European Parliament Just Approved Fair Parts Pricing and a Ban on Parts Pairing to – 299 points –
European Parliament Just Approved Fair Parts Pricing and a Ban on Parts Pairing | iFixit News

Parts pairing- does that refer to shit like how Apple used to pair their home button to the serial number of the phone so you couldn't replace it? Or how old Xboxes (idk about new ones) would pair the disc drive to the motherboard? About fucking time if so.

Yes. Yes it does.

It took them long enough.

Unfortunately, I think it excludes game consoles.

Curious how california did this as well.

Doesn't it open the door for every company to claim that their product is a game console as long as it can play snake or some shit?

Apple is preparing to register the iPhone 16 as an Air Frier just to push this for a year

As long as game consoles are just not in the list, I think there shouldn't be a loophole like that. But if they explicitly exclude consoles from being affected, there definitely is

Yup, that's it, at least from my understanding.

What would we DO without EU

I'm so glad we left, what good did they ever do /s

What good have the Romans ever done for us anyway?

Apart from helpful laws, easy travel, a consistent currency, consumer and employee protections, more negotiation authority, and humanitarian aid, what has the EU ever done for us?

Do you know the difference between EU and Europe?

The EU didn't even exist yet during most of those. And where it does it's still something different.

I think that they share your opinion and are saying that there were way fewer conflicts between EU-members than there would have been without it.

Now that you point it out, I can see that that may be what they were saying.

Yeah, I should've explained my point a bit more.

apply to ten categories of products that are currently covered by ecodesign requirements: smartphones and tablets, bicycles (including e-bikes), washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, fridges, displays, welding equipment, vacuum cleaners and servers.

thats dissapointing.

those categories are way to specific,
these laws should apply to way more stuff.

smartphones and tablets?
why not computers in general?

and john deere execs are pobably laughting their asses of right now.

I wish the US had anything even close to this level of consumer protections and rights.

I prefer having an ambitious law right now, even if it only cover a limited amount of products, than a law that try to cover everything but takes decades to be approved.