21 Post – 175 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I did not catch on the Figma AI news, but now I can't wait for every website and mobile app to look the same 🙃

Have you thought of practicing a sport in a club / team? I find that it's a good way to focus on something else than my issues and it helps to socialize.

Ah yes, classic tech solutionism.

"No need to be frugal, the tech will evolve and fix the causes of climate change!"

We need a solution right now, not in a decade, dumb ass. So frugality is the answer.

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I use Readeck which has a few extra features over Pocket and bookmarks: offline copy, sharable link to said copy, highlights, bookmarks collection and the ability to export saved articles to ebook. Oh and it's self-hostable.

Personnaly, I mostly use it to bookmark and highlight articles I have read, with some bookmarked to read later.

Soon we will have to call it GNU/systemd/Linux

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Way to push Fortune 200 companies towards Azul, Adoptium, Correto and other alternative Java distributions, Oracle!


Edit: my tone was tongue in cheek, I hope Google will keep its promise, but you know, they did us a Stadia after all.

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And replace them with walled-garden devices that don't allow you to do anything besides a restricted set of uses defined by manufactures and right holders.

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Here's the text in the image

If you people had half a clue what its like to run and mod a popular torrent site half the comments here would be just thanks. You think 1337x has a huge team of people moderating FREE content for you all? Let me clue you all in, this is most certainly NOT the case.

Very few people modding site right now. I can tell you this, NO one and I mean NO one is working with anyone to make money off of people on site involving moderators or admins. The people that are actively modding the site have full time jobs with families and do not look at uploads coming threw 24/7. The torrent in question was removed when it was checked and verified. Please excuse the delay as we were not fast enough for some of you and your free content. What mods are there are there just because of the community no other reason. Getting paid? Please, stop it now.

You should be wary of any software or games you download from anywhere. If you dont trust 1337x then dont go there, but to start smashing on what few moderators who are just there to support you people in your quest for good pirated material is just wrong and no where near correct.

For the people who think we are in cahoots with anyone involved with site and donations for your information none of the mods like the change that has recently happened involving donations. What sense does it make to take donations to remove ADS when and if you loose the account you are screwed? The password recovery does not work on 1337x as of now and has not for a very long time. As mods/Admins we have zero access to the backed of the site. No control Whatsoever. Never have never will. Site owner barely has any communication with the Mods if you all want to know the truth.

Posts like the OP has here makes me want to quit and let fate take its course to be perfectly honest with all the ungrateful comments for FREE CONTENT!

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This is such an anti-consumer move, by refusing to unlock the bootloader Asus hinders the ability of users to extend their devices' life beyond Asus's original support window by flashing alternative ROMs...

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As an instance admin, I would prefer not to have users uploads videos or GIFs on Lemmy.

Why? Because Lemmy instances make a local copy of media hosted on other instances. Right now, without any cleaning, my instance has been accumulating 18GB of pictures since July. Imagine how much more that would be if videos were in the mix.

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Is it just me or this article is riddled with typos and gramatical errors?

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Each Lemmy instance keeps a copy of posts and contents made in communities followed by its users, so even though an instance is decommissioned, the content lives on on other instance.

For example my instance was off for a month (I was moving out, setting up my NAS was my last priority) and during this time my posts and comments were still available on other instances.

As for users unable to login on decommissioned instances, unfortunately all they can do is create an account on another instance.

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The issue is that most of them are limited in the amount of passkeys they can manage.

In the case of the Yubikey 5

Currently, YubiKeys can store a maximum of 25 passkeys.

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Yes, you need a passkey per service, so you would quickly end up with your 25 slots full.

A millionth percent. People are not remotely aware of the whole Manifest v3 drama and will either not care for the degraded experience or put the blame on extensions developers.

It looks like the pictures went through a background removal tool then the resulting pictures were pasted on top of a wood texture, with no regards to the original pictures' orientation.

That would explain why in some pictures the article seems to be cut in half as well as the confusing perspective on most pictures.

Apple's letter also asked that the bill "focus on requiring manufacturers obligations to provide the documentation tools, and parts to enable the repairs performed by authorized repair channels, as opposed to a broader undefined scope of repairs." Apple also wants repair providers to mention when they're using "non-genuine or used" components.

The bill, as written, also requires non-authorized repairers to provide written notice of their lack of official vendor approval.

Elizabeth Chamberlain, director of sustainability at iFixit, told Ars Technica that while disclosing the use of third-party parts is reasonable, she's concerned that it "supports unnecessary fear-mongering around used and third-party parts."

"I also worry that lumping used and third-party parts together will contribute to further confusion. Apple's 'unable to verify' warnings already blur the line between those categories," she added.

In short, this bill allows Apple to encourage people to repair their devices at Apple-certified repair shops by marketing them as better than non-certified ones.

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TL;DR: 90% discount. The rest of the article reads like AI-generated and/or SEO garbage.

