
7 Post – 279 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Born when lightning struck the swamp, He rose from the murky depths. His skin was green and scaly, His eyes were red and fiery. He had a tail and claws and fangs, He roared with a dreadful sound. toot

The system working as intended. Now you're "locked in".

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If you can't save it, its not yours. Sail the seas.

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HI! I'm Skype!


Hi! I'm Skype!


Hi! I'm skype!

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Also dealerships: $10k mark up on this bad boy!

Why do we even have dealerships?

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Once I can buy it, and download it, then install it, then open it, configure my settings, create my characters, and start the campaign, then, and ONLY THEN will I believe it.

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My previous car is a Yaris.

When I got the Yaris I heard people make snide comments like "Anyone see that big guy get out of that tiny car?" then gas prices went up and they became "Hey, what kind of MPG does that thing get?"

I like hatchbacks. Bigger is fine but nothing huge.

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Prices going up? Password hard to share? Embrace tradition. Return to pirate ship.

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Oh no. Now they know the aliased email address, unique password, and that I didn't try very hard to learn spanish.

(please note: this is a joke, I don't see anything about them getting passwords)

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Who? Religious people at my doorstep.

Reason? They came to MY doorstep with their BS.

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Who cares. reddit has killed reddit. Just be here now. Ready to move on.

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I'm sick of this back and forth can kicking. We need a fucking law.

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Shit your pants during dance class. All possibility is dead.

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Bring back the headphone port! Bring back the headphone port! Bring back the headphone port!

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oh no, guess we need to get rid of webp forever. Dang it.

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Maybe its just the times I'm accessing but its seem better this week to me compared to the last few ones.

Green smoke in the shape of a skull escapes

Huh. Thats a bit concerning.


I mean it sort of makes sense from a business perspective. The amount of rapid scaling is something you can get wrong very easily.

But yeah a lot of big ass bonus checks is a good start.

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Hopefully what it does is popup a message urging users to STOP USING GOOGLE CHROME

Fine but if you don't hold politicians feet to the fire about codifying it into law it'll just be taken away again the next time Republicans are in power.

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Sync all the way.

Literally working as intended. Not sure why it takes people so long to figure this out.

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All of them. You should be able to buy a program and its yours.

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Gonna have to pass on that one good buddy. Don't shit up Firefox.

I own a gun and I strongly think that you SHOULD be able to own one IF you meet the qualifications. But I think those qualifications should be more strict and the penalty for being unsafe with your guns should be to lose them. Forever.

Violent crimes in the past including domestic? Say bye bye to your guns. Can't pass a background check? No exceptions.

Guns should be accessible to those who can pass strict check and removed permanently for behavior that is indicative of a potential problems.

But because I support the owning of guns I'm assumed to be one of .... them. Ugh. Yucks.

I handle it by showing my disgust and trying to explain that just because I support something doesn't mean that I fall in on a survey.

The entire gun "culture" is just toxic as fuck. To the point that if we ever do lose the right it will be their unwillingness to bend that causes it.

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Step 1. Uninstall Chrome why are you still running it? Stop giving Google power over the internet. Just stop. Uninstall it. Use Firefox, Brave if you must. Just ditch Chrome.

Step 2. See above. Just flipping stop. No, don't install another browser and keep chrome. Just DITCH CHROME. TOTALLY. If you need a backup use Edge or Brave or Firefox. STOP GIVING GOOGLE POWER OVER THE INTERNET.

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Capitalism slowly shits up everything. Even the things it helps create.

I mean this in the most general way possible. Not just platforms. Even if reddit was profitable it would still continue. It's just part of the cycle of seeking not just profits but ever rising profits.

It's just more obvious lately on digital platforms because it has been kind of compressed into smaller amounts of time.

That which is free must find a way to cost.

That that makes money must find a way to make more.

And slowly but surely its takes on a fine shine. A glean seen from a distance. But when you get close you realize. "oh, its fucking shit all over it."

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Once a year? Suffer. The second time? Celebrate.

People walking around with them on is basically just their wait of saying "look at my butthole!"

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Never under estimate the outrage of a nerd.

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Never enough money. Never ever enough. The beast can never be sated.

I mean I guess its slightly reassuring. Truth is, its hard to trust a "moderator" that you paid for. Its just the nature of how shit works.

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Anytime I go to tap something on a page and it suddenly decides something hadn't loaded yet and suddenly changes whats under my finger/mouse.

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Initially you get pretty buzzed.

But that wears off. It becomes nothing but jonesing for the next one.'

The moment you are done you want another, and the anxiety builds until you feed the craving.

You're not getting anything but a very temporary relief from the need.

Source: Quit 2 years ago after over 25 years.

Its called Greysky and its default is light mode?

Here is an idea. Leave twitter. Then just ignore it.

Pour one out for all the little unsung heroes that just get shit done for years. Looking at you cheap HDMI switcher on my desk.

Better wait for the credits. Just to be safe.

Want your item. My wife will pick up later today but I'll pay via scammy method. What is your scammy method ID?

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