Ann Archy

2 Post – 1027 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I break things. Then I put them back together. Then I break them again. Just to show I mean business.

Let's not give this absolute nobody media space please...

Maybe Maybe there's something seriously wrong with the Universe? Why is it always US who are wrong?

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Poverty will never be eradicated, what kind of nonsense is that? The poverty is a feature of capitalism, not a bug.

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Which, as we know, is not supposed to happen.

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I wonder how many products you've bought in your life were made by child labor.

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Yeah but pipe down about it during jury selection, they screen for us.

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No, we all know why.

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Personally, as a non-car owning person, I love how I have to stick to the narrow patch of walkway next to roads where I get to inhale exhaust fumes whether I like it or not, have to stop and yield to oncoming traffic when looking to cross the road, and leave my life and personal safety in the hands of people I don't know and pray they pay attention and don't hit me.

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You know your country is a failure when the perpetrator of a previous coup attempt is allowed to run for office again like nothing happened.

Can you use those 2A rights to defend against tyranny anytime soon or does that only cover school shootings and gang violence?

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Ah, yes, "recalibrate" to a dictatorship. Republicans LOVE muslims!

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Salvation army fed me when I was living on the streets, and they treated me with kindness and respect, that's all I know.

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"We just wish we could have destroyed a bigger part of society and caused additional policy disasters... Sometimes I wonder if we are really evil anymore..."

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How to make line assembled pop music even more sterile and devoid of soul. Now at one thousandth the cost! But wait, how are CEOs going to molest child artists when they aren't real?!

Tell me you're South African without you know.

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But will the revolution?

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What I really love about commercials is that if I click on them and order a life time subscription of whatever product they're selling, I'm still gonna get the same commercials.

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Can we have something nice here please? I miss when the internet was nice, and you were allowed to talk to each other about whatever you wanted.


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I would identify as ANYTHING before as a republican

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I don't believe shit they say, if they say "go ahead and tax me" it's because they've got a way out so they won't have to, somehow.

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So basically, the more people who believe in the value of some thing, the more that thing holds actual value?

There's literally no difference. We could be trading with sea shells if we found utility in it.

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Everyone is puzzled. What on Earth could have caused this? The answer to the mystery keeps eluding scientists!

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"Intel Inside!" wasn't a seal of quality, it was a warning.

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WELCOME TO FINANCE! There are no rules, and if we break them, we remake them!

This is a case where I literally both hate the player and the game.

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Kid was obviously drunk, that's why his dad kept him from the cops, so he would have time to sober tf up for the breathalyzer.

Castrate people like this.*


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I'm making four flights soon with the Boeing 737 Max 8. I'm sure the software is probably all updated and debugged properly.

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Sony is one of the vilest corporations out there.

Fuckers literally installed rootkits on customers' computers (across the board, you listen to a CD on your computer- bam) to police DRM.

Check "Sony Rootkit Scandal", they got caught and were sued... yet here we are. Again.

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What third world shit is that? You can't vote if you've been convicted of a felony? That's some medieval thinking right there, god the US is a hopeless barbaric mess only thinly disguised as a democracy.

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AI won't take over the world. The people who own and control the AI will take over the world.

"Decomposing babies"

Can we just disband Israel already...




destructive to both sides in a conflict

This goes in my mind pocket!

Though I suppose this tactic works whichever class you belong to, and the upper one has the advantage right now by far.

* is there no way to get new line only on lemmy? It's either single line or dual line (all on one line or one on every second line)?

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All of them, soon enough. Light bulb companies realized a long time ago that selling quality products is a self-defeating game, you want either planned obsolescence, or sell a "service" through a permanent subscription model.

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Europe's governments are doing a pretty tight job, I feel personally. Actually a LOT of proper handling of issues. I'm surprised over the decades, honestly. I voted no to EU back then, but now I'd see it as an obvious yes, even if this or that cunt got rich in the process. It's still a sane fucking system, it's just under attack from organized trolls with nukes.

Oh, THIS towel advice gets love, sure, I see how it is. Towelists.

Low educated people are more prone to being superstitious. End of conversation.

E: Oh, right, it also gets much worse if you hardcore propagandize it.

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I don't hate the technology, I hate the corporate fascists using it to further erode human culture and turn the planet into generic brand toothpaste.

Putting carrots in shoes by the fireplace is the most Netherlandsly thing I have ever heard.

You guys are so harmlessly weird.

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We are? Pretty sure I ain't.

Literally what I write in every "Other reason: " box any time some rando software decides to entitle itself the privilege to open up browser pages on my machine.

You could say those kids were cured.

The inmate was pronounced dead at 6:39 p.m. local time, 15 minutes after the chemicals began flowing.


A run of the mill school shooter could kill a whole high school in that time and with less agony.

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