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Joined 1 years ago

I think this is the real issue here, jfc.

A Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom poll of likely Republican caucus voters released Monday found that Trump’s lead over DeSantis has grown by 5 points since his indictment in Georgia last week on 13 criminal charges related to trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election in the state.

His approval went UP after the indictment. This is absolutely insane and only shows how hopeless US politics has become. How do you roll that division back? Can you even roll it back if everybody wanted to? This cat is out of the bag and I don't see it going back in there any time soon.

The only hope I've left is the division of the GOP itself. Let the extremists go somewhere else politically and it'll hopefully lead to a more, what is the word again, fact based approach of politics when the extremists can be ignored because you don't have to appease them.

20 more...

If he really has to use bonds man, things are not looking too good for him. At this point he has to consider whether cooperating is the better option or not, right?

It seems to me that this will escalate rather quickly between them.

15 more...

Wow, so the shit show begins even before we had even one gop debate. Article states you can't participate if you don't sign the pledge to support the eventual nominee.

This is going to be really interesting....

10 more...

Wait a second. Reddit is reaching out to someone currently in jail because he is suspected to have run a human trafficking ring? And they want to work with THIS dude? Jfc.....

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The gag order in Washington, D.C., is not to be confused with the one that Trump violated Wednesday at his civil financial fraud trial in New York City. He was slapped with a $10,000 fine after appearing to call a law clerk “partisan.”

This getting better and better.

Why was the gag order lifted though? Would've been nice if it was in the article....

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So they're finally getting taurus cruise missiles. Don't see what else it could be.

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Oh man, the last part. But it really shows how much they must be struggling with everything that is going on. Not that I'm complaining, I think I've earned it after last couple of years.

I regularly comments from users who were not aware or the financial situation. Maybe "we" need to promote it a bit more. But it is 332 per week, not month. At the beginning of the last migration it stood at 40 something, so we at least got some traction.

Thanks for the update and thanks for the work guys, I really appreciate it

I have no experience with this topic, so hopefully I don't step on your toes.

It does read like your mother is trying in her own way. Maybe there is a chance to talk to her alone without your father and explain a couple of basics to her? She probably has no idea what it really means and this is her way of trying, even if it is hurting you. Not saying it is OK, just that it probably needs time and good talks to process and accept it.

Maybe ask your grandma for her opinion on how to deal with her.

Anyway, I wish you all the best!

I get your point but there is a good solution for this.


Basically a feature request to have the option for multi subreddits or communities. This way we get centralized content without the disadvantages of decentralization.

Thanks. Tldr: lifted until the appeal is decided, or that was the plan until Smith filled the new motion.

Someine else said it already. While I want to see Trump in jail yesterday, I appreciate how thourugh they are. Don't give him excuse to weasle out of it again. But with this many lawsuits and the amount of confessions we already have, this is looking really good by now.

Another tool is paperless ngx. Although it is a bit more than just a scanner Programm.

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They even have a dedicated piece of hardware for it.

Care to back up the last statement about last pass being the most secure? I'm having a really hard time seeing lastpass as more secure than a local only password manager like keepass or KeePassXC.

Honestly, this reads like a PR post.

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Howell’s three-page ruling entered a default judgment finding Giuliani liable for defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, civil conspiracy and punitive damage claims. The court ordered Giuliani to cover Freeman’s and Moss’ attorney fees associated with discovery in the case. Giuliani will also have to pay punitive damages; that amount will be determined by a jury trial. Howell instructed the jury to consider that Giuliani was “intentionally trying to hide relevant discovery about his financial assets for the purpose of artificially deflating his net worth” in determining punitive damages. 

I guess this will cost him a pretty penny then.

Howell denied Giuliani’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit in October 2022, and Giuliani had recently conceded in stipulations to the court that he had made false statements about the two women, though he said the concessions were intended to move the case forward and maintained his statements were constitutionally protected.  “While Giuliani does not admit to Plaintiffs’ allegations, he — for purposes of this litigation only — does not contest the factual allegations,” he said in a July 26 filing. 

You really can't make even a tiny bit of this shit up. Unbefuckinglievable. He is going to die in jail, broke like a church mouse, isn't he?

Yup, that's it, at least from my understanding.

Yes and no. If your isp is still providing unencrypted DNS for you, then they can still see the domain name you're visiting.

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At least in feddit (main German instance) there were a lot of posts offering up financial support, but it was declined because it was not needed.

I think especially the smaller communities wouldn't have a problem coming with funds for hosting. Donations for lemmy developers have also increased significantly since the main exodus.

I get your scepticism, but I think the lemmy community for the most part wants this thing to "succeed" and is willing to chip in a reasonable amount.

Yes there is. It is called the last generation (still able to stop the total collapse or the earth)


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That was one of the rare instances where the video was actually worse than the article, jfc.

My advice is try using existing documents with Libre office. You can install it on windows as well.

