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Joined 1 years ago

Technology isn't to enable users to do what they want, but to let corporations do what they can get away with.

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Having the same sence of humor proved crucial for me, next to loving pets. I dated someone once and when she asked why I asked her I told her I liked older women. She was 3 days older. (And not amused)

I felt totally comfortable with a girl I met at a forum meeting we started seeing each other more. She had pets and the same sence of humor. She's my wife for 14y now, we have loads of pets. On my birthday I get gifted a younger wife, on her birthday she's rescued from an old man. She's 6 months younger.

GPG signatures are set by the sender to prove the message is originating from the sender and is unchanged. It's signed with the private key and verified with the public key.

It is in no way a method to verify if the information is correct or rubbish. I can tell you the earth is flat and sign it, but all you know on verifying the signature is that the info was unaltered, not if it's correct or not.

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Sell them and buy low budget low power consumption disks that would fit my purpose.

Enterprise-grade usually has enterprise-grade power consumption. From the power saving alone you can buy nice stuff.

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Humans totally ignore that they are part of nature. Most think that reduced biodiversity won't include them.

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"Survival of the fittest" when used to indicate the stongest should survive. Instead of the one best suited for (fitting) the situation.

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We can only hope that this year finally opens the eyes of the deniers. (Before nature decides to finally solve the issue)

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And we have liftoff. ;)

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Welcome and have fun.

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They can, when they limit CO2 emissions as much as possible and compensatw for the remaining emissions by planting trees and other tricks.

Also, 'being carbon neutral' can mean several things:

  • ensure the company doesn't produce CO2 (net)
  • ensure the company and the commute of the employees doesn't produce CO2 (net)
  • ... plus suppliers
  • ... plus transport of the goods produced
  • ...

And so on,... it all is just how you define it.

My house is the greenest in the neighbourhood and probably in the country. That it has nothing to do with being eco friendly but more with the paint on it is just a minor detail. ;)

people won’t be addicted to it anymore

Wishful thinking. I'm wasting more time on Lemmy then I ever did on Reddit/Facebook/Twitter/...

However, the biggest advantage to me is that I can filter out what I don't want to see, not be forced to accept what is thrown at me or leav. (I did the latter on all) I now have the option to hide away from 'normals' again.

When you look at the world and see what is considered 'normal', who in their right mind would want to be like that?

Now I'm curious how far they'll get before the poster either:

  1. is fed up with posting about posts being removed as they were about posts being removed,...
  2. gets banned.

Bad control over the hardware. Android is 100% open source, but alas, not all drivers are. To be honest, it's by design of some manufacturers (Samsung for one, Mediatek is another) to keep drivers of hardware closed source so updating the OS of your particular Android based mobile OS lags hugely behind Android.

Android gets monthly security updates, which need to be included in the OS of the phone manufacturer. Lineage has weekly builds for their code which include the monthly security updates. Phone manufacturers are only required to 'supply updates for 2y after introduction of the model (not after end of sale), which requires them to give 1 upgrade (major version).

Alas, support for the wide variety of Android phones hinges now for 100% on the effort of the custom rom developers. For example: The 2011 Samsung Galaxy S2 has an unofficial Lineage 20 (Android 13).

To many devices running the same opensource software without the requirement to make the drivers open source.

Apple is completely closed, Microsoft has it's Windows closed with the option for hardware suppliers to supply the drivers (which need to be conform to their specs) Android is based on the Linux kernel, which would require hardware manufacturers that make drivers for the kernel to supply the drivers, but alas, as it's not a company, no methods to enforce this is available.

When you want consistent ANdroid updates, you need to either:

  1. buy Google Pixel (Google is pretty consistent in updates)
  2. buy a nice brand that offers 5y+ guarantee (include updates)
  3. buy a device with active custom rom support, for example Lineage (worst case, you can update the device yourself as the code is available)
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Because to find the needle in the haystack, you first need a haystack. Until you know which needle you want to use, you need loads of haystacks which could have the needle in it you need.

Also, hoarders gotta hoard. (and bastards collect all they can get away with, and more, lots more)

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My sewing machine. I (m) wanted curtains, my wife didn't want to sow them (no sewing machine didn't help).

Bought it last year (€270), made curtains troughout the house, monthly energy bill went from €630 to €230 a month due to savings on heating. (And I learned something new, always fun)

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That's good to know, but Reddit is a passed station here.

