
1 Post – 349 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My wife and I went all out for our first born and as a baby monitor we got a MIKU. It is able to track the baby's breathing without any accessories and one of the key reasons I chose MIKU was that even though it was expensive it did not have a subscription model. BECAUSE I FUCKING HATE SUBSCRIPTIONS. Fast forward to Summer of 2023 and MIKU went bankrupt. The company that bought them tried to salvage it by including a $10/month subscription for everything except for the main camera function (which they cannot legally remove). And the way they tried to enforce it is by pushing an app update that blocks said features. I just went on APK Mirror and downloaded the previous version and turned off auto updates. And everything works perfectly. Thank you android and thank you APK Mirror.

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Fuck that sell-out Ajit Pai.

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And then Israel will bomb Gazans as they're rushing to get some food

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I will post Fuck Ajit Pai every time I see news about net neutrality until it's fucking back.




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This man could have been the president

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YouTube is not Wikipedia or fucking EMS

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Downvote me into oblivion but Kagi ain't shit. It's a glorified Google frontend. The author is right that the web is filled with AI generated articles and fake reviews and lists but Kagi is not immune to this enshittification.

I even tried the same query the author was bitching about. Here is Kagi's first two links for top 10 air purifiers. Notice how the first result is a BS website called top10.com and the second one is one of the "fake review" websites .

And here is Google's. First result is Wirecutter, and this might be subjective but I trust Wirecutter reviews on most things.

Rest of the Google results are exactly what the author was mentioning. But Kagi was no different.

So $10/month to get the same shit? No thank you. I agree that Google turned to shit compared to what it was but it is still the best search engine out there. Now if the article was about privacy concerns then they would have a point. Which is what Kagi is all about anyway. So let's stop the fucking act.

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But when I compare this genocide to the Holocaust I get called an antisemite

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I'll stop using libgen when an ebook is cheaper than a hard copy.

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I'm probably one of those. I joined because it was a low hanging fruit for an instagram user. It is basically twitter culture all over again. People complain that you're just posting into a void on Mastodon but I get tons of responses over there. The real void is any mainstream social media where only the voice of influencers are amplified. The whole main feed is just 90% suggested posts. Why the fuck do I wanna see a post from Jake Paul or Mr. Beast?

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Investors made bank either way. Same shit with Airbnb. It doesn't have to be a sustainable business if you can make a shit ton of money in a short amount of time.

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Guns and bombs usually do the trick

Dude this is literally me. As soon as I finished med school and started residency I got LASIK. A year after that I got Invisalign. And resident physicians don't make a lot montey but it was enough to change my looks.

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If someone doesn't mind their privacy they would just use Google Search + Gmail. This guy is delusional

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Lol no they didn't

Trtworld is just Erdogan's personal propaganda channel. Obviously this article is ok but I'm just saying

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A quick reminder that aa is basically Erdogan's personal propaganda channel. I'm not saying anything against this specific article. Just a reminder for the future.

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How the fuck is Reagan top 20

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Taking a page out? They're adding pages at this point

The scariest part? This guy is polling above Biden

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She's got like 100 songs and she chose heart attack. Lmao

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Jordan wouldn't have made this mistake

Surprised Pikachu face

Damage is done anyway. Classic tactics

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I mean he's a politician and in order to protect his people he has to suck up to the US.

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Even just attempting to form a union results in better benefits.

The residents at my hospital started discussing forming a union and they even got some signatures and what not. Word got out to the dean and now we have

  • increased salary
  • fixed amount university contribution to 403b regardless of how much you contribute
  • free parking
  • more meal stipends

Obviously they are still planning to unionize but I'm finishing my residency so I won't get to see it.

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People just use the software they need and it works. That's not a bad thing. That's how it's supposed to be. I mean imagine paying for a whole OS just to run chrome. Now that would be crazy and stupid.

Give us one fucking Biden policy that caused this

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See that's where you are wrong. Calling evil by showing how it is similar to another evil isn't trying to minimize one. Is it just about numbers? Their universities, schools, hospitals, records and cultures are being destroyed as we speak. Children are being starved. So you're saying this isn't evil enough? Comparing numbers is Israili propaganda at this point. Never again means never again for anyone.

Pixelfed is great but it never had a mass migration like Mastodon or Lemmy. So it lacks users.

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When I first came to the USA I obviously did not have an EAD (employment authorization document) which would make it legal for me to work. I started to work at this place as a non-paid intern. 6 months later I got my EAD and I found out that the owner literally logged my hours without my knowledge and paid me a bonus for the last 6 months. He was an Egyptian immigrant and he said he knew how difficult it was. I owe a lot to that guy.

Showing double standards with respect to Israel is a form of antisemitism, which is itself a form of racism against Jewish people

Lol no it isn't

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Thinkpad stock prices after plane crash

What would we DO without EU

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TIL Google one had VPN

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Someone's been reading too much rule 34

Well yeah. How else is he supposed to run windows software

Then they started complaining that the image search plugin was not compatible with Apple Silicon.

What kind of psycho fucking does this.

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California should be westest Virginia

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