8 Post – 1244 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I am a Meat-Popsicle

I think tech would be a better place if it did actually go away when you deleted things. If something's not explicitly backed up people really should have no hope of bringing it back.

This is the moment the trolls have been training us for.

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Really, it depends on your definition of best.

For most intents and purposes the cheap harbor freight infrared thermometer is as good as the far more expensive models.

Weave backed ourselves into a corner for tipping. Restaurants may be convinced to pay a livable wage. But they're never going to pay the servers what they can actually make in tips.

I was about 5 years into IT, My girlfriend was waiting tables at Ruby Tuesday. Most days she made more than I did. And depending on how bad they 'adjusted' their tax claims ...

That said, some days she did basically pay to work there.

I suspect if you ask the vast majority of wait staff if they would like to be paid and livable wage or continue a tip-based system they want to stay tip based.

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A link to an article about enshittification that's just a solid paywall....


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And then don't ever, ever go public. Once you go public all the greedy people will insist that you install more greedy people.

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Demand money be removed from politics and follow through to make it happen. Make laws that no longer favor the rich.

It'll never happen, but it's what it would take.

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It's a computer in almost its simplest form.

There's almost nothing to it, the circuit diagram is easy to read, you program it literally by flipping a couple of dip switches.

It's kind of an experiment for someone wanting to get into retro computer or hardware design.

That said it's essentially useless and I would much rather buy a kit from Ben Eater start with a 6502 and make something that can actually run complex programs.

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There are compelling reasons send them 9-5

There are also compelling reasons not to

  1. Teachers spend a non-trivial amount of time post class working on previous assignments, future assignments, setting up tests coordinating with other teachers and staff. If they start all this at 5, they're stuck at the office until very late.

  2. Busses/kids on the road before rush hour

  3. Extra-curricular activities are better off earlier than later, don't want clubs running into diner time.

  4. better chance of getting home before dark in winter at Northern latitudes

16 more...

Damn, $5 sounds too cheap. I can't imagine ride to store, pick up at store during busy times and ride to the delivery to be less than 20m. That's barely minimum wage. Prob better off at $8 or $10. Still undercut rideshare rates. Then drop only if there's competition.

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That's why he wants to get back in, to finish the job and become an actual dictator.

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Elections have been rigged for a long, long time. Gerrymandering is absolutely insane. Cities with meandering sections cut off. Disadvantaged suburbs slammed into afluent areas across town to dilute the votes.

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I don't like that popes exist. I'm pretty sure if we took proper care of all people, religion would poof away in short order. That said, if popes have to exist this guy is a wonderful Pope. He's not dismantling the place from the inside or anything but he is pushing them to be decent people. He's pushing them to make more sympathetic decisions. We just look at this more shocking public statements and go well f*** yeah why doesn't everybody say this, but for him in the position where he is he doesn't have to and it's kind of a big deal that he does.

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I don't know how in the hell they let it go as wrong as they did. They had all the eyeballs of the internet. They had all the Google search traffic. They had an API that encouraged tons of other people to make applications that link with them to display their content.

All they had to do was light touch monetization, and slightly stroke the egos of the mods. Every new phone, car, light bulb that ever came out had a place where it could be directed right at the people they want to sell it to. All they had to do was disguise it as an unboxing or a slightly pithy review. Hell, they could have gotten competitors to bid against each other. Chevy could have been on there dissing forward, Ford could have been on their dissing Dodge. They're so many opportunities there for monetization. They have control over their own algorithm.

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Wait, journalist, 233 terabyte? Just what in the fuck did his life's work consist of?

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The cost of it doesn't bother me as much as the time involved. If I'm showing up and leaving at the assigned hour I'm burning 30 or 40 minutes in the car each way. Adding another 15 to 30 minutes to get ready to go in versus my just getting dressed and walking into my home office.

