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Joined 1 years ago

I disagree, a fan is way more economical and ecological than the AC.

So you should put the fan first and if the fan is not enough then you put the AC on. Especially if it's a ceiling fan that is almost completely quiet.

ainsi mieux protéger nos enfants

This is to protect our children of course.

As usual, so anyone who is against this law can be depicted as someone who is supporting pedopornography.

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The designation "Parmigiano Reggiano" is a protected designation of origin (PDO) in the European Union.

It means that to be able to call a cheese "Parmigiano Reggiano" a producer needs to follow a strict set of rules on how to produce the cheese, how to mature it, how the cows are being fed and it has to be manufactured in a specific area in Italy.

So if someone is making cheese without following the rules and sell it as Parmigiano it would be counterfeit cheese. Just like someone selling lemonade but calling it "Sprite".

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I was listening a podcast about cancer patient in France.

One talk was about the fact that the surgeon was planning on removing the breast tumor AND do the reconstruction directly after.

Except that by doing that the operation would have cost more than what the national social security covers, so it meant a big premium for the patient.

The "big" premium they were taking about was 600€ which is obviously outrageous. To make a cancer patient spend this much money on a life saving procedure.

Ejaculation lower the risk of prostate cancer, so masturbation should probably be medically advised to all men.

4-7 times a week is a good number according this study

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Boeing is the only company actually trying to reach their net zero target. Once no Boeing plane are flying anymore that's it, no more CO2 emissions

The good news is that it works.

Sure this is against the French police, not the NSA, but it shows that by using these tools the police struggle to track you and what you are doing.

If they had some easy backdoor we would probably not see the push against encryption that we are currently seeing in Europe.

Yes, I think that one of the side effect of the war in Ukraine will be a big increase of renewables energy in Europe.

European countries started to realize how fragile their energy supply is and how dangerous it is.

There is a contract that is broken today

The implicit contract used to be

  1. the employee stays in the same company for years. Staying loyal and gaining experience that benefit the company.
  2. in exchange the company is improving the life of the employee, pay raise above inflation level, better benefits and better working conditions.

Today companies refuses to do their part of the contract and complain that employees don't do theirs.

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It's old news, they removed him from the founders list two years ago.

It's a real story!

At the beginning of the 20th century Henry Ford's electrical engineers had issues they could not solve with a gigantic generator. Henry Ford called Steimmetz, a genius mathematician working for GE to help them.

When he arrive at the factory he spent 2 days and night listening to the generator and scribbling on his notebook.

After that he asked for a ladder, climbed on it, put a chalk mark on a specific spot and explain to the engineers that they needed to remove the plate and replace sixteen windings behind the plate. After that the generator worked perfectly and Ford received a $10 000 bill.

Ford asked for an itemized bill and Steinmetz sent this

  • Making chalk mark on generator $1.
  • Knowing where to make mark $9,999.

Ford paid the bill.

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It's generally a good idea to take some probiotic after antibiotic treatment.

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Of course you should not trust everything you see on the internet.

Be cautious and when you see something suspicious do a google search to find more reliable sources.

Oh ... Wait !

It's just that he own the domain name since 1999 and is very proud of it. He wanted to do something with it so here we go.

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Duck too has red meat.

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It's my fault, I forgot to turn off the tap while brushing my teeth yesterday.

Sorry everyone.

At least 4-7 times a week. I have not read anything about an upper limit so go for it.

So a 8 hour work day at minimum wage is 16 hashbrowns x 140 kcal = 2240 kcal.

This is barely enough kcal to feed one person for a day.

So by working minimum wage 7 days a week you don't even have enough money to feed yourself with hashbrowns.

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It already exist and already in use.

There is specialized plastids that can use solar energy to turn co2 into a high resistant carbon based composite material that can be used to replace steel and concrete in construction. This composite is also an nicer and more durable alternative to all kind of plastics.

The process is called photosynthesis and the material is commonly known as "wood".

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Especially since a pig raised for organ transplant probably has way better living conditions than a pig raised for meat in an industrial farm.

Yeah, historically this kind of period is usually followed by a period of trickle down.

The heads start to trickle down from the higher classes to the lower ones.

here you go

Huffman said he saw Musk’s handling of Twitter, which he purchased last year, as an example for Reddit to follow.

It is also way easier to install a charging station than a gas station.

Electricity is already available everywhere.

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And people of color, and foreigners, and the poor, and democrats...

I think they just hate everyone

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You forgot water in your scenario.

To be fair most people in a first world country don't need to think about water since it's just "there", all the time.

But as soon as the electricity goes out the water supply goes out too.

No water supply means no water to drink, with no water the human body die within 3 days, so people will start to rely on any dirty water they can find.

About dirty water, no water also means no WC. I repeat: no WC so no evacuation of feces and urine. Within a few day a big city swill be covered with human excrement. Mixed with no clean water access it means that deadly waterborne diseases will spread extremely quickly.

