1 Post – 237 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Even free samples?

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Aww, love that update. Glad the dogs aren't too interested in playing with it.

He's had a series of mini-strokes though. We know it because he tweeted that he didn't have them.

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Brexit was so successful, it's now time for Texit!

Careful of backcharging large companies. They'll remove your account from all their services. Looking at you Google.

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Who knew that GeoGuessr was actually training people for a career in emergency services?

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This comment is 20 years old if you replace the word Chrome with Internet Explorer.

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How many Stadias is that?

Huge doubt here. Apple RAM is LPDDR5. That's Low Power DDR5.

Citing this site:

LPDDR5 runs up to 6400 Mbps with many low-power and RAS features including a novel clocking architecture for easier timing closure. DDR5 DRAMs with a data-rate up to 6400 Mbps support higher density including a dual-channel DIMM topology for higher channel efficiency and performance.

I'm looking at the Apple M2 Wikipedia page and it has the 800GB/s number you have, but that's gotta be something like RAM speed times number of RAM unit blocks for overall bandwidth.

Apple RAM is not magically 15 times faster than DDR5.

Don't forget about the banning of indoor smoking in public places. God the 90's were a horrible time for that although it was winding down.

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I wouldnt call a few downvotes 'less civil'. Without the edit, the parent comment looked like a weird non sequitur. With the comment there was more context and now it has a lot of upvotes.

Sticks to a single line of thought too easily. You need 2-3 separate trains of thought all colliding in one sentence to sound authentic.

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Sure, but you actually have to work hard for your $60k. Don't want the $300k people to feel bad for firing you for not supporting their salary.

I'm surprised Tesla hasn't gotten to the point yet where it's just replying with 💩, but I guess this response wasn't too far off from that.

The camera guy was using a cell phone to record security camera footage. He wasn't sitting there watching it happen.

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The stairs in the movie don't line up either. Always bothered me.

Programs that do that are straight up malware in my opinion.

I really miss these hand washing stations we had in elementary school.

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Why the fuck do people hate on the one class of people using the most efficient form of transportation that also provides exercise in a world that can't stop spewing greenhouse gasses (For electric cars, those greenhouse gasses are being spewed at the power plant instead of from the car itself) and people don't get enough exercise?

Fucking. Madness. Cyclists should be applauded and not targeted.

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Haven't seen Summoning Salt mentioned yet. He does great videos on the history of speed running a video game.

An example video would be Super Mario Bros: The Human Limit where the difference between a tool assisted speed run and what a human is capable is discussed. And how Super Mario Bros has an interesting mechanic allowing humans to be imperfect but still able to tie a perfectly executed speed run done using essentially a script of commands.

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He's got some real tweaky vibes going on in that clip.

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"Its just spring water, bro. That shit never runs out."

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A volcano in southwestern Iceland began erupting Monday with lava fountains reaching up to 330 feet and the glow visible miles away in the center of the capital, Reykjavik. The location of the fissure poses a risk to the nearby Svartsengi geothermal power plant and to the town of Grindavík, which was evacuated last month because of heightened seismic activity. “We are looking at a worst-case scenario,” said Thorvaldur Thordarson, a volcanologist in Iceland. “The eruption appears big, and only about two kilometers from major infrastructure.”

My Spotify wrapped had a special message from Weird Al (I know, I have great taste!) with the following:

“It's my understanding that I had over 80 million streams on Spotify this year. So if I'm doing the math right, that means I earned $12, so, you know, enough to get myself a nice sandwich at a restaurant. So from the bottom of my heart, thanks for your support. And, uh, thanks for the sandwich.”

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An IBM Power9 supercomputer built in 2018 is #7 on the supercomputer list. That's not nothing.

Dunno if they're going anywhere now though or if that was their last hurrah.

As a huge dwarf lover, this would be great for me. I've loved playing dwarves ever since I played Golden Axe at the arcade. Whenever there's a dwarf as a playable character I'm more interested in the game. In fact, I dislike Skyrim for having elves but no dwarves.

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Good argument for separate infrastructure.

How about buying a social media platform and making sure everybody sees whatever you say?

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I've noticed a new resolution setting: 1080p Premium HD Enhanced Bitrate.


So yeah, 1080p confirmed potato. Upgrade to new potatoless 1080p now!

What's your source for gluten being bad for your heart? This Harvard study from 2017 says the opposite.

Conclusion Long term dietary intake of gluten was not associated with risk of coronary heart disease. However, the avoidance of gluten may result in reduced consumption of beneficial whole grains, which may affect cardiovascular risk. The promotion of gluten-free diets among people without celiac disease should not be encouraged.

Are we still doing "phrasing"?

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Broke teller machines at a bank by accidentally renaming the server all the machines were pointed to. Took an hour to bring back up.

Wales is part of Britian. That would be like saying "Oh, he's a New Yorker? I thought he was American".

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This version is the best for "they don't stop coming"

I feel like "The Man Who Knew Too Little" is pretty uncommon even though it's a Bill Murray movie. One of my favourite comedies of all time!

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The article did link the research article so you could have read it instead of jumped to conclusions. In this case fertility rates are being defined as rate of infertile couples, or couples who cannot conceive. Specifically, the worry is that the global sperm count is declining, and that the decline is accelerating.

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Sometimes an app needs to be updated to work properly with the latest operating system. I wouldn't say it's great to have no updates for a decade.

I find having adaptive cruise control makes me less angry. I've just stopped caring if the car in front is going 2-3 mph slower than I want to travel at. I'll pass if there's room and if my turn is coming up I'll just pace behind them. I find I usually get stopped at the same lights as everybody anyway so it doesn't matter.

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It's awesome when my 3 year old says "Hey Google start Chaos!".

That would be the liquid nitrogen execution.