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Joined 1 years ago

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If you are on VPN they cannot know shit. Only that you use a VPN... So either they are detecting the VPN and lying about what they know or you fucked up setting the VPN and the torrentina doesn't go through the VPN.

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Da fuck....

Waiting for the movie btw 🍿.

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Stop man... You had me at cat blanket, no need to say anything else, I will continue from home.

Avoids misclicks from opening stuff by mistake just for that alone is worth it to me.

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With humans aswell and robots!

I am fine with it but I feel they should have alternatives. Some people don 't have a device, connection. Or have issues with using technology for whatever reason, being old, incapacitated, etc.

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No offense but if they can do that you have to blame your government not the ISP.... as those are the ones allowing this to happen.

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Because sms respects my time. I can check it when I can I do not need to stop everything I am doing for it. A call doesn't, I have to stop everything to pick it up.

More like blackmail, specially after this warning.

The glass onion?

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Uhm... But I am a proctologist....

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Do you guys not have phones?

Said the Phone/ISPs top earning guys while looking at their bank accounts extracts.

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A 4K USD electronic device that's what they bought....if they needed its features not sure but... that's what they bought.

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I mean, apart from the sanitation, education, and medicine... Oh, and don't forget the wine! They did give us that, too!

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Maybe they will finally finish the transition from having slaves to not having slaves.

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All we need is some way to guarantee valve doesn't become public.

I am hoping for aperture science to find a immortality solution for Gabe.

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Or radioactive ☢️ like in some sad stories of the past.

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That's what AI would do after being trained with those drawings 😂

could hint at new physics.

Nice a new update it's dropping.

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I mean I wouldn't allow you either, that card is magnificent and the fact the picture shown online is not a generic card is more magnificent. Removing it from anywhere should be a sacrilege.

Waiting for Elon to buy it an rename Twitter again.

It's a crash report thingy. https://www.acra.ch/

But but but.... Hear me out... Ice Tea with Ice Cubes is nice.

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To be fair last time I checked Germany isn't all Europe. They did try once tough....we prefer not talk about it too much nowadays tough.

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Not sure if this would help or not but what I want is to own my user, so I can bring it anywhere and not worry if an instance goes down since I own the user. Similar to email with your own domain, the provider I use for email could go down but I have control to the domain/email so I can switch to something else, but keep my user.

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Well yeah...gotta sell the DLCs same happens with other games like the Sims.

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Why wouldn't it be legal? You are using their product and they put out a notification on it asking if you want to use one of their products. Why would that be illegal!?

Like I understand people not liking it, but illegal?

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Vim user: What are arrows?

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That he doesn't leave home and work from home? So the sun doesn't gets to him...Idk....

Wait... They add advertising in the middle of shows? I thought it would be at the beginning, between episodes, on the UI, etc.

If we don't take action soon eventually all events will be hosted/created by Geoff Keighley.

A much better name that's for sure. Although maybe slightly too generic.

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As their lawyer, we are refraining from disclosing further details at this time.

Nah this will be something related with Satan and 666 and hell and so on.

The 6 Gs of the apocalypse. G G G G G G

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Wtf is shudder!?

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The end is near, The end is near, the time has come. No escape found, As we witness the damage we've done.

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The "they'll convert it all into affordable housing" part I wouldn't be so sure about it. 😅 Some might just abandoned it if no body wants it.

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