To give more context, one person came back for from Rojava to France in 2018.

Rojava is an area in Syria fighting against Daesh, they also experimented a lot around different political structures which interested a lot of militants in Europe.

When he came back the DGSI flagged this person as a potential terrorist and start tracking him and the people he knows, before violently arresting them and keeping them in prison for up to 15 months for some of them.

Then there is the whole investigation for 5 years. They did not found any evidence during this investigation but rather than admitting the fact that they fucked up and that everyone in the group is innocent, they are trying to argue that all the evidence have been hidden by the fact they encrypted everything.

In this case the DGSI used methods that are illegal unless "Justified by elements of fact" (I don't know how to translate this part). So if they are innocent the DGSI will be in trouble for their illegal actions unless they are judged guilty. If their are guilty the dgsi will argue that their actions were justified to stop a terrorist attack.

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There is a lot of passive system to prevent heat to come in, in the first place.

  • Brise soleil (sun-breaker) - these systems prevent direct sun to go through the window in summer, but let it in to heat up the habitation in winter.

A illustration of a "Brise-soleil"

  • Trees ! - Trees have a cooling effect in summer and a keep the warmth in winter. They also improve air quality, physical and mental health. Increasing the areas covered by trees in city could bring down there temperature by several degrees.

Increasing tree coverage to 30% in European cities could reduce deaths linked to urban heat island effect

A street in Brooklyn with cars park on both side and a full tree canopee

  • proper thermal insulation.
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Also keeping in mind that being your authentic self does not mean making no effort.

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Did you try with firefox on mobile rather than Mull?

I don't know if it will make a difference but Mull is quite recent and focus on privacy first then usability and does way more than adblock and few privacy enhancement.

I don't know the benchmark but it would not surprise if Mull was slower than Firefox.

I'm using Firefox on mobile and I'm not really seeing a difference but I'm on an older phone.

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There is a book that describes exactly that: Ashes, Ashes by Barjavel.

It's a classic of French science-fiction literature and I recommended everyone to read.

It was written in 1943, it describes a parisian dystopian society in 2050 where all the electricity suddenly stop overnight. Even thought the book is 80 years old it is surprisingly accurate in some aspect.

They even ended up removing denuvo from resident evil because of the performance issues

Interrail allows you to train everywhere in Europe EXCEPT your home country.

It's clearly meant to be used for traveling and not regularly.

On the other hand, a pass like that is meant for people that use train regularly in their home country.

It's two very different products.


You see this?

I used to hike along the coast there quite regularly but someone decided it was much better to turn the whole thing into a gulf course and to illegally block access to locals.

Edit: Of course they also chose the driest part of the island.

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The your last point the text specify that batteries can be safely removed and replaced using “basic and commonly available tools” and “without causing damage to the appliance or batteries.”

I stopped reading the article there.

Either the author is voluntarily misleading or he has no idea of what he is talking about.

Here is the map all the fast charging stations (>100kW) along the way between Paris and the Mont St Michel.

The Tesla model 3 in Europe uses the standard combo CCS plug so it can use all of these stations.

I did not count them but at a first glance the number of charger is higher than "none"

Edit: OK I read the article after all but I really don't see what problem battery swapping would solve.

I could see a use case for public transport that has to go a specific road and need to run non stop every days but even then I suspect that having overhead cable on a short section to charge the battery while running would be more appropriate than battery swapping.

The article is talking about the lack of charging station but battery swapping just make the problem way way worse. A battery charger is just a parking spot and a high voltage AC - DC transformer connected to the grid. It's relatively cheap and easy to install, does not take much space and work for all electric cars compared to a battery swapping station that can only work for one specific brand (specific model too ?) need robotics and plenty of storage. Its much harder and expensive to install and you need one charging station per brand. This means less stations overall.

Finally there is the speed of charging, this is true that battery swapping is probably faster than fast charging but honestly I don't find charging an electric car that inconvenient.

On long highway trips I need to stop around 20 minutes every 2 hours, a 20 minutes break every 2 hours is not that bad, just enough time for a toilet break, a quick coffee before going back on the road.

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Airbnb was nice when it was just a way to rent someone's extra bedroom for the night. I've met some amazing people this way.

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It's only suspicious if you take one or two snacks.

You need to completely empty the machine in a cart, bonus points if you empty several vending machines in a row.

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Buy an ICE and he's getting a rent.

This is what the new European bill is forcing manufacturers to do.

Batteries of handheld electronics have to be easily replaceable.

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I disagree, EV are the exact opposite. Electricity was EVERYWHERE even before the EV were a thing.

A regular plug can charge an electric car and for few thousands $ you can install an 11 or 22kW charger.

Hydrogen on the other hand is extremely hard to store and transport. Unlike electricity the hydrogen production is very limited right now and full of unknown.