What are some careless things said that have killed a conversation for you?

ALostInquirer@lemm.ee to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 107 points –

Whether it's foot in mouth, a sudden heavy subject, or some utter nonsense that you don't know how to process, what's something that's come up in an otherwise alright conversation that's stopped it dead in its track for both of you?


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There was this girl at my office who I thought was kind of nice and I think she thought I was kind of nice too. Then one day she said something totally out of the blue about how the Jews control everything. Last time I ever l spoke to her unless it was strictly professional.

This reminds me of the episode of Nathan For You where he records a first date that a couple go on and it just looks like a cute bowling date and then at the end of the episode while the credits roll he reveals the audio of the date and that the girl was going off about 9/11 conspiracy theories the whole time.

They even control a space laser and shoot it at innocent flies. This is how fireflies are created.

I really thought this was a joke conspiracy theory until I learned people actually believe in Jews controlling everything.

Add that to the list of "things right-wingers are irrationally afraid of, but actually sound kind of awesome"

(I mean the fireflies thing, not the Jews controlling everything thing)

I admit, I made the fireflies up this morning.

I hardly can fathom the fear and disinformation bubble you must be in that you actually believe this nonsense. I mean, I come from the country of conspiracy theories (Germans are actually quite good at inventing this), and I love a good story to laugh about.