
21 Post – 417 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Programmer and Airplane Enthusiast.

"You just don't know how AI works" earns you a block.

It's actually fairly simple. If a user notices a post in their feed from an account they don't follow, they can simply click or tap on the three dot icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the specific post. This will open a drop-down menu.

However, if the post is an ad, this menu provides additional options. ... "Not interested in this ad," ... "Report ad" ... "Why this ad?"

You bet your ass that they are going to get rid of those options.

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In times like this, especially when the original twitter post gets ratio'd to shit, it's important to evaluate where they're getting their numbers. I see they post a link to Rumble. I've never heard of this before, what is it?

Rumble is a video platform where you can watch live and on-demand content from various categories, such as news, politics, gaming, sports, viral, power slap and finance. You can also discover new creators, join communities, and support your favorite channels on Rumble.

Um... I don't know what Power Slap is but ok, it's a youtube clone.

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ALEX JONES EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW! Elon Brought Him Back... What's Next?!
Pentagon PANIC, Trump "Happening", Obama FEAR push, Cyber PUSH, Focus, Pray!
"HE'S BACK!!" Musk RESTORES Alex Jones On X…

Oh fuck me it's a right wing nutjob site. This post is fucking dogshit, trashing Wikipedia because it helps counter their propaganda. Fuck that noise.

Happily other people noticed this fucking nonsense:

So I have no idea what the Lunduke Journal is, so I spent a couple minutes googling it to find its run by a Qanon guy and they themselves say their "tech satire" so... Maybe not someone you should trust with facts.

He says elsewhere that it’s a “liberal cesspool” so you know where is problem really is.

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Yeah that's the guy. Hilarious to see he thinks his garbage biased opinion is worth any amount of money.

High interest rates. They built up the entire industry on the concept that they would have access to cheap capital forever. Now they don't, so they're squeezing their userbases -- who they've already been squeezing even with low interest rates -- from absurdly greedy to Saturday morning cartoon villain.

That, and probably investment in commercial real estate, which of course tanked because of WFH, which is also why so many companies are forcing people back into the office.

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How the tables have turned.

Sony won the case against Universal that allowed people to record TV shows with their VCR. I wonder how they'd feel if I pointed OBS at their streams.

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Days after Wilkinson was killed, Johnston’s lawyer told reporters that “obviously, no one expected this to happen”.

This fucking nonce's very existence is an insult to all mankind.

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How am I not surprised this is how he would respond. This is the same guy who said "AdBlock is piracy," he doubles down on every shitty take he has.

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You know Mozilla's statement is actually pretty prescient. I haven't seen much discussion about this that didn't center around AdBlock or DRM or whatnot. But yeah, web development as a software discipline would be harmed by WEI too.

which as described would likely obstruct many existing uses of the Web such as assistive technologies, automatic testing, and archiving & search engine spiders. These depend on tools being able to receive content intended for humans, and then transform, test, index, and summarize that content for humans.

Like imagine if Google locked Inspect Element behind the site you're going to requiring the Human signature... Or the opposite!

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Stuart Seldowitz served as acting director for South Asia at the National Security Council under former President Barack Obama and worked in various roles in the U.S. government across decades under multiple presidents, according to government webpages and a biography for a government relations firm he worked with.

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The bug is the feature. Firing 90% of the company doesn't just save you a ton of money, and doesn't just trim the fat or rot of a company. It removes any dissidents and skeptics who don't have total, unwavering, boot-licking loyalty. Even Musk fanboys were likely forced out just for questioning whether it was a good idea to fire 90% of them. The slightest hint of independent critical thinking is snuffed out by force, or leaves the company voluntarily when they see the writing on the wall, or they are merely unable to leave.

What else could that maneuver possibly produce except a small army of sycophants?

And then once you have those sycophants, it doesn't matter whether you make good or bad decisions, you will never ever be challenged on them. You don't have to worry about how your orders become reality or if you break any laws along the way, your gang of losers will make it happen and won't ask for a penny of overtime pay.

Hanlon's Razor is dead, at least as applied to Musk, because the malice and stupidity are one and the same.

EDIT: Consideration for H1B

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"We have Fandango at home."

Fandango At Home at home:

That's kind of the problem, they did fire their developers.

And it shows. The number of major complaints about CS1 that were directly addressed in CS2 is staggering. Mixed use zoning, automatic cut and fill roads, smoother lane transitions, seasons, shit they hired the developer of popular mods (presumably to recreate their mods in the sequel at a foundational level).


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Which is still weird.

Alexander Sawchuk, then an assistant professor of electrical engineering at the University of Southern California ... along with a graduate student and the SIPI lab manager, was hurriedly searching the lab for a good image to scan for a colleague's conference paper. ... Just then, somebody happened to walk in with a recent issue of Playboy. The engineers tore away the top third of the centerfold so they could wrap it around the drum of their Muirhead wirephoto scanner...