Driving's always subliminally stressful. The whole time you're driving your subconsciously watching the cars around you and looking for problems. Your heart rate goes up and whenever you get to your location It takes a little while to get back in your groove. There's a nonzero transition period there. The last thing I want to do after driving home for 40 minutes and heavy traffic is to barrel right into chores but there I am.

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  • Free
  • Gets the job done
  • Not in financial trouble
  • No layoffs
  • Not trying to sell you stuff
  • Not selling your watch habbits
  • Mainly develops features people want

Plex (paid):

  • Decade of development with pretty solid pay features
  • Easy sharing with friends and remote watching
  • Decent clients for almost every device and more solid transcoding
  • Fairly quick fixes for problems
  • Great intro/credit/commercial skipping
  • Only develops features that might make money
  • In the middle of layoffs
  • Centralized authentication makes is impossible to watch if offline or they're offline unless you removed local authentication before it went offline.
  • They sell your viewing habbits

Plex is super convenient and slimy

Jellyfin is pure and behind on features, clients and comforts.

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They're definitely grabbing analytics and statistics. But so is AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Apple, Amazon, Samsung, Google, Microsoft.

If the Chinese government asked any of those other companies to give them all the data they have on you in particular, They probably tell them to get bent.

But if the US government told them to do it, they would comply and then have a gag order slapped against them to keep them from telling you it happened.

Huawei is beholden to the Chinese government. So it works kind of in the opposite way.

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wth, roku was 3 years old when that patent was filed.

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How does a contract union even work? Isn't the whole point of contractors that it's a less binding temporary position that can be terminated if needed?

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They made an example of them. That judge is well enough off to be thoroughly upset that somebody might release their crooked tax documents.

Honestly I think they should slip something into the law, for this type of leak if the person was lying and you release the document proving them lying that you get a slap on the wrist.

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Mercy my ass, she does nothing but lie and makeup crazy s*** 24x7 to further her agenda. She needs to be removed from society for our own safety.

Don't undersell the FCC's rules around robocalling. No, we're still getting robocalls out the ass, but when it comes from US locations companies get their asses handed to them. The FCC is also the entity that's pushing the telcos to Make it possible to stop it from overseas sources. The new laws that went in place this year f***** up my twilio automation that was sending me SMS messages on server failures. All of a sudden I have a bunch of paperwork to fill out and a waiting list to be able to send an SMS via API.

If the FCC wasn't impeding robocalls as much as it is phones would be useless by now.

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Yeah, he's biking, assuming he's doing maintenance himself you get a LOT of miles out of a bike for very little upkeep. If he were driving it would be a losing proposition from the start.

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I guess it's for the best to keep it simple, but I kinda hate how to get anything done, we have to label it free speech. It's like we can't manage to make laws to reasonably keep people from imposing religious restrictions on the population so we have to classify everything as speech.

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At current, this is all posturing. If Biden does engage the military to stop them. Perhaps lock up the governors for treason, maybe it could escalate somewhat. If something did happen that was in the line of being more serious, it wouldn't be a long incursion as long as the military obeyed the commander in chief. The national guard is absolutely no match for even a small slice of the might of the US military.

If something does happen, hopefully they'll shut it down quickly and bloodlessly, maybe finally gather enough strength to enable some Germany type of anti-fascism laws.

We need to fix gerrymandering, we need to fix people screwing with elections. We need to put some strong protections against the propaganda and opinion pieces flowing out of all the news outlets. We need to force free non-political basic education to the entire f****** country so people can make some informed decisions about s***.

I'm tired of everybody looking at politics like it's a f****** football game.

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I have a slightly different suggestion.

Inflation is crap and the first thing to go are subscriptions that raise their prices when people are already hurting. If you want retention, keep your prices locked when users are having bad times and you're raking in record profits.