Staying here, nise and cosy.

Depends on what you do when online.

Are you actively searching for knowledge so you learn how to do things (playing a game, an instument, learning how to fix something), reading (news) from various sources or asking questions out of interest? No, not worth stopping, never stop being curious and learning.

Are you passively consuming all that's being pushed/force fed to you? Yep, but don't quit, change how you use internet. Use it to your own good, not so companies can have you hooked.

Here, the phone is in the livingroom on a shelf when I'm at home and don't need it for 2fa. Also, default notification sound is None and I set a sound for things I want to be notified of like ring tone, sms, personal messages (no group), calendar and set a dnd period between 21:00 and 7:00. I use a tablet for gaming as alternative for TV. (Although I'd be better off to read the magazines that are piling up ;) )

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Ad blocker is still working perfectly... 100% personalized. (None 😇)


My 1st phones were around €200, now you only find cheap junk that breaks within a year at that prize point. Having to cough up €500-700 for a phone that lasts a few years sounds excessive. Best phone until now is my '18 Nokia 6.1. Prize was €300 and it's still going strong.

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Depends on what you want to do and how technical you are.

Main advantage of hosting on your own hardware from home are cost and ease of access. Main drawback is that you need to give acces to your home network when you want to provide services. When you know what you do and your connection is fast enough, that isn't a problem.

The main advantage of a VPS, which you rent instead of buy, is the flexibility and keeping security threats out of your home network. You can activate one for the service you like to provide, keep it alive until you don't need it and have it detstroyed. Security issues may exist, but they are out of your home network. In the long run they are more expensive.

You can also combine both, host some services locally (RPi or a nuc) and some remote on a vps.

Here I run several personal websites local, but the DNS of my domains, incoming email and business websites are hosted on a set of VPS'es (set as you need 2 for dns). All websites are static, no management software what so ever, as most are (huge) security risks. For email I use the main VPS as 1st line of defence. Spam and virus scanning is done there.

I could use my RPis to do all locally, but I prefer to have DNS and email externally. Also, my only surviving client would be leaving when I run everything from home. (He's basically paying for the servers, I just keep them running, pay for them and send the bill ;) )

When just 'messing around' a VPS is advisable, as you can trow it away and try again when you mess up. ;)

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Hetzner has been used for ddos attacks and spam runs, so they're cautious. You pay afterwards, I get the bill the 3rd of the month.

Also, be advised, sending email out is blocked by default and can be unblocked 30d after creating the 1st vps when the 1st invoice is paid. BTW blocking is pretty simply a block on port 25 and 465, so rerouting to anothe rport to a relay works when you need it the 1st 30 days. (for say monitoring)

  1. buy in season vegetables (cheaper)
  2. know the regular prizes, so you can detect real discounts from fake ones
  3. buy in bulk (cheaper)
  4. prepare several days food at once with that bulk and freeze it for later use.
  5. skip expensive food (usually meat) on a regular base when on a budget and bij it only as a treat/for weekends

When you buy in season, there is usually a lower prize as it's in abundance as it's grown in the fields instead of greenhouses. I've seen discounts that were the regular prize but the 'original' prize has been increases to make it seem a discount. When you buy in bulk (say in a 2 person household for 4-8 servings) and prepare in bulk you can freeze in 2 serving potions. (saves preparation time and it saves on groceries runs ;) ) Defrost food in the cooler, which takes about a day to defrost and save a tad on energy for the cooler, Also you save on the preparing side as preparing a 4 serving meal doesn't requires a lot less energy then 2x a 2 serving meal. (including the re-heating of the 2nd meal) Save leftovers. Even half portions can be combined with others to make a fuul (and maybe even interesting) meal.

Also, when you eat meat less often you save a tad (when you eat meat, when you don't the biggest saving is already achieved).

Ehm, .xxx works fine for them. (And there's more pr0n then male oriented hetro pr0n)

Hmmm, as mastodon server just to annoy extwitter.

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Previous century I bought a TV that was 16:9 and had software to stretch 4:3 broadcasts to fit the screen. It chopped off a tad at the top and bottom and stretched the sides a tad to fill the screen... it was horrible. I'd rather have the dark borders at the sides over mutilated images. Somehow I doubt AI would be a bit more creative.

open gmail and see ublock report >1k trackers blocked What tracker bust?

Oh wait, torrents and stuff... never mind.