Everything about the story sounds like it was a rush job, a decision made on a whim, after exhausting their existing catalog of test images. And who bring a Playboy mag to their university's computer lab, and advertises their possession? They don't even say who it was, probably to protect them from any embarrassing professional consequences. To me, that's probably the strongest reason to retire it: it's unprofessional.

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Your 1-sentence answer to understanding Gamergate has less to do with any of the people involved or a timeline of events. Gamergate, more than anything else, was an opportunity. A springboard to indoctrinate people into far right politics by playing to people's fear of the Other, mistrust in media, and stoking anger at a perceived scandal.

If it never happened, if it wasn't video games, it would just as well be something else. It would be music or sports or anything that people are passionate about. Right wingers were running out of steam with the Tea Party, and Gamergate was in the right place at the right time.

EDIT: Some contemporary discussion on GG actually, prophetically, supports this:



As someone on another forum said, the GG movement is primed to be the next young Republican demographic, and all of the pieces have been put into place to subvert the Authoritarian revolt into a rabid conservative base. So next year when all of the GGers (who remain) go from moderate liberals to Tea Party advocates, you can say you were at ground zero.


That got me thinking about my Q/MAGA following father and how both being indoctrinated into Tea Party politics as a teenage boy on top of Evangelical Christianity as well as being sucked into Gamergate and Sargon of Akkad's whole "classical liberalism" grift for a while. I see a lot of that same outrage and ingroup-outgroup clashing being taken advantage of by Q and MAGA.

I think that's exaggerating. The instructions are actually fairly neutral and extremely informative, minus the obvious upsells on Microsoft software and services. It's clear that they ordered the list of install methods by lowest complexity and highest user-friendliness, specifically for people who have only ever known Windows. It's a good thing for Linux to give this audience a fallback option if something goes wrong with their install and they are unable to use it or fix it. If they get frustrated or brick their PC the first time they use Linux, they'll likely go back to Windows and never return.

They explain virtual machines, dual booting, the various pros and cons to different install methods, which methods are suitable for which purposes... I wish I had such a helpful article the first time I used Linux.

Now, my cynical read on this article is that it's a way for Microsoft to avoid the appearance of monopolizing the desktop market: "see regulators? we show people how they can leave our closed garden ecosystem!" But the text of the article is hardly one massive scare tactic.

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For what it's worth, I guess they saw this coming.

The irony of this being crossposted from ML.

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Better yet. For the price of 2 portal recolors, you can get 1 Baldur's Gate 3.

/r/subreddit_simulator wasn't just an experiment, it was prophetic.

Slap this right into Urban Dictionary. Great explainer.

But many bosses are getting impatient, and many are using the approaching Labor Day holiday as an occasion to officially put “work from anywhere” policies to bed, whether workers like it or not.

Oh the irony.

Even the social aspect of driving eludes him. You and another driver come up to a 4 way stop at the same time, crossing paths. They wave you on to be polite. You wave back and go first. How and when does he plan to handle that behavior?

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he doesn’t even present any evidence that this was caused by some failing of the schools

The cynicism I've gained over the last 7 years tells me that there's an agenda being pushed there.

EDIT: To elaborate. I'm not arguing whether "the agenda" the author has is good or bad, but it's off-base. If you're reporting on a story, you really should leave your feelings about the story at the door. It's not like the story isn't interesting enough! If this were an op-ed, then that's one thing. But the "sensationalist reporting aside" and "we can't help feeling sad" and then pointing to... the UK's education system... it's clearly not objective. You're not presenting facts and facts alone, you're presenting facts with your opinions mixed in.

Just look at what the author invited into his comment section with that:

Not enough male teachers for these lads to confide in and see as role models.

Blatant sexism.

Yes, keep male teachers who are not woke away from kids.

Groomer accusations.

If I had to guess I would pick serious mental illness rather than a failing by the schools.

Disparaging of neurodivergence (neurodiversity? IDK if that's still the right term). Hacking into companies and bragging about it is something even neurotypical teenagers do.

bigfoot, the loch ness monster, a functional education system. list of things that don’t exist.

Anti-education screed.

As for the energy, I suspect actually getting laid, probably for the first time, would likely help.

Do I even need to say anything about this one?

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Everyone is pointing out the comparison of Wikipedia's salaries to other tech companies, but they're missing the point that the person they're arguing with is NOT coming from a good faith position. They are hoping to feed on your distrust of the rich and powerful, in an attempt to convince you to work against your interests and the common good.

They hope their calls of "Wikipedia owners make too much money!" leads to "We should dismantle Wikipedia by boycotting donations!" and then to "We should sell Wikipedia to the last surviving Koch brother!"

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I mean... they didn't specify it had to be random (or even uniform)? But yeah, it's a good showcase of how GPT acquired the same biases as people, from people..

I wish I could bribe past me with future cookies...

Oh man... I remember reading this years ago and aspiring to be the Fantastic Programmer.

