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Joined 11 months ago

Impeached doesn't go far enough. They are actively committing violence against the America people.

And they will be angry at the doctors being so far way instead of realizing the true root of the problem.

And they will still continue to vote against their interests.

Look at this closely people.This is the misinformation campaign for the election.

Both sides support this war, this stance that a republican would do anything different is laughable.

This is the rhetoric that will be blasted all around social media creating a bullshit narrative of a rational liberal "taking the high ground" and encouraging others to follow by voting blue for everyone but Joe Biden.

18 more...

Give it time. Better to grow organically.

To put it in context, it's way easier to coordinate with 100 people than a 100M people.

Took me forever to understand that it is meant to show the thought is "random" / "weird" / "coming out of thin air"

It's silly. You can see the same thing with memes starting with


Shit, all these linux posts make me want to setup one.

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There's definitely symptoms. Irritability being the main one.

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I think we will be the exception because we came up when you had to figure out how to get things to work whereas everything today is intuitive and seamless and just works.

I'm able to troubleshoot newer tech when it doesn't work where it seems like gen Z can't do it because they haven't had the experience trying to figure out how it all works.

You mean eggs and vinegar?

Mayo does *not contain potatoes.

18 more...

Curious how california did this as well.

Doesn't it open the door for every company to claim that their product is a game console as long as it can play snake or some shit?

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"They're the same picture"

If you are American, you are part of the problem.

If 100% of the population showed up to vote, we would have gotten Al Gore and been on a much better path globally than we are now.

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Our boy here standing like how i used to draw people

It takes 3-6 months for the concepts to click, speaking from experience.

The funniest thing for me is that the definition of object oriented programming is a source of confusion as a beginner yet the most succinct definition as an intermediate/ expert.

I.e. russian trolls playing the "thoughtful liberal" telling a heartfelt story about how they cannot vote for Biden in good conscience because of this issue.

Rose tinted

I think it's pretty fair considering the implications of Recall

Are they being beaten, locked up, or killed currently? Because that's what a Trump Presidency would mean.

Things can always get worse.

10 more...

Don't look up.

I had a comic along the same lines at my door and I aggressively applied the 2 min rule. If I can answer your question in 2 min, I will, otherwise I will ask them to set up time on my calendar.

Made for some initial friction, but eventually everyone got it.

Remote has been so great because I just block off my calendar accordingly and turn off notifications.

How about we stop splitting up everything into money grabbing bits. Looking at you, Hobbit. Three fucking movies out of the shortest (by a significant margin) book.

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Haha, books. Those will be phased out.

It's not a valid defense. I tried using it once and the judge said, if they all drove off a bridge, would you too?

You will have better luck arguing the 3 mph is within the margin of error of the radar gun, that you were on a hill that was slightly accelerating, you slightly sped up to avoid and accident, etc.

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Yvan eht nioj!

That's why you never tell anyone.

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Haha how is he fascist? If anything, he's neoliberal.

It's the grift.

These companies charge $10-15K to act as the General Contractor to sub out the work.

The issue is generally scalability. Lots of cool concepts but hard to mass produce profitability.

As this is Nasa, it's subsidized, but there should be even more government money going into energy storage as that is the biggest hurdle for renewable energy.

Big sexy moonlord is more my style.

I should do another playthrough, such a great game.

What!? Laundry is way worse than dishwashers. It's a 3-4 hour time commitment that needs to be repeated if you don't complete it in ~8 hours.

  • You can forget about dishes for a day and they will still be clean the next.
  • If you forget clothes in the washing machine for a day, they need to be washed again because they smell bad.
  • If they are kept in the dryer too long they need to be run through another cycle because of wrinkles.
  • You then need to fold them them and put them away.

I would gladly never do laundry again and only use the dishwasher for the rest of my life.

That's all great, but those changes take years, decades, generations. The election is in 7 months. There's not enough time to enact these changes and we won't get a chance to make them if we have another Trump Presidency.

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It's because they are complicit.

Most people don't have methane in their farts.

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I was a die hard final fantasy fan since I until X came out. X was more of a movie than a game and turned me off to the series.

I was interested in the FFVII remake until I learned it only covered escaping Shinra.

Are there and Final Fantasy's that are worth it post X? Don't want a MMPORG.

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Most of the fucksticks are russian trolls, it's all bad faith.

Well thought out and makes a ton of sense. It would also instill empathetic patriotism where you love your country because you helped make it.

There's a bunch of "same picture with text box" comics that have been out for a while.

Dogs are cool but they add an additional burden of finding someone to watch them when they can't be taken. I think cats provide a similar bond as dogs and are much less maintenance.

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