776” (last, great old fashioned musical) that goes like this:

“Don’t forget that most men with nothing would rather protect the possibility of being rich than face the reality of being poor”

FFS, a Fox "News" link. Imagine my surprise.

If we could only decide WHICH channels we want - let the people who want shorts have it, shitty as it is. Just let me turn it off (and games, film and music while we’re at it).

I never used them. I never will use them. They are just in the way and keep me praying for a YT alternative.

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He’s also been wrong a lot and we don’t need to constantly consume everything he says as fact.

Had an old on and off girlfriend - fantastic body, great sex, mad as a box of minions. Not a healthy relationship and 1.5 years later going nowhere. When she’d call, the iPhone would ring with Alan Parsons Project:

Don't answer me

Don't break the silence, don't let me win

Don't answer me

Stay on your island, don't let me in

Run away and hide from everyone

Worked a treat.

You can do it - I did.

  • Find a skill in need in Europe (preferably richer Northern) or rich places like Singapore where the QoL is worth moving
  • Sell everything or save the equiv of 2-3 months of salary for settling-in expenses
  • Write to headhunters, businesses...anyone posting a job in your field; see if they can assist you with an apartment so you can land with a place to live (note: nothing comes furnished - no carpet paint, appliances...my apartment even needed wall switches)
  • Move there with everything you now own in 2-3 bags
  • Rebuild your life slowly: learn the language, learn to love Ikea - you'll be there a lot, learn that you can't get what you used to love to eat so you'll have to learn to cook to make it, learn to live as an immigrant, with everyone wanting to know why you're there, without full rights, and with constant intrusion of the immigration services.

Yeah - sounds like a pain. 25+ years later, it's been worth it to get the hell out of New Jersey.

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Something I’d love to see made a thing: whenever you see him, just walk by and say “fuck off, Nigel”. No more, no less - but if everyone starts to do it… 👍

History cares.

Trumps loser-base will die off soon enough. We need it on the record.

Same. It’s an impossible fight, with all this magical thinking about Apple biasing any discussion. So much blind hate and no way to debate it.

Apple pays much more to artists - period. That’s why I use it.

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Let’s all agree to call him “Andrew Hate” and maybe this shitshow can finish earlier than later.

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Haha Imagine caring enough to call people on a different social media site losers while being on a social media site.

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Texas courts are the favorite venue for most patent claims. Mostly because they suck at technology and give it up for a plaintiff.

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Good luck with that,

I live next door (Netherlands) and I’m proud of today’s Germans. They know how to fight back on the extremist Right, unlike my country where they make them Prime Minister.

This is “they’re all the same” bullshit that some groups use to dissuade you from comparing and deciding on your own. That, and it’s just ageist rhetoric, ignoring Trump is nearly just as old

Don’t listen to this shit. Look at what they say AND what they do, in total. Single issue, lazy, dogmatic thinking is how we got into this sorry state to begin with.

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