We're going in the wrong direction

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.websitemod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1625 points –

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YouTube is the worst with this, because they've even gone so far as to convert older videos under 1 minute to shorts. They weren't uploaded as shorts, but now congratulations you can't scrub through the video or share a timestamped link anymore.

I think there's client sided stuff to do to solve that still, I'm 90% sure on my pc shorts open as normal videos due to an add-on I added a long time ago (the most popular for modding the look and feel of it, someone definitely can add it because I'm out of the house)

EDIT: Someone who deleted their comment (saw the notification that stayed) got it right, it was Enhancer for YouTube. It's the bees' knees, very recommended for everything (except adblock, for that get uBlock origin)

Yeah don't have the name now but at least for Firefox there is an addon that just plays them as normal videos.

Hello, it's me, the one deleting their comment :))

I thought I'd be able to reply to that other comment of yours but it didn't seem to work so I'll just paste it here:

Oh interesting, I pretty much instantly deleted my comment again because I remembered seeing that the shorts thing in the enhancer was only experimental and assumed it didn't work well yet.

Can't find this comment of yours in the thread now but I can reply from the inbox :))

Youtube Enhancer is my bet. There are others but that's the most popular. Also removes ads but I'm not sure that works anymore. uBlock and GreaseMonkey with the git script is the way to go for ads, just as a public service announcement.

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If you pause the video you can scrub by dragging the end of the bar. It's terrible UX but it's technically possible

OMG! I didn't know that! Thank you! I've been having to watch videos again from the start when I accidentally navigate away.

Granted it's a short time frame but still.

You can scrub shorts on mobile (might have to pause it first), but not desktop for some reason...

It's annoying, but you can covert the garbage at the end of like the youtube.com/shorts/afaftxsdds to youtube.com/watch?v=afaftxsdds and it'll behave and be able to be interacted with like a normal video.

Anyone wanna make a firefox plugin or something for this?

I'd be very surprised if there aren't a bunch already. Have you looked? This behavior doesn't apply to any of my usecases so I wouldn't know.

Considering you just have to change a word I wonder why did they implement the features that people want and lock it behind a word change. What am I saying thinking more about this is just making the mistake of assuming morons don't exist.

They fucking what!?

Anyway, the "Enhancer for YouTube" addon has an option to force a normal player for the shorts.

Now that you mention it I sometimes forget I have YouTube enhancer until I stop and remember oh wait YouTube isn't normally monochromatic blue. Man I had too much fun redesigning my YouTube css.

Wait, even videos that aren't in the vertical aspect ratio? I've got an 18 second video posted to Youtube and I'm going to be quite put out if they crop it and shart it out as a "short."

The timestamp no, but the scrub works. I think on TikTok creators could disable that, not sure if YouTube offer that.

And the timestamp thing yeah... Although for so short videos to me is not that annoying. But yeah sucks.

In any case can you share an example of this converted videos? I have never seen it.

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