
8 Post – 1086 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Mostly harmless

I wish them the best of luck. Not that they have any chance of success but the more damage they cause to the Russian army, the better

45 more...

Us older folks automatically hit save every few minutes. But not saving days worth of work is asking for trouble.

39 more...

Every accusation is a confession, as per standard procedure.

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And is that huge 3D printer in the room with us now?

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None of this is accidental or a failure of the system. The system works as designed.

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What's next? North Korea as chair of the human rights forum?

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I think Musk is caught up so deeply in his far right delusions by now that rethinking anything is just not on the cards.

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It's called "not being completely blinded by short-sighted greed".

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I wouldn't recommend Arch to Linux beginners, though. It'll take quite a bit of tinkering to get to work and you have to develop a pretty detailed understanding of the whole thing. Which is absolutely fine, of course, if this is what you want to do. But if you just want something that works with minimal hassle, try Mint.

40 more...

More proof that smoking restricts blood flow to the brain. If any were needed.

They have a plan alright. They want to throw the US into chaos so their overlord in the Kremlin can continue his miserable existence a bit longer. Anyone who votes for these fuckers is a traitor.

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At this point I really don't understand why anyone would put a camera in their home that's connected to a server they don't control.

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As a gay black man...

You could put them in a sack and hit the sack with a stick. You'd never hit the wrong guy.

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BRB, gotta wash out my eyes with bleach now.

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But a lot of shareholder value was created! Won't anybody think of the poor shareholders?

Because the system is set up so that the powerful can fuck over the powerless in any way they want.

The system is set up deliberately to prevent doing what the voters want.

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Oh noes! Innovation is being stifled by excessive regulation!

Do you have a few minutes to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Linus Torvalds?

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Managers are managers because they're good at playing power games, not because they're good at their jobs. These games are harder to play if people aren't there. That's why they're so scared.

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They should stop buying avocado toast and make their coffee at home!

Actually, no. We're not laughing. We're horrified. It would be funny if this wasn't the most powerful country on earth about to once again give command of the most powerful military on earth to a certified moron and clinical psychopath. If this was happening in Liechtenstein or Andorra, it would be funny.

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That headline could have been written any time throughout the last century. Egypt, and all other Arab nations for that matter have never given a flying fuck about the Palestinians.

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Now, I don't want to be too picky, but her being alive would be nice.

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Good opportunity for the new polish government to show that they're actually sane.

So how on earth is it possible to elect a well known and blatantly obvious national security risk as president? I guess national security is only important when it comes to persecuting people who question the system.

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I never understood why the guy went back to Russia after they tried to murder him last time. There was really no other outcome that could realistically be expected. Was he really so keen on being a martyr?

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I love this idea. The reason people continue using Windows is because they're used to it. Messing with the Start button is going to piss off even the most patient users. Not to mention it'll be an absolute nightmare for any IT department. Just imagine an army of Karens calling your hotline first thing on Monday morning, yelling at you because you took away the Start button. It'll make Windows 8 look like a huge success.

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"Maybe baby" definitely needs to be a thing.

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McDonald's is a real estate company. Their business model is to extract the maximum amount of profit it is their franchisees, which are for the most part also their tenants. Nonetheless I don't really see the logic of acting so blatantly against the interests of their franchisees and customers. Unless of course they get huge kickbacks from the manufacturer.

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The entitlement is strong in that one.

AI in healthcare could have innumerable benefits, if it was primarily viewed as a means to improve quality. But we all know that it will be seen as a cost cutting tool first and foremost. The consequences are pretty predictable.

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There was this girl at my office who I thought was kind of nice and I think she thought I was kind of nice too. Then one day she said something totally out of the blue about how the Jews control everything. Last time I ever l spoke to her unless it was strictly professional.

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Because they enjoy killing people and they're pretty certain they'll get away with it.

Cool. That'll be a fun trainwreck to watch.

Subjugating yourself to a grifter and then whining about being grifted is just so Republican.

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He's a libertarian. That means he thinks he can do whatever the fuck he wants but will squeal like a stuck pig at the slightest sign of pushback.

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What a hero! He's just a few child rapes away from becoming a republican senator.

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Drawing up arrest lists like any self respecting fascist would.