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Joined 12 months ago

This coup looks like no other in Latin American history. Even the opposition parties denounced it, and there was virtually no division in the military

Don't worry, it's only okay if the payment is made after the act is carried out. Everyone knows that corruption follows a strict order of operations, which if broken, means it's not corruption anymore!

Typing on 2 computers at once to double the speed of the hacking

Young people don't answer polling calls, and I'm personally expecting the highest under 30 vote turnout ever. No one can predict where this will go.

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"active war zone" is a bit much. There isn't fighting in the city itself, just sporadic long range strikes.

I've always said that AI will never replace quality art, just the repetitive formulaic garbage. This is a good thing.

Building HVAC engineering (equipment sizing, ducting design, etc.) has been largely handwavy bullshit for a very long time and only recently has moved towards any sort of precision. Not uncommon to find boiler plants that are 3-4 times the maximum heating load in the winter, or fans running at 100% 24/7 when code only requires half of that.

Costs just get passed on to tenants so there was never much motivation to do better, the only reason building owners are moving now is because of government regulation and incentive programs.

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[x] doubt

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Scamming has never been so quick and efficient. Thanks crypto!

YouTube is the worst with this, because they've even gone so far as to convert older videos under 1 minute to shorts. They weren't uploaded as shorts, but now congratulations you can't scrub through the video or share a timestamped link anymore.

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The fact they chose Kevin Hart to play Roland shows how little they care about the games themselves

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The proliferation of tiktok and other extremely short-form content, and parents being comfortable with their kids using it.

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Prom is really not all that special, it's a formal for high-schoolers. I could barely remember mine by the time I finished college

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3 of those 8 were shot down by patriot missiles. I like speculating too, but I would think photos of F16s operating in Ukraine would leak pretty quickly just from excited civilians or air force crew

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The dominion lawsuit has them scared, rightfully so

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I can clearly imagine the response from the Trumpers:

"Biden WANTED to convict his son so he could make it SEEM like the justice system is fair, when really its all RIGGED!!!"

The conspiracy mind is hard to crack, and while I like seeing a fair an impartial system at work I don't think it will actually sway many people who think it's corrupt.

As usual, the algorithmic media machine is trying to drum up anger and emotion because that gets clicks and ad views. There were definitely a few transphobic jokes that I was not okay with, but to say he the special is "filled" with them is a bit much.

Also the quote "I love punching down" was clearly not sincere the way he delivered it. I didn't like the special, but the outrage over it is overblown especially considering that putting it in the news will only get more people watching it.

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Obligatory fuck Ajit Pai

The old cable supplies 15V, which would fry your shaver that is expecting 5V

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The Chinese military is severely lacking in accountability and professionalism. The pilots think this kind of flying projects skill, when really it shows their incompetence.

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"no matter who wins, America loses"

That sounds like both-sides to me. Biden has done some objectively great things for Americans even with a senate fighting him for the first 2 years and a Congress for the last 2

I honestly feel a little bad for these pirates, imagine being so deluded and uneducated that you think shooting at a US navy helicopter is a good idea

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The outcome is still very much undecided, which is why it's so important that we give Ukraine all the aid we can

Plain solid black cases are everywhere, stop being lazy

Nothing of value has been lost

Road closures for oversize loads always cost money, sometimes on a per minute basis

TikTok and YouTube shorts are brain-rotting garbage, and if you use them regularly you need to stop now. Yes, even if you claim you only watch educational stuff.

Also giving a child under the age of 8 or 9 a personal internet-connected device should be seen on a similar level as neglect if not full-on abuse.

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Guy in orange doesn't really understand how to throw a punch, but my god can he take them.

This is literally just a loophole to allow foreign governments to give Trump boatloads of cash. Instead of giving him explicit gifts, you prop up the price of his worthless company's shares

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Reality often has a left-wing bias

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I used to be a kitchen trainer at McDs in high school, one of my trainees got fired on her first day without me because she couldn't remember what the different types of meat were. This was not only after spending my last 4 hours with her running through it repeatedly, but even directly after someone told her what they were she wouldn't be able to point any of them out. I felt kinda bad because she was otherwise really nice, but it really was impossible to get her to retain any information.

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Don't forget the tens of millions of Americans who stayed home because "both parties are the same"

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The strength of the gravity field at the ISS orbit (400km) is still 90% of what it is at sea level. The air thins out at high altitudes because there's less air above it pushing down, not because of weaker gravity.

Friendly reminder that YouTube music STILL doesn't have the ability to sort songs in a playlist alphabetically

You should keep your cats inside

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Child abuse

Real estate agents

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Tail sex

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ESports leagues only work when they come from the community. No amount of money will make people care about a random assortment of franchised teams

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This guy married his wife when he was 45 and she was 21 🤮

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