I'm more disappointed by their decision to not consider Microsoft's Edge and Bing as core platforms, even though the former is being pushed way too hard in Windows and the later is used as part of other search engines' indexes (ie. DuckDuckGo, Kagi, Qwant)

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Why would AI end capitalism? If previous centuries told us anything, it is that in a capitalist world more productivity doesn't equate to more leasure time or better wages.

I wish I'm wrong, but I can't see any other issue than companies using AI to increase profits.

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I'm afraid that if AI ends up being just a fad, Mozilla won't be able to recover from this bet.

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What are you using GitHub on your phone for? The mobile Web UI is good enough for most use-cases, I'm not sure how an Android client would improve the user experience.

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Great, unless someone reverse engineers WMR into SteamVR, my headset is going to be a paper weight "some time in the future"...

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If I'm getting this right, you're planning on displaying some websites in a WebView in which you inject JS to modify the UI / add features?

Well, you totally can, I often do that on the desktop using Greasemonkey. Just be prepared for lost time whenever one of the websites introduce a breaking change.

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How was it a poor product? By itself, sure, there wasn't that many VR apps sold on the Microsoft Store, but once plugged into SteamVR, it was another story. WMR offered headsets for every budgets, from the low end to the very high-end and with more flexibility than HTC's Vive and Valve's Index.

Now I would really like for Google to retroactively upgrade the Pixel 6 and 7 update support to match the Pixel 8.

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I'm pretty sure it never did

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Sounds like "Steam doesn't allow X? We will allow X just to have you because we are so desperate for revenue"

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OP posted from Mastodon and for some reason mentioned the Firefox Lemmy community instead of just mentioning Mozilla's / Firefox's Mastodon account.

Well, that's just Apple's way to ensure that their patent is as broad as possible.

Computers are not specified for a specific RAM latency (the number in CLXX describes the latency of the RAM), you can put whatever you want.

Just note that in the case that you add a second stick of RAM and that the latencies are mismatched, the computer will pick the slowest of the two (in your case, CL22, so that won't change anything latency-wise)

Most JS shipping on the web is minified, with variables renamed to random names, you can't just open it and search for maliciousFunction.

Also their claim of Twitch doing network sniffing in a browser should be impossible unless Twitch has found and is actively exploiting a security flaw in modern web browsers.

How is that article even remotely related to Technology other than Steve Ballmer being former CEO of Microsoft?

Also the article is mostly empty and was written from a single quote from Ballmer.

Not just you, it's the same on Android. Maybe related to April Fools?

MostlyJustBored's account is 3 weeks old with no history. We should take whatever they say with a grain of salt.

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Unfortunately improving existing products does not bring additional subscriptions / revenue 🤡

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I self-host a ton of software. For context, I'm leveraging docker-compose on top of TrueNAS SCALE:

  • Monitoring
    • Prometheus
    • Grafana
    • the basic dockprom exporters: nodeexporter, cadvisor
    • NUT Exporter (UPS statistics)
    • PiHole exporter
    • UptimeKuma
  • Ad blocking
    • PiHole
    • unbound (censor-resilient DNS resolver)
    • dnsproxy (in order to use PiHole on my smartphone and laptop outside my home network)
  • Media
    • Plex
    • Transmission
    • Sonarr
    • Radarr
    • Bazarr
    • Jackett
    • Flaresolverr
  • Services exposed to the outside world
    • Bunkerweb (security-hardened nginx reverse-proxy)
    • (Twitter to Mastodon bridge)
    • FreshRSS
    • n8n (automation software, think IFTTT or Zapier, but open-source and on steroids)
    • Self-Host Planning Poker (my very own software!)
    • Courier (parcel tracking software)
    • Overseerr (user-friendly interface for friends and family to request movies and shows, plugs into Sonarr, Radarr and Plex)
    • Lemmy
  • Kresus (personal finance)
  • Wireguard (VPN I use as a gateway into my home network)
  • Caddy (reverse proxy with HTTPS, I use it for serving locally everything I do not expose to the outside world)
  • Restic server (an HTTP server to push Restic backups from various computers at home)
  • wakeonlan-cron-docker (because TrueNAS doesn't allow installing WoL package. Once again, I made it myself)

What I'm looking into at the moment:

  • Tandoor Recipes (deployed but I cannot make CSRF work with my reverse-proxy so far)

What I'll be looking into in the near future:

  • Promtail + Grafana Loki to aggregate Docker containers logs in Prometheus/Grafa
  • Immich (Google Photos alternative with automated backups from smartphones)
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Actually Google has been forced to offer choices on Android in the EU, but for existing devices the prompt only consists of a permanent notification that you can easily ignore: my partner has been ignoring it for the past month.

I'm not sure how I feel about the Bitcoin and Etherum jokes, I'm afraid they are too current and won't age well, much like the Fulu ones.