‘Stop the price-gouging’: Biden hits corporations over high consumer costs

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 850 points –
‘Stop the price-gouging’: Biden hits corporations over high consumer costs

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Give us one fucking Biden policy that caused this

Shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline and restricting domestic oil leases almost immediately increased the price of gas by 20 or so cents.

How the fuck is that related to price gouging? Are you having a stroke?

Making gas more expensive to produce will drive up the price you pay at the pump. It's not that difficult to understand, is it?

That's not price gouging though is it you dumb fuck? Have you even read the fucking article? It's always hilarious when an absolute buffoon tries to be ironic.

Alright, while your crude behavior doesn't exactly fill me with confidence about your receptivity for reason and evidence, let's take a look how Biden actually defines "price gouging":

"Any corporation that has not brought their prices back down, even as inflation has come down, even as the supply chains have been rebuilt, it's time to stop the price gouging"

This is either another one of his classic faux pas, or it's used as a propaganda term here, because on closer examination, this sentence reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of the relationship between prices and inflation. Stay with me here, and I'll explain why, but I'm afraid it's going to require just a little of high school math.

Inflation is defined as the rate that prices rise, i.e. higher inflation = prices rise faster, lower inflation = prices rise slower. Read that last part again, because that means specifically that lower inflation does not mean prices go down. It means they go up more slowly. In order for prices to actually go down, inflation would have to be negative, which it currently isn't. Hence, Biden is either making a mathematical error here, or he is deliberately misleading people about the nature of the relationship between prices and inflation.

There you go, I hope that was clear enough. Now feel free to continue your verbal abuse, but I think it's amply clear who's the buffoon here.