necrulemancy to – 676 points –

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Putting carrots in shoes by the fireplace is the most Netherlandsly thing I have ever heard.

You guys are so harmlessly weird.

reads post about potentially racist Christmas characters and violence due to disagreements over this racism

Calls them harmlessly weird ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I'm just joking but found that kind of funny :)

I'm so kooky, just putting this shoe polish all over my face.

So quirky, heading out to be a Christmas minstrel.

Too zany, punching some protesters that want me to stop.

Excentrically tattooing swastikas on my face.

edit: jesus, "Christmas minstrels" was not something I expected from the jolly season.

Hm? That is not an article I have read. All I know is something about resurrected pickle babies. And carrots.

Ah, the comment you mean! Well, I'm glad I stopped reading before that part. It's the only way to stay sane nowadays.

You Santa-worshippers don't leave anything for his reindeer? Poor things.