I use Linux for over twenty years now and installed windows on a vm last week to Wirte my resume. Libre office is fine, you run into problems when opening and editing existing ms office documents. At least that is my experience.

But give Libre office on windows a shot, see if you like it.

Anybody have the article for us poor Europeans?

LONDON, Sept 19 (Reuters) - Volvo Cars (VOLCARb.ST) said on Tuesday that it will end production of any remaining diesel models by early 2024 as it heads towards becoming an all-electric carmaker.

"In a few months from now, the last diesel-powered Volvo car will have been built, making Volvo Cars one of the first legacy car makers to take this step," the Swedish company said in a statement.

Majority owned by China's Geely (0175.HK), Volvo has committed to going fully electric by 2030.

While a majority of the cars Volvo sold in Europe were diesel as recently as 2019, in 2022 they made up just 8.9% of the Swedish carmaker's sales.

In August 33% of Volvo's sales were fully-electric or hybrid models. The company did not break out how many of the remaining 67% combustion-engine models were diesel and how many ran on petrol.

Sales of diesel models have declined rapidly in Europe since Volkswagen's (VOWG_p.DE) emission-cheating scandal and carmakers have been gradually reducing the number of diesel models available in their model lineups.

Diesel vehicles comprised more than 50% of Europe's new car sales in 2015, but accounted for just over 14% of sales in July

Well, time to post that Tom scott video again I guess.


Look into vlan.

Basically allows you to have different subnets rubbing on a physical network card.

It is possible what you want to do and not that complicated.

Liberapay could be another alternative, lemmy is set up there as well.

Reolink ist the way to go. I think only the battery powered ones don't have onvif. Otherwise the poe cameras all support onvif and are generally of very good quality. Plug it in and of you go. EDIT: Forgot to mention: You can configure the camera via the web interface, so no need for an app. I'm using the 820 at the moment, but I'm planning to get the new trackmix camera, these look really good.

Reolink has always been a good choice. Very good hardware for the price and they support onvif on most devices, which you can then use however you like.

Thanks for the link, that was an interesting read!

The judge said he hoped the punishment would deter those dissatisfied by future election outcomes, showing that there is an “unambiguous and serious line” that cannot be crossed when contacting public officials.

I think this is a horrible argument. The dude should be punished under the law for the crimes HE has committed. Other people shouldn't play a role in the judgement, as reprehensible as his actions were.

Other than that, very good read, but as always, it won't reach the people that really should read it.

Does anybody know whether they're planning to use all these convictions against trump supporters in the trial against trump? I bet there are a lot of testimonies stating that they wouldn't have done xyz if Trump hadn't riled them up.

Im using this site for now.


It is absolutely possible to dual boot from a single harddrive. Don't know about fedora, but the Ubuntu installer has taken care of that for ages now. Yes, it can fuck your windows install initially, but that is normally reversible.

If you don't know, a computer uses so called partitions and not the hard drive directly. Think of them as folders. Normally you have one partition which holds the bootloader information (one or two OS, or more) and then a partition for each OS. A little Programm after Turning on the computer let's you choose which OS you want to boot.

A lone Linux installation often has three partitions on one harddrive. One boot Partition, one for the OS and one for the home directory of all users. This way you can reinstall the OS without loosing your home directory.

Unfortunately I'm with you on this one. If this really fails, it helps a little bit with the war in Ukraine. Not much, but still....

Really sucks that we're at this point.

Thanks. This definitely goes onto the pile of things I'll build at the new house.

Thanks for the summary of the whole story! I didn't get the whole picture from the article. Appreciate it.

This might not be applicable to your use case, but maybe it helps.

Couple of years ago I had a problem where ONE windows laptop was unable to access the internet. Sometimes it would work right away, sometimes it took 1 or 2 reboots, sometimes the damn thing wouldn't budge.

lo and behold, it turns out the windows laptop was assigned a DHCP address that one linksys router had as a static ip. Why that resulted in a sporadic error and not a constant one I'll never know.

So next time you have this issue, rip out the network cable from the server and try to ping the ip the server is supposed to have.

Other than that, check the journal if something start to pop up around the time you experience the problem.

7 more...

Last I heard they demanded to sign a pledge to support the gop candidate,otherwise you're not allowed to participate.

Guess what trump had to say about that......

Not OP, but most people are using load sensors under the bed frame with an esp or raspberry.

Good point about the difference between Twitter and reddit, hadn't thought about it that way.

Really interesting development and I have to say that I'm a bit surprised by the resilience the community has shown. On the other hand, this is reddit we're talking about and there is a reason some of us were there for 10, 15 years. Reddit could be so creative and fucking funny, it really was an awesome place at times.

I think you're on point about the content creators,only question is how many of the creators will leave reddit and go somewhere else. Absolutely fascinating stuff.

The fact that the ccc uses matrix as their official chat "app" doesn't imply that it is inherently insecure I would say.