This did NOT age well. Seriously consider some of the traits that this article is describing and play the game "Are We Describing a Programmer or a Zuckerburgian Psychopath?"

  • A tendency to suggest wacky and unrealistic solutions in meetings
  • Routinely applies for an extension to file taxes
  • Antagonistic when asked to maintain code for
  • Dropped out of high-school, university, law or medical school because they didn't see the point anymore
  • Disinterested by the outcome of elections
  • Cashes-in their 401k to fund their next venture
  • Has tried every pick-up line there is and has the slap-marks on his cheeks to prove it
  • Owns swag from Enron
  • They suddenly pause and stare into space in the middle of a conversation, then abandon you to hurry back to their terminal with no explanation
  • A destructive pursuit of perfection
  • Contempt for delivery dates
  • Substantial refactoring on the eve of a deadline

The Verge is a hit or miss outfit for me. Sometimes they're fine, but then you remember when they tried to build a PC and you wonder if they really actually know what they're doing over there.

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the Dems vote to keep him in office as long as he stops obstructing the most critical stuff, specifically Ukraine aid.

He'll agree, then backstab the Democrats the moment they try to get anything done. You can't trust that filthy fuck.

they need only find three moderate / retiring Republicans willing to pick a more reasonable speaker.

I think this is both a better strategy for Democrats and a more likely outcome than Johnson keeping his word.

My pet theory is that the military uses the war thunder forums as a honeypot to catch leakers.

IIRC, Lucasarts had a massive legacy reputation as a publisher, but toward the end of its life, the public perception of Lucasarts had soured after the cancellation of Star Wars Battlefront 3. According to the developer Free Radical, Lucasarts cancelled the game, didn't pay the developer for creating a "99% finished" game, the developer went bankrupt, and then all the assets fell into Lucasarts's hands since it was their IP. These assets were then repurposed to create Renegade Squadron for the PSP.


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Cheap labour isn’t the same as slavery... it’s still just a job employees can leave...

You're gonna get a lot of flak for that take, even though I agree with most of the rest of your post. Let's reframe the problem: you're currently paid a low wage. It's barely enough to pay for food, rent, and getting to and from your job.

You want to leave that job for one you know pays better, but it's farther away. Even if you get the job and have the better income, you would be spending the net gains on the extra costs of commuting: it ends up being a wash.

You would move closer, but because your current wage doesn't allow you to save money, you can't afford the costs of moving, let alone a down payment on a house or a deposit on an apartment.

You would get better educated so you qualify for better paying jobs, but again, you have no savings from your current job to pay for schooling, and you have no/bad credit to afford a student loan.

All the problems arrayed against you require money to solve, and because you're "cheap labor" you're never able to gather enough money to solve them. You're forcibly stuck with your current job. They pay you, yes, but you can't leave. You're "free" to leave, but that's just saying you're free to lose your home and starve. Now none of these problems are unique to Kenya, I could be describing any country with poor Economic Mobility, I could be describing any job or industry. Globalization was important for many reasons, but it has allowed companies to identify the parts of the world where labor is cheapest and pay them... exactly what they're "worth."

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I'd still rather give directly to the creators than indirectly through Youtube. Youtube can change how much money those creators get, and I can... as well, I guess, but at least that's an individual choice, rather than a choice made for me.

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I would say that the "positive vibes only" trait is part of it, but the far bigger problem was the character limit. Even when it was double from 140 to 280, that still doesn't not leave room for nuanced opinions. And then, the least nuanced opinions also become the most easily spreadable. Both traits really reward our worst instincts.

Ever since reading about the challenge of deleting an image from your profile, a GUI for that. It should not only be an API call, not should you have to contact your instance admin to do it. It should be completely self-service from your profile page.

Don't forget they were eyeing Valve at the same time, not as an "either/or" proposition either. They were comfortable enough with buying both Nintendo AND Valve, and they felt this way while they were in talks to buy both Zenimax AND Tik Tok!

as if he’s definitely automatically wealthy to a level that he doesn’t have to worry about being bullied.

"One of the indulgences of great wealth is freedom from other peoples' opinions." Trump and Musk both seem to have missed this memo. They're so self-absorbed and insulated that they can't imagine there are people out there that they can't buy, can't bribe, and can't silence. Their lives must be so empty they can only hear the echoes of their critics... or maybe that's just my imagination.

You say you're not a software engineer, but your intuition is sound. You know a rough website when you see it, and you can articulate how, and that's valuable information to a developer.

But as a software engineer, I can tell you why. And it is because making software is hard, and damn anyone who tells you it's easy. Ernest, as anyone who would be in his position, is probably overwhelmed with core programming, fixing security vulnerabilities, and keeping the site online. I'm sure UI updates are on his mind, just not at the forefront.

No piece of software is a utopia on its first major outing. And kbin has many technical hurdles it must overcome before it worry about it's presentation. A sculpture cannot be polished before it has been shaped.

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