For me the old internet was an escape from real life. I hate crowds, so I preferred the internet in '94. It was fun, new and all other nerds were just like me, so I understood them (ok, most of them). Now 'normals' have taken over as well as companies.

Yea olde internet was for sharing useful information, learning and communicating with like minded, now internet is primarily for earning cash (companies) and having opinions sent out/manipulated. To much noice, not enough information.

Sub? Where's the sub? Battle stations!!! Arm the torpedoes and depth charges!!! :D

We haver loads of communities for messing about, memes and just general banter. I think this community as well as ! and loads of others are for more serious questions.

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When that's the case, wouldn't it be nice to be able to migrate communities, so when an adminndecides to quit an instance, those communities that want to move can arrange that move.

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I already read a report that there were 2 planes, of which the 2nd returned after the incident... I'm curious if he was on the 1st (shot down) plane or the 2nd.

When he was in the 2nd and survived things could 'get interesting' in Russia.

May Putin live in interesting times.

Anyone got any advice for coping with this late stage capitalist hellscape?

Learn skills.

Money is worthless when you have to spend 4 hours to work to hire somebody to do in 1h what you yourself can do in 2. At this point the prizes of skilled labour rise as there is a huge shortage of skilled personel. Somehow society decided ther theoretical knowledge is more valuable then practical knowledge, but to me managers and the likes are overhead.

As example, in '10, when I was 38, my house needed painting for the 1st time. I got a quote of €4k (more then a month's wage) and it would be done in 2-3 days. I decided to paint the house myself and it took me a week, cost me €400, gave me the chance to repair the windows and I learned some skills.

Same goes for car repairs, plumbing and I (male) even made our curtains with a sewing machine I bought. The only tasks I'm forced to hire people for now is medical, for me, my wife and our pets. When I hire somebody for other tasks, it's because I don't want to do the work. It's a choice.

As it always has been, knowledge is power, which includes the knowledge/skills to be self supporting. Refuse to run the rat race, although in the US that's a lot harder then over here in Europe.

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Check, the American dream of 1-2% is the American nightmare for more then 75%. (And probably just a disappointment for the rest)

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I'd say they made the image, started it, did minor adjustments and didn't delete the command history before stopping it and starting to deploy the image.

Looks harmless, although a tad sloppy.

Skip the gun. No civilized country will let you have it.

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I was developing Cyanogenmod (and later Lineage) for my own tablet (Samsung Tab S2 10") and I figured I could develop for the 8" 'blind' when the developer for that tablet quit. I got a few donations from the community to keep on developing on my own device. A few years later I'm answering this post on the device I could buy from those donations. (On Lineage that's been developed based on my code)

I also got a load of top quality classical LP's from a neighbour of my parents whe they moved away as 'your son loves LPs, would he like classacal albums?'. I still have to check most of them out. (Already found the piano items)

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That didn't work... Next!

And when it's a real big mess: In 100 years, nobody will know or care.

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Why are houses being raided over a protest?

FBI: Because we can

When you pay enough and have the right government, a society.

  • free tuition
  • free or at least affordable healthcare
  • social security
  • physical security
  • transportation

Without it, our country (the Netherlands) would be a lot smaller, as most of it would be below sea level. It still is, but the dykes, which are build and maintained via taxes, keep the sea at bay. No roads to travel on, no military to defend the country, no healthcare that is affordable for all and no food on the table for the unemployed.

When your taxes are spent well, it's a great return on investment. (My income for one ;) ) However, when the government is mostly corporate owned, the return is a lot less.

I’m not sure why people are hating on you, perhaps some kind of advertising thing?

Temu is known for forcing their suppliers to sell below production costs so they can flood the market with cheap junk. Say the same tactic Amazon uses, but to it's extreme. (and there are loads that already avoid Amazone like the plague it is)

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Most of the companies have a policy that requires you to wear the card visible to others. That it has rfid is just a bonus to get trough doors without hiring a guard to let personel in.

Believe me, it's not so bad when they allow you to wear it from your belt. (You can even put it in your pocket and give a feeble excuse when they ask you about it) At the company I'm at, I run the risk of getting shot for not wearing the badge. That makes me a tad less rebelous. (But I still refuse to wear the badge around my neck)

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I bought a $5 mechanical watch as aliexpress, curious how long it would last. That was 12y ago. All I replaced was the strap by a $1 one, still ok as well.

The $200 watch I bought before that was b0rken in 2 months.

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