Youtube's Anti-adblock is illegal in the EU to – 2296 points –

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I'd still rather give directly to the creators than indirectly through Youtube. Youtube can change how much money those creators get, and I can... as well, I guess, but at least that's an individual choice, rather than a choice made for me.

I can tolerate sponsored content, but the youtube ads feel like they are trying to lobotomize me or give me a seizure. I remember the time when google tried to fight obnoxious ads on the web but it seems they've made a complete u turn, not just on Youtubu but on Android too

And not to sound like a shill, it's why I paid them to fuck off. The added benefit of the people I watch getting kickback was a nice bonus. I'd do the same on Pornhub if they started adblock blocking.

Pornhub is not exactly a monopoly like Youtube, you can go elsewhere for your porn addiction

Yeah and it's about as appealing as going to Vimeo or Dailymotion. Sure, head on down to Xhamster but that UI hasn't been updated in about 8 years, mind the watermark, good luck.

Yeah that's alright, not what I'd do myself but it's something. I personally get exhausted when so many people get entitled to thinking they should have the undisputed right to slink through every website, take all the content they want, and not pay in attention, data, or their wallet. Shit costs money and people either forget or don't care. Even Lemmy, someone's fronting the cost for this instance.