I think curation is great too, but I also think age plays a lot into individual views. A bunch of the younger guys at work were saying how they didn't want playlists and they didn't want to listen to an album, they just wanted to hit a button that knew their tastes musically and would give them a mix of familiar likes and new discoveries. The proceeded to describe a radio station to me, sans commercials. They were hot on all the music streaming and though I was crazy for wanting to spend time sorting through music.

Looking at a Spotify by age graph, the boomers dig it (because it's easy?), Gen-Z and the Younger Millennials dig it, Gen X has less than half the uptake of the other groups.

We were mixing our own tapes in our tweens and teens. We wired ourselves to find music, copy it and play it in the specific order we want.

or at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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Some people are returning it because they had expectations that using VR would be immediately comfortable. The headset is heavier and more poorly strapped/distributed than 'alternatives' but it's also graphically far more stunning. I honestly hope they stay in the game and push the competitors to up their game. maybe we can get pancake lenses, foveated rendering and eye tracking in a $1500 package.

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Definition for the lazy:

Guillain-Barré (Ghee-YAN Bah-RAY) syndrome (GBS) happens when a person's own immune system harms their body's nerves. This harm causes muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis.

I saw a case of this in a documentary, a club installed 'pretty' powder blue UVC lights everywhere and it crisped up the attendees. The UVC part of the light doesn't register to your eyes, so your pupils stay wide open and the designers added tons of it because it wasn't that bright.

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$1700? She'd have better options lined up around the block

The most significant thing they can do is to force login to watch content, DRM all video, stream the commercials in line as an indistinguishable (to the client) part of the video feed, and stagger the start and stop of each video block randomized to the individual user.

If the client gets absolutely no identification that the stream has changed, and they do a good job with the DRM, It will make it very hard for an individual user to block or skip commercials. People will still be able to screen record entire shows and use commercial skipping technology on it. It might even end up where popular channels end up getting distributed as pirated material through torrent

Realistically though, this is a losing move on their side. The people that are using ads skipping arent about to buy premium, and many if not most are not going to watch ads. They'll lose what tracking data they get from those people and they'll lose those people's engagement boosts and shares. They'll also introduce a lot of non-paying ad viewers into the pool, making their ads worth even less.

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  1. We need to cut back the bot traffic a touch. All new people coming and see are a million posts with no participation. It's good to have the content but we're kind of lacking in curation and a lot of what's coming over is not stuff we're interested in commenting on. As long as we just keep carbon copying Reddit and Twitter and the Verge and hundreds of other places, we're going to have a lot of empty post sitting around.

  2. Actual discourse and discussion needs to happen. We're fairly low on trolls currently, which is a fantastic thing. But we also don't have a lot of spicy takes either.

  3. More moderation, administration tools, better filters, easier ways to shut out bad actors. Right now the best we can do is defederate when somebody can't manage their clientele. And we're still way too bot-able.

  4. More migration tools something I can to what mastodon does if you need to move instances.

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I am completely down with paying Congress a shit ton of money, but we're going to need a zero tolerance policy on bribery and lobbying.

You're not going to get CEO payment and tips.

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God I can just see the team of little old Craftsmen widdling away at it for months forming all the toolless joints with sub-millimeter accuracy

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“We also understand the immense pressures felt across the U.S. in retail pharmacy right now,”

Translation: We've cut our staff to barebones so that the CEOs can buy their annual new yacht and won't hire enough people to man the operations.

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They were totally lined up to IPO. I think somebody told him to go all musk on it. I'm still not exactly sure how taking a big fat shit on the user communities face was supposed to impress the investors.

Hooked on a search engine? What a f****** nut job. You want to hook me on a search engine? How about give me the results I ask for without ads, without manipulation, without spam, then don't take that information of what I searched for and apply it to me until the end of days and sell it to everyone and their brother.

And honestly I can't see anyone in the company watching that presentation and not coming up with the same overall feelings.

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ventilator noises

Intubated person scribbles furiously on paper

Reads: Vaccines kill, send me home with